
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas(睡衣) playing in the mud,with empty food boxes and wrappers thrown all around the front yard.

    The door of his wife's car was open,as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.

    Walking into the entry,he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring(大声播放)a cartoon channel,and the family room was thrown with toys and various items of clothing.

    In the kitchen,dishes filled the sink,breakfast food was spilled on the counter,the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor,a broken glass lay under the table,and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.

    He quickly headed up the stairs,stepping over toys and more piles of clothes,looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill,or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small drop of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he looked inside he found wet towels, soap and more toys thrown over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap(堆) and toothpaste had been put over the mirror and walls.

    As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still sleeping in the bed in her pajamas,reading a novel. She looked up at him,smiled,and asked how his day went. He looked at her puzzled and asked, “What happened here today?”

    She again smiled and answered,“You know every day when you come home from work and ask me what in the world I did today?”

    “Yes,” was his reply.

    She answered,“Well,today I didn't do it.”

(1)、When the man got home from work, he found     .

A、everything was in good order B、the house was in a great mess C、his wife was seriously ill in bed D、his car and house were broken into
(2)、What can we know from the passage?

A、The dog was opening the door of the car. B、The children were playing in the room. C、The TV set was on,broadcasting a children's program. D、The fridge door was left open with dog food in it.
(3)、What did the man think might have happened?

A、There must have been a thief. B、He must have forgotten to lock the door. C、An important guest must have come. D、His wife must have fallen ill.
(4)、The wife didn't do the housework     .

A、because she hated it B、because she was tired of it C、to show the importance of her job D、to show her anger with her husband

    One morning, my newspaper wasn't delivered on time. Since I always brought it to work, it upset me that I would have to pick one up on my way to work. After breakfast, I was already running late, but figured I could make it if I hurried.

    As I pulled into the parking lot of the store, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair who seemed to be struggling. “Someone else will stop and help him,” I thought.

    However, no one stopped. I got out, and walked over to see what the trouble was.

    “Is there anything I can do?” I asked. It was then that I noticed he wasn't able to speak, and was still struggling with the chair.

    I looked down at the chair and noticed that the clamps (夹具) holding the electronic keyboard had apparently become loose causing the equipment to slip down, out of his reach.

    I pulled it back into place and then re-tightened the clamps. He hit a key on the keyboard. An electronic voice told me, “Thank you.” He then found the control that steered (操纵) the chair, turned and left.

    I got back in my car and headed off to work, completely forgetting my newspaper. As I drove, I felt a deep gratitude (感激). I was truly blessed to have the physical abilities that allow me to live a normal life. Here was this young man who relied on machines to get around and communicate. He probably dreamed about doing all the things that I thought were normal and simple.

    It's funny; fifteen minutes before that happened, I was whining because my morning paper hadn't arrived on time. I was glad I helped the young man, because he helped me gain a new viewpoint on everything I had in my life.


    Peruvian novelist, Mario Vargas Llosa, who received Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010, is one of the central writers in Latin America, but he began his literary career in Europe.

    Mario Vargas Llosa was born in Arequipa, but from age one he lived in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where he was brought up by his mother and grandparents after his parents separated. However, Vargas Llosa once said that "I feel very much an Arequipan".He also spent some time in Piura, northern Peru (1945~1946).

    Vargas Llosa attended Leoncio Prado Military Academy (1950~1952), and Colegio Nacional San Miguel de Piura (1952), Peru. In 1955 he married Julia Urquidi; they divorced in 1964.From 1955 to 1957 Vargas Llosa studied literature and law at the University of San Marcos, Peru. He then attended post-graduate school at the University of Madrid, Spain, where he received his Ph.D.in 1959.

    In the 1950s, while still a student, Vargas Llosa worked as a journalist for La Industria. His first collection of short stories, LOSJEFES, appeared in 1959."I liked Faulkner but I imitated Hemingway, "he said later. Vargas Llosa moved to Paris because he felt that in Peru he could not earn his living as a serious writer. Although the boom of Latin American fiction in the 1960s opened doors to some authors for commercial success, the great majority of Peruvian writers suffered from the problems of the country's publishing industry. In France Vargas Llosa worked as Spanish teacher, journalist and broadcaster. From the late 1960s Vargas Llosa worked as a visiting professor at many American and European universities. In 1970 Vargas Llosa moved to Barcelona and five years later he settled back in Peru. Most of his novels are set in Peru.

    In addition to the Nobel Prize, Vargas Llosa has received many other honors. Among the most notable are Leopoldo Alas Prize (1959), Peruvian National Prize (1967) and Miguel de Cervantes Prize (1994).


    Earlier this month, two rock climbers achieved what many thought impossible: They climbed up the 3,000-foot-high Dawn Wall in Yosemite National Park without specialized equipment. Climbing without this equipment is called "free-climbing." Until now, no one had free-climbed to the top of the rock face, which is a part of the mountain EI Capitan.

    EI Capitan, which means "the captain" or "the chief" in Spanish, has always presented a challenge to climbers. But the Dawn Wall, on the mountain's southeast face, is a particularly difficult route to the summit (顶峰). It is a rock formation that is both steep and relatively smooth. This makes free-climbing the rock face seem almost impossible.

    About seven years ago, professional climber Tommy Caldwell spotted a possible route up the wall. It took years of planning and preparation, but this month, Caldwell, 36, and his friend Kevin Jorgeson, 30, finally make the climb.

    Free climbers do use ropes and other basic safety equipment to catch them if they fall — and Caldwell and Jorgeson fell often. Before starting their climb, they broke down their route into 32 sections. Each section was based on a rope length called a "pitch." The rope was secured into the rock face to catch the climbers if they fell.

    Caldwell and Jorgeson's goal was to climb the Dawn Wall without returning to the ground. If they fell, they had to start that pitch all over again. The two men started climbing on December 27. They slept in hanging tents, and a team of friends brought them food each day.

    The men had spent years rehearsing (排练) the movements it would take to get through each pitch. They made it through the first half of the climb relatively easily. But halfway up, Jorgeson ran into trouble. In one difficult spot, he fell each time he attempted to climb. After 10 days of trying, Jorgeson finally made it to the next pitch.

    Getting through that troublesome pitch gave both climbers renewed energy. They finished the rest of the climb five days later, on January 14.

