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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Apple is to open a research lab in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, according to Tim Cook, its chief executive, as it seeks to boost sales in the country and improve ties with the authorities.

    Beijing has been encouraging foreign technology companies to carry out more high-end work on the mainland as part of efforts to revitalize local industry.

    It will be Apple's second facility in China. It already has a new research and development facility in Beijing.

    The two R&D centers were “aimed at strengthening relationships with local partners and universities as we work to support talent development across the country”, Apple said in a statement.

    A closer relationship with the Chinese authorities has been a priority following setbacks for the US technology company this year.

    The iPhone has been losing market share to high-end handsets made by local competitors including Huawei, Vivo and Oppo, which topped the rankings in the second quarter, while Apple languished in fifth place, according to Canalys data.

    Analysts said the announcement of the R&D centre was Mr. Cook's latest attempt to gain favour with Beijing, following the US group's $1billion investment in Didi Chuxing, the Chinese car-hailing company, in May.

    Apple has had to change its approach in China as it faces rising nationalism and high-quality local competition, according to Ge Jia, a tech blogger, who wrote yesterday: “It's time for Apple to cast aside their pride.” “Their previous strategy of only selling devices to China without leaving anything behind is not working any more and they are starting their process of localisation in China through the Shenzhen lab.”

(1)、Apple is going to open a research lab in Shenzhen to _____________.

A、promote Shenzhen's economy B、promote its sales in China C、get help of Chinese experts D、join in local competition
(2)、Which of the following is true?

A、There is only one research facility in China. B、Apple has always been in good relationship with Chinese authorities. C、Huawei has ranked to No.1 in the second sales quarter. D、Apple is changing its strategy in order to boost sales.
(3)、What caused Apple's sales in China to fall?

A、Its bad quality and high price. B、Nationalism and high-quality local competition. C、Out-of-date design and false advertisement. D、Chinese government's ban on purchase.
(4)、According to Ge Jia, what is Apple's previous sales approach in China?

A、taking part in high-quality local competition. B、choosing certain customers in China. C、only selling devices. D、selling devices as well as technology.

    Most people agree that honesty is a goodthing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can't talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive.

    Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. For example, a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young. When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest, the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the "hurt" adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.

    Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays are also thieves.They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.

    Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They don't make nests(鸟巢). Instead, they get into other birds' nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds come out, their adoptive parents feed them.

    Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimp will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimp puts out its hand, too, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winner's hand and start fighting again.

    Chimps are sneaky in other ways, too. When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out. Then other chimps come running. But some clever chimps learn to cryvery softly when they find food. That way, other chimps don't hear them,  and they don't need to share their food.

    As children, many of us learn the saying "You can't fool Mother Nature." But maybe you can't trust her,either.


    Home Laundry Automatic Dryer Product

    Full Two Year Warranty(保修)

    Limited Five Year Warranty on Cabinet(机箱)

    Warranty Provides for:

    FIRST TWO YEARS Amana will repair or replace any faulty part free of charge.

    THIRD THRU FIFTH YEARS Amana will provide a free replacement part for any cabinet which proves faulty due to rust(生锈).

    Warranty Limitations:

    Warranty begins at date of original purchase.

    Applies only to product used within the United States or in Canada if product is approved by Canadian Standards Association when shipped from factory.

    Products used on a commercial or rental basis not covered by this warranty.

    Service must be performed by an Amana servicer.

    Adjustments covered during first year only.

Warranty Does Not Cover It If:

    Product has damage due to product change,connection to an improper electrical supply> shipping and handling, accident, fire, floods, lightning or other conditions beyond the control of Amana.

    Product is improperly installed(安装)or applied.

    Owner's Responsibilities:

    Provide sales receipt.

    Normal care and repair.

    Having the product reasonably accessible for service.

    Pay for service calls related to product installation or usage instructions.

    Pay for extra service costs, over normal service charges, if servicer is requested to perform service outside servicer^ normal business hours.

    In no event shall Amana be responsible for consequential damages(间接损坏).

    This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have others which vary from state to state For example, some states do not allow the exclusion(排除)or limitation of consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.


    A recent study surveyed 5,000 British families about their experiences with volunteering and their mental health. Participants completed the same survey every two years from 1996 to 2008.

    About 20 percent of the survey participants reported doing regular unpaid work Researchers found that these volunteers also scored highest on their mental health scores. The two were linked so directly that the more a person volunteered, the happier they were.

    One could argue a chicken-and-egg theory: happier people are more likely to have the time, money, energy and resources to give back to others. But even when researchers adjusted for education, social class and total health, the link was there, suggesting that the mental increase came from volunteering and not the other way around.

    According to Dr. Stephen G. Post, author of The Hidden Gifts of Helping, when you help others, your brain releases feel-good chemicals, which can help cells repair themselves and grow. And this translates to better health.

    So volunteering can help improve both your physical and mental health—on one condition. You have to mean it. People who volunteered for "self-oriental" reasons, either because they were forced to do so for work or school or because they were trying to get away from problems in their lives, had a mortality(死亡率)risk that was similar to those who didn't volunteer at all. It was only when people were volunteering out of a true sense of sympathy that they saw any health benefits.

    So whether it's arranging books at the library or walking dogs at the animal shelter, find a cause that's important to you and give it a try. Volunteering is a good way to develop a sense of connection that not only helps your community, but may also be good for you.


    Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of France's most important tourist sites are being gradually destroyed. Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not survive for future generations.

    The mountain, believed to have once been a site for prayer, is scattered (散布) with 4,000-year-old drawings cut into bare rock. They include pictures of cows with horns, cultivated fields and various gods and goddesses. But as the popularity of the site increases, the pictures are being ruined by thoughtless graffiti (涂鸦).

    Jean Clottes is the chairman of the International Committee on Rock Art. He says, "People think that because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be there. But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing left in 50 years."

    He describes seeing tourists stamping on the drawings, wearing away the rock and definition (清晰) of the artwork as they do so. Some visitors, he says, even cut off parts to take home as souvenirs. "When people think they can't take a good enough photograph, they rub the drawings to get a clearer picture," he said. "The drawings are polished by the weather, and if the sun is shining and the visitors can't see them properly they simply rub them to make them look fresher." Other researchers describe how people arrive carrying long sticks with sharp ends to scratch (刮) their own drawings, or even their names, in the rocks.

    But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings. Henry de Lumley, director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, believes that the only way to save the site is to turn the whole mountain into a "no-go" area, preventing the public from going there except on guided tours. Otherwise, he says, not only will the site be completely destroyed but important research work will be reduced.

    Clottes disagrees, "The measure suggested by Henry de Lumley is the most severe, and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about protests from people who live there," he said. "The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture, and we must do as much as possible to save what is there."

    David Lavergne, the regional architect, also wants to avoid closing the site. "Henry de Lumley's idea isn't ideal," he said. "Our department feels that the best solution is to let people look at the site, but because the area is very big it is difficult to prevent visitors from damaging it. I would prefer that everyone was able to look at it, but the main problem is money. We do not have the funds to employ the necessary number of guards. We may have to consider charging a fee. It doesn't seem to be possible to get the government support."


Kajal moved to the United States in February 2017. Having previously volunteered for two years as an assistant yoga teacher in her home country, Kajal was enthusiastic about volunteering and began looking for volunteer opportunities that match her interests on VolunteerMatch. "I enjoy volunteering and it's a way to make an impact in my new community," says Kajal.

Kajal was drawn to a volunteer opportunity with the Meridian International Center to review applications on behalf of the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI). Kajal had previous experience, and the position also afforded her the opportunity to work remotely. After connecting with the opportunity on VolunteerMatch and successfully completing the application process, Kajal got to work. Her role involved reviewing applications from potential candidates for a four-week fellowship in the U.S. She was responsible for describing the business ideas presented by these candidates, assessing the social impact of their businesses, and determining the strength of candidates to carry out their plans.

With almost 4,000 applicants in 2017, Meridian International Center considers volunteers like Kajal to be integral (必要的) members of the team. With help from volunteers, 250 candidates have now been selected to take part in the program and will travel to the U.S. this fall.

Kajal says that this volunteer opportunity super-charged her existing skills, while helping her build new ones such as time management, business analysis, decision-making, planning, and presenting.

She is now looking for her next volunteer opportunity and reflects positively on her experience with Meridian International Center, "A new country brings in a lot of new experiences and volunteering helped me to settle into a new environment," adds Kajal. "By helping others, I felt needed in society. Not only did it improve my self-esteem (自尊), other people benefited too. Volunteering is a great opportunity to improve yourself, others, and the whole society".

