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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新人教版2020-2021学年高中英语必修第三册Unit 4 单元测评习题


Over the next 50 years, we are going to send more and better robots to Mars.  There is a limit to what robots can tell us, though, so eventually we will have to send people to study the planet.

Before people can visit Mars, we need to invent a spaceship that can take us there.  Depending on where Mars and Earth are in their orbits around the sun, it could take between six months to a year to get there.

The moon is much closer, and we were there more than 40 years ago. Over the next 10 years, we are going to work on building a new spacecraft.

Once we return to the moon, we are going to build a station so that people can live and work on the moon for months at a time. This is important so that we have a place to start from when we want to visit Mars.

By the time you are old enough to be an astronaut, we will have people spending months on the moon. By the time you are old enough to be a commander of a space mission, we will be taking trips to Mars. By the time your kids are old enough to be astronauts, we may have people living on Mars. Wouldn't it be cool to get a postcard from someone who was building a house on Mars?

A. Mars is very far away.

B. People will go to live on Mars one day.

C. Wouldn't it be cooler if it was you who sent the postcard?

D. Using this craft, we will practice the skills we need to go to Mars.

E. Those robots will send back better pictures, maps, and weather reports.

F. It would be possible for us to go to Mars in a spacecraft in the near future.

G. However, it is also important because it gives us practice with living away from Earth.


    How can we all get more laughter into our lives? Here is what the experts suggest:


    Nancy Alguire, a teacher in Clifton Park, N.Y. was once painfully shy and she seldom laughed. Then she married a circus clown (小丑). “I became interested in the clowns,” she recalls,“ One day I put on a costume and paint my face. That afternoon my whole life changed. I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before.” {#blank#}2{#/blank#} To this day, she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing.


    It doesn't take you too much time and can be easy. Collect favorite cartoons and jokes. Also, keep a paper for writing down humor you find in everyday life.“Good ideas come and go fast, you have to capture them quickly or they are gone,” says Virginia Tooper.

Laugh when you need it most.

    “{#blank#}4{#/blank#}” says comedian Bill Cosby.“And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it,” he insists.

    Gray Alan, a sociology professor at the University of Minnesota, claims that laughter is a skill we can all gain—because it comes naturally. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Just remember: we are just here for a period, so get a few laughs.

A. You can soften the worst blows through humor.

B. Mix with people who laugh.

C. Practise the art of laughing.

D. Keep a laughter file.

E. He who laughs last laughs best.

F. But it's also something that has to be developed.

G. People's joy can affect those around them.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    While serious training is important for all dogs, playtime is just as important. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Use these games to help teach your dog how to play.

1). Hide and Seek

    Hide and seek isn't just for kids. Dogs can really enjoy this game. Pick up one of your dog's favorite toys or treats. Tell your dog to stay. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} When you are ready, call your dog to come to you. If possible, squeak (使吱吱叫) the toy or shake the treats. Reward your dog with praise and the toy or treat when she finds you.

2). Fetch

    Many dogs have a natural ability to fetch. Other dogs can be taught how. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Play indoors with a soft toy or outdoors in a fenced-in area with a ball or disc. For dogs that really love to run, try this game of fetch!

3). Find the Treat

    Dogs have superior senses of smell, and most love to use their noses to find food. Let your dog use her brain and her nose to find hidden goodies. First, have your dog stay out of sight. Then, hide her favorite treats in various places around the room. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If help is needed, you can lead her around or point to areas for her to explore.

Whatever the game, safety comes first! Remember to watch your dog for signs of exhaustion or overheating when you are playing. Stop if your dog seems tired or shows signs of anxiety. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} When other dogs or people are around, it may create a dangerous distraction.

A. Then, go to find a good hiding place.

B. Try different games to see which your dog responds to best.

C. A good game of fetch can be played almost anywhere.

D. You can include games in training as well.

E. Also be aware of your surroundings when playing with your dog.

F. Encourage your dog to play with other dogs.

G. Bring your dog back in and tell her to “go find!”


A lot of benefits can be seen from getting enough rest, but for many of us, falling asleep can be challenging. There's plenty of advice about what to do to fall asleep.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here're some pre-bedtime activities that could be hurting your chance of sleeping well.

    Exercise/Take a hot shower

    Exercise is a vital activity for your health. It can actually contribute to getting better - quality sleep. The problem, though, is that exercising within three hours of bedtime or taking a bath too close to the bedtime can raise your body temperature, and make it more difficult to fall asleep.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Watch TV/Surf the web

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The bright lights of these screens can hold back the development of what promotes sleep. So close that laptop and turn off the TV about an hour before bed.


Whatever schoolwork it is, it can certainly wait until morning. Getting work clown stimulates(刺激)your brain and can cause you unneeded stress一pretty much the opposite of what you want to feel if you're trying to fall asleep !

    Read interesting stories

Many people have done this: you're reading a really interesting novel arid suddenly it's 2 a. m.! Reading an interesting book before bed will make it difficult to fall asleep.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Perhaps you need the most boring thing imaginable to read!

B.Screen time before bed can disturb your ability to fall asleep.

C.Exercising or bathing, then, is best left for earlier in the day.

D.Realize the power of a good night's sleep.

E.Solve conflicts before you go to bed.

F.But what about not to do?

G.Busying yourself with work.


    Trophies( 奖 杯 ) were once rare things.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Trophies and prizes are almost a given. One Maryland summer program gives awards every day and each player gets one. Trophy sales are now a $3 billion-a-year industry in the United States and Canada.

    Some research has been done on the effects of praise and awards on kids. Although kids can be highly driven by awards, nonstop recognition does not inspire children to succeed.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University, found that kids respond positively to praise; they enjoy hearing that they're talented, smart and so on. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Disappointed by their failure, they say they'd rather cheat than risk failing again.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, even if they are good at something; they've got to get used to that to keep going. When children make mistakes, our job should not be to make up those losses into decorated victories. Instead, our job is to help kids overcome failures, to help them see that progress over time is more important than a particular win or loss.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. We also have to stop letting the Trophy Industry run our children's lives.

A. Let's fight for a kid's right to lose

B. Instead, it can cause them to underachieve

C. To do that, we need to refuse all the meaningless prizes

D. Kids are going to lose more often than they win in life

E. But today they began to be mass-produced, marketed and sold in stores

F. They will know improvement, character and hard work are to be valued

G. But after such praise, they break down at the first experience of difficulty


    The most successful people all have certain habits in their daily routines. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Forming a new good habit can be a struggle, but it is well worth the effort. Here are the four steps you can follow to form good habits.

    Set your goal.

    Before you can begin to work on your new habit, it is worthwhile to consider your goal.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Make sure that your goal is specific, measurable and realistic to increase your chances of success.


    Having good habits that are in line with the goals can improve your chances of achieving your goals. After you have set your goal and worked out all of the specifics (细节) of achieving that goal, find a habit that is part of achieving that goal. Consider what good habit would help you achieve that goal.

    Consider your motivation.

    Once you have identified your goal and the new habit you need to achieve this goal, take some time to consider your motivation.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Good motivation can be the difference between success and failure in terms of forming a new habit. So take your time to consider your motivation.

    Give yourself time.

    Forming a new habit can take a long time. Some people can form a new habit in as little as a few weeks, while other people will take several months. As you work to form your new habit, just keep in mind that it may be a while before it comes true. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Identify ways to achieve goals.

B. Find the habit you want to form.

C. Good habits are sure to make you a success.

D. These habits help contribute to their success.

E. Figure out exactly what you hope to achieve.

F. Try to be patient with yourself as you form your new habit.

G. Your motivation is the reason you want to form this new habit.


    The most universal facial expression is the smile --its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. A smile says, "I like you. You make me happy."

    That's why dogs make such a hit. They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    A baby's smile has the same effect. Have you ever been in a doctor's, waiting room and looked around at all the sad faces waiting impatiently to be seen? There were six or seven patients waiting when a young woman came in with a nine-month-old baby. She sat down next to a gentleman who was more than a little impatient about the long wait for service. The baby just looked up at him with that great big smile that is so characteristic of babies,{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Soon he struck up a conversation with the woman about her baby and his grand-children and then the entire reception room joined in, and the boredom and tension were changed into a pleasant and enjoyable experience {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Telephone companies throughout the US have a program called "phone power" which is offered to employees who use the telephone for selling their services or products. In this program they suggest that you smile when talking on the phone. Your "smile" comes through in your voice.

    You don't feel like smiling? {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy.

    Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.To someone who has seen a dozen people frown or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds Especially when someone is under pressure from his bosses, his customers, his teachers or parents or children, a smile can help him realize that all is not hopeless that there is joy in the world.

A. He smiled back at the baby

B. Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it

C. Smile gets much easier with practice

D. So, naturally, we are glad to see them

E. Well, force yourself to smile

F. We should give others a real smile, a smile that comes from within

G. The effect of a smile is powerful, even when it is unseen

