
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(2019)高中英语2020-2021学年必修三Unit 1课时素养评价3


The Miao Sisters Festival is held every year in Guizhou's Taijiang County, where 97 percent of the 168, 000 people there are from the ethnic (民族) Miao group. It is an ancient tradition, which brings men and women together through food, gifts and music.

In the days before the festival, young women gather leaves and wild flowers, which they use to dye (给……染色) sticky rice with bright colors. This brightly colored rice, known as Sister Rice, gives the festival its name. During the festival, the young women dress in beautiful traditional clothes with large amounts of silver jewelry.

The festival includes parades, horse races and musical performances. But the real focus is the interaction between the young women and the young men who visit from surrounding villages and sing songs. In one traditional type of song, a man and woman take turns singing to each other, and the first one to make a mistake loses the game. The loser must give the winner a gift, but the winner is expected to give a gift in return too.

After meeting the men, the women send them home with a bamboo basket containing dyed rice and hidden objects with special meanings. For example, a pair of chopsticks means she wants to marry the man, while garlic shows that she is not interested.

One of several stories is about the festival's beginning of a girl and a boy who fell in love. The girl's parents wanted her to marry her uncle's son as was traditional at the time. She refused, and the boy likewise refused to marry anyone else. For a time, they could only meet in a field and pass hidden messages to each other through rice in a bamboo basket. Finally, the pair overcame their parents' opposition and were allowed to marry.

The Sisters Rice Festival is perhaps the oldest festival in Asia that encourages love.

(1)、What is the purpose of young women collecting leaves and wild flowers?
A、To decorate their rooms. B、To sell them and make money. C、To give sticky rice different colors. D、To cover some objects in a basket.
(2)、Which of the following is NOT the activity taking place in the festival?
A、Water skiing. B、Horse races. C、Parades. D、Singing songs.
(3)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、A woman often loses the game. B、A hidden pair of chopsticks suggests good things. C、The winner need not send a gift. D、Often a man needs to sing songs to a young woman.
(4)、The story in Paragraph 5 tells us that      .
A、the boy's parents didn't like the girl B、they were not married in the end C、the boy refused to marry the girl at first D、the rice in the bamboo basket carried their love
Sports Saturdays
The Fox Valley Park District partnered with six schoolsthroughout Aurora and North Aurorn to offer its traditionally popular SportsSaturdays program beginning from Jan. 9.
Free to families with children in grades 1 through 5. SportsSaturdays provide a safe environment for children to interact and participatein activities that include sports, crafts and general fitness. “SportsSaturdays are an opportunity for kids to get out of the house and do what theylove most- play! Park District instructors are on hand to teach and assist.“said manager Rafacl Maritinex. Who oversees the program. “they'll get a chanceto take part in a whole bunch of different sports, and it also gives parents acouple hours of free time while their kids are enjoying themselves in a safesetting.”
Sports Saturdays are run at six different primary schools aroundthe area- Bardwell, Hernes. O'donnell , Hall and McCleery in Aurora, along withSchneider in North Aurora. Sport include baseball, basketball, floor hockey,soccer and other high-energy activities. The program runs for eight Saturdaysthrough feb. 27. Children can participate in the activities at any school, andeven visit a different school each week.
Three Ways to Register
1 Online
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To sign up for Foxlink, and adult member of the household must completer a family Information Form and return it to the Park District along with Proof of address (driver's license, sate ID or tax bill)
2  By Mail/ Drop Off
Make checks payable fox valley Park District. Fill out the registration form and mail to FVPD, 15o W Illinois Ave, Aurora, II, 60506. ATTN: Brochure Registration.
3  In Person
Registrations are processed during office hours after resident registration has begun. Cash, check. Visa, Master Card or Discover is accepted. Eola community Center. 555 S. Eola Road.Aurora 60504
General Information
Anyone needingaccommodations should fill in this information on their registration form.
Children must meet theage requirement for all preschool and youth related programs
All participants permitthe taking of photographs and video of themselves and their children duringPark district activities for publication and use as the Park District considersappropriate.

    A new concept vehicle, Pod was introduced by Toyota and Sony at the Tokyo motor show. The car is intended as a four-wheeled friend. It aims to provide affection, sympathy and encouragement. Like a dog welcoming its master, the car sits up, wags its tail and acknowledges its owner's presence using hydraulics(液压装置) and a multi-coloured LED display panel(引擎) across the front.

    While on the road, the car constantly monitors the driver's mood with pulse and sweat(汗) sensors on the joystick(操纵杆). Cameras focused on the eyes keep watch for any sigh of drowsiness. If a driver appears to be losing his or her cool, Pod will display warnings, play soft music and blow cold air at the face. Drivers are shaken awake with loud music and a shaking chair.

    To improve driving skills, Pod uses a comparison to score drivers, offer advice and rank all Pod owners. Toyota claims that the car will eventually be able to learn its owner's likes and dislikes by monitoring passenger conversations. If the car hears a favorite song being discussed, it will download the track from the Internet and play it without being asked. It will also recommend(推荐) restaurants that might suit the driver's taste and take photographs of passengers when they sound particularly happy.

    In keeping with the moodiness that is the car's main selling point, Pod expresses a form of road anger. If a driver brakes or swerves(急转弯) suddenly, the LED panel shows an angry red and the tail rises at the back.

    Anger is one of the car's ten “emotional states”. Another is sadness — a blue front with tear-shaped lights seemingly dropping from headlights — which appears after a flat tire or when gas is low.

    “We wanted to show that the cars can be cheerful and entertaining,” said Yasunori Sakamoto, part of the Toyota design team. Mr Sakamoto said Toyota has no plans to put Pod on the market. Sad, really.



    The question of what children learn, and how they should learn it, is continually being debated and redebated. Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system, the parrot-fashion(way of learning by repeating what others say)of learning lessons, the grammar-with-a-whip(鞭子)system, which was good enough for our grandparents. The theories of modern psychology have stepped in to argue that we must understand the needs of our children. Children are not just small adults; they are children who must be respected as such.

    Well, you may say, this is as it should be, and a good idea. But think further. What happens? “Education” becomes the responsibility not of teachers, but of psychologists. What happens then? Teachers worry too much about the psychological implications(暗示) of their lessons, and forget about the subjects themselves. If a child dislikes a lesson, the teacher feels that it is his fault, not the child's. So teachers worry whether history is “relevant” to modern young children. And do they dare to recount stories about violent battles? Or will this make the children themselves violent? Can they tell their classes about children of different races, or will this encourage racial hatred? Why teach children to write grammatical sentences? Oral expression is better. Sums? Arithmetic? No; real-life mathematical situations are more understandable.

    You see, you can go too far. Influenced by educational theorists, who have nothing better to do than write books about their ideas, teachers leave their teaching-training colleges filled with grand, psychological ideas about children and their needs. They make complicated preparations and try out their “modern methods” on the long-suffering children. Since one “modern method” rapidly replaces another, the poor kids will have well been fed up by the time they leave school. Frequently the modern methods are so complicated that they fail to be understood by the teachers, let alone the children; even more often, the relaxed discipline so necessary for the “informal” feeling the class must have, prevents all but a handful of children from learning anything.


    Some of the best things in life don't happen until you grow old enough to recognize them. I can say that about tea.

    I didn't start to drink tea until I was 35. What happened before that? The first time I felt a genuine urge to drink tea was in 2003, when I stayed briefly in the United Kingdom. After a time of consuming local food, I started to really like strong black tea. Although it was too strong to my tongue, I felt it was a necessity because it was comforting to my body.

    I took packs of green teas with me as gifts but was disappointed to find my British friends preferred much stronger black teas from Sri Lanka. Later I learned that although people know China for its teas, it ranks only third among the world's black tea exporters, after Sri Lanka and Kenya.

    After I came back to China and started to cover food stories, I met friends in the tea-drinking circle and learned more. Although the majority of the rest of the world drinks black tea, which the Chinese call“red tea”, China produces and drinks mostly green teas.

    I feel lucky to be Chinese because of the great variety of teas available in the country. It is estimated that there are more than 2,000 teas in China if you divide them geographically, including more than 600 locally famous brews. A more simple way to categorize (分类) is by color and extent of fermentation (发酵). That comes down to six main categories—green, white, yellow, dark-greenish (oolong), red and black teas.

    Tasting teas can be compared to our lives. They can be plain and predictable but sometimes they are full of pleasant surprises. Occasionally they can even seem too good to be true. The best thing is, you know there's always more to explore.


    ⒈Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Siem Reap is a fast-growing city with plenty of new hotels, restaurants and nightclubs. But many people are here not because of the city itself, but for the things nearby: amazingly well-preserved ancient temples. Even if you have the worst jet lag (时差反应) ever, drag yourself out of bed to be at Angkor Archaeological Park when it opens. The sunrise over Angkor Wat is worth losing sleepover.

    ⒉Rome, Italy

    Rome is a city of contrasts (差异) — where else on earth could be home to both the Vatican and La Dolce Vita? Rome is unique in that it offers a great combination of different art, culture and food. If your preference is for sports, then Rome also has a lot to offer. In terms of music and live entertainment, a lot of the most famous Italian and international artists also tend to include Rome on European and world tours.

    ⒊New York, America

    The first time you go to New York, go ahead and be a sightseer- everyone should visit the Statue of Liberty, the Met, Times Square, etc. But on a return trip, pick a neighborhood and go deep. You will find hole-in-the-wall bars, strange shops...Exploring the non-touristy side of New York is an extremely rewarding experience for a traveler.

    ⒋Istanbul, Turkey

    Europe and Asia meet in Istanbul. Throughout this energetic city, you will find centuries-old churches and markets happily coexisting (共存) with modem restaurants, galleries and nightclubs. Though no longer a capital, Istanbul is the heart of the Republic of Turkey and the financial center with a large population.


    I had about 10 minutes to exercise before I had to pick up my two older daughters from school yesterday. It was a busier day than usual for me with a couple of meetings besides my regular work.

    Years ago, I would have put off my workout and would have left things for the next day. But since it was a busy day as well, I knew that I may not have all that much time either. So, I picked up my kettle-bell (哑铃) and went to town for 4 minutes.

    See, 4 minutes, if that's all you've got, is enough to give your body a great fat-burning exercise. How did I get a killer workout in 4 minutes? I used a training workout discovered 10 years ago by a Japanese Sports Scientist called a TABATA.

    It includes 20-second periods of warm-up, followed by 10-second periods of rest and 4-minute straight exercise. How is a 4-minute exercise able to burn fat? It all depends on the quality of work you do. Not on the quantity. Here's how I did it yesterday.

    You should never forget your warm-up. A TABATA workout is 20 seconds of 2-arm Kettle-bell swings, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds push-ups, and 10 seconds rest. You should do those 4 rounds. That's it. I was done in a total time of 8 minutes by the time and when I got to school my heart was still pumping pretty hard.

    A healthy body is needed for studying and working, and efficiency (效率) is the key to building a great body in the least amount (数量) of time possible and you can't get more efficient than a 4-minute workout.

