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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If you have a taste for the USA and time and money are in short supply, our range of Mini Adventures are just the ticket for experiencing North America's most incredible parts in just a few days.

    These 3- and 4- day tours get you out of the city and off the beaten path in a flash, making the most of your time and money. From the thundering Niagara Falls and the magnificent Grand Canyon to the most iconic landscape in America, Monument Valley, our Mini Adventures serve up a huge helping of American pie!

Vegas to Grand Canyon

4 days from Las Vegas

May-Oct from US $ 789

USA West-Camping

Cowboys, canyons and Indians — Need we say more? Explore Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks before a night with the Navajo people deep in the heart of Monument Valley, then top it all off with the grandest canyon on earth!

Los Angeles to Grand Canyon

4 days from Los Angeles

May-Oct from US$649

USA West-Camping

    Escape the hustle and bustle of Los Angles for some Desert Southwest action! Travel from Lake Havasu to the Grand Canyon, then along the iconic Route66, over the Hoover Dam and into Las Vegas for an included limousine tour that you'll never forget!

San Francisco to Yosemite

3 days from San Francisco

Jan-Sep from US $ 429

USA West-Camping

    Cross the Sierra Nevada Mountains for the crystal clear waters of Lake Tahoe and on to Yosemite Valley for a full day of exploration. Spectacular views, adventurous activities and abundant wildlife awaits you on this amazing short break in Western USA.

New York to Niagara Falls

3 days from New York

Jun-Sep from US  $599

USA East-Hotel

    Leave city life behind in New York and venture deep into ‘up state' New York to the thundering wonder of incomparable Niagara Falls before a night in the Finger Lakes with the waterfalls and Wineries as your neighbors.

(1)、If you want to go to the Grand Canyon, you can't ______.

A、go if you only have US $ 600   B、see the Navajo people C、choose a four-day adventure D、start from Los Angeles
(2)、If you want to travel in March, which of the following could you choose?

A、Vegas to Grand Canyon. B、Los Angeles to Grand Canyon. C、San Francisco to Yosemite. D、New York to Niagara Falls.
(3)、If you don't like going camping, you should choose ______.

A、Vegas to Grand Canyon  B、Los Angeles to Grand Canyon C、San Francisco to Yosemite D、New York to Niagara Falls
(4)、What is the passage mainly about?

A、Tips to have a short journey. B、Mini adventures in USA C、Importance of adventures. D、Tips to save money in USA

    As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.

Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or passing car lights, which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no wind. A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day. My imagination (想象) would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.

Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the street, I was afraid that I would get in the wrong one and be taken to some other strange places. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn't let the leaders out of my sight.

    Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. Being popular was so important to me then, and the fear of not being liked was a serious one.

    One of the processes growing up is being able to realize and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that scared us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.



    A. Want to work in media sales?

    This position is perfect for a graduate who wants to start a job in media sales. We are looking for sales staff with the ability to attract new customers in the highly competitive world of Internet advertising. We offer a very attractive starting salary. The one who gets this job will be creative and good at communicating with people.

    Please send a CV(简历), recent photograph, and covering letter to us.

    B. Open Skies

A leading adventure holiday company is looking for guides and instructors for a number of outdoor activities. We need physically healthy and strong people who enjoy being with other people —good team workers with an interest in cycling, riding, water sports, mountain sports and other adventure activities. One will have a better chance of getting this job if he or she has experience and suitable qualifications.

    C. Come and see the world!

    Recently-formed airline company requires flight attendants. These people are going to serve passengers from different countries on our plane. So we want our staff to be of smart appearance, polite and able to communicate in three or more languages. Starting salary depends on experience.

    D. Volunteer needed

    Daily work includes teaching English, art, maths, etc…, as well as leading educational play groups. Support will be given by local teachers or project staff?

    Volunteers should be available to start work next month. No qualifications required, but people interested in this job should be outgoing and be good with young children.

    Please send a CV and a short introduction of yourself.


    While your pet fish may appear to be unaware of your presence, chances are that it knows you extremely well and can probably even identify you from a crowd of human faces!

    To test if this was accurate, some scientists decided to study archerfish(喷水鱼). These animals don't have a sophisticated(复杂的)brain that is necessary to recognize the slight differences between human facial features.

    They began by presenting four archerfish with images of two human faces. Initially, the fish spit at both. However, they soon learned spitting water at the one selected by the researchers earned them a food treat. After that, they focused primarily on that image. The researchers then took the experiment one step further by introducing 44 other human faces to the mix.

    To the researcher's astonishment, the trained archerfish were able to recall the learned image almost 81% of the time. And this accuracy improved to 86% when the researchers made the identification even harder, by replacing the colored photos with a set of black and white images and hiding the shape of the head.

    The results of the study suggest that though having tiny brains, archerfish may have developed high visual discrimination abilities. While it is contrary to the previous theory that a sophisticated brain is necessary to recognize human faces, the researchers believe they do not recognize faces by recalling complex facial information like gender and identity, but more likely by discriminating between detailed  patterns. Even so, the fact that these archerfish could “remember” those faces demonstrates that they have an impressive memory for details that lasts much longer than the originally-thought 3 seconds!

    This is not the first time researchers have realized how “smart” fish are. Previous studies have shown that fish can recognize those fish they have “socialized” with previously, and even recall complex three-dimensional maps of their surroundings.


    The Environmental Film Festival has become one of the world's grandest supporters of the environmental film. To offer fresh views on global environmental issues, this year's festival will include a record of 190 films from 50 countries. including 110 premieres(首映). Here are just a few of the highlights.

⒈Hot Water

    Featured among the festival's opening night films is the highly expected "Hot Water, " a look 2 the depressing destructive effects of uranium铀) mining in the American West. Former US. Rep Denis Kucinich. who ran for president in 2004 and 2008, is featured in the film, along with filmmakers Elizabeth Kucinich and Lizabeth Rogers Directed by Kevin Flint and

⒉To the Wonder

    To the Wonder is the latest film by will-known American Director Trrence Malick. The film, "an exploration of love set against the power of nature," stars Ben Aleck, Olga Kurylenko. Rachel McAdams and Javier Bardem The film premiered in competition at the 2012 Venice Film Festival and is making is Washington D.C premiere during the festival.


    This Washington D.C. premiere presents the Canadian filmmaker and environmental activist, Rob Stewart's new work, "Revolution" an urging cry to today's youth to change the planet before it's too late. The award-winning documentary takes Stewart through 15 countries over four years, in an effort to find the secret to save the ecosystems we rely on for survival.

⒋The Fifth Season

    Beautiful and mystery, Jessica Woodworth's latest feature, "The Fifth Season", is a poetic meditation (EA) on nature in battle against humans." The dramatic narrative takes place in Belgium's secret Ardennes, where the locals rely on the land, but nature takes a turn and seems to go on mysterious strike, In French and Flemish with English subtitles. Directed and produced by Woodworth and Peter Brosens.


Gemini Man

    Gemini Man is a big-budget Hollywood sci-fi-action movie based on an original concept, rather than on a superhero comic or an old TV series, even though this particular original concept is more 20 years old. In it a government assassin (杀手)is being hunted down by his own clone The original script was sold by Darren Lemke to a studio in 1997, and since then almost every male A-listener has been attached as a potential star. Now, at long last, Ang Lee has directed Gemini Man, and Will Smith plays both the veteran assassin and his much younger doppelganger (分身).

Jojo Rabbit

    During World War Two, a 10-year-old German boy (Roman Griffin David) is desperate to be a dutiful Nazi, only to discover that his mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding, a Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) in their house. It may not sound like the stuff of a big-hearted comedy but Taika Waititi can make anything warm and funny. As well as writing and directing Jojo Rabbit, Waititi co-stars as the boy's imaginary friend,a nitwitted Adolf Hitler.

Doctor Sleep

    Mike Flanag's new film is adapted from Stephen King, novel, Doctor Sleep, which was a sequel (续集) to The Shining. You can expect to see blood flowing out of lifts in a rapid stream, ghostly twin girls and headache-including carpet patterns. Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance, the boy with psychic powers m 1980 film. Now, he is a middle-aged hospital counsellor.

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

    Here's another chance to see Angelina Jolie. In 2014 she starred in Maleficent, Disney's live-action remake of the Sleeping Beauty cartoon from 1959. The twist was that the eponymous wicked fairy wasn't so wicked, after all, and that the real villain was the father of Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning). The sequel's subtitle promises that Maleficent will actually be evil this time around, her change of heart prompted by Aurora's engagement to handsome prince (Harris Dickinson).


A Japanese start-up called Ashirase is stepping into the global market with a new navigation (导航) assistance product intended to help people with low vision.

Its new product will feature flexible vibrating (震动) bases around each foot and are put into each shoe, and a small pack that can be removed for charging (充电). Once fitted, the vibrating parts are set along the sensitive nerves on the foot and can send coded walking instructions to the user.

Its present form navigates a route that comes from a smartphone app. It can help clear up distractions by freeing up the attention that is normally needed to either listen to voice directions or check the phone. Visual-damaged users can use their hearing to listen to traffic sounds and signals, like warning beeps at crossings or sidewalks, and use their hands to carry walking sticks or other belongings.

The device is paired with an app through a Bluetooth connection. The app uses information from Google Maps or similar vendors to draw up a walking route to the destination. Based on the destination and how the user is walking, it will send signals to the device that will cause a vibration on the foot.

The device will vibrate at a regular frequency at the front of the foot to let the users know they're on the right track and should keep going straight. It will speed up the vibrations once the user is approaching a turn and needs to stop, and it will vibrate in either the left or right shoe to signal the direction the user needs to turn.

Ashirase's new tech is waterproof and washable. It can be charged at the end of the week to power through seven days of walking, accounting for three active hours each day. And it can be fitted in two types of shoes: sneakers and leather lace-up shoes.

