
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    That summer,Luke had been my closest companion for five years.We get lots of1in our area during the summer season.Many forests are badly2by fire each year.That hot summer,not far from our shelter,a forest3 fire.It was July,and there had been a heat wave going on for three days.Luke rushed toward the forest where the fire was sending out a4heat.There was no longer any hope at that moment to wait for Luke to come back to the5. In fact,I was waiting for firefighters to tell me that he had6in the forest.Suddenly,a fireman burst into my office and7me that my log Luke had succeeded in saving four kittens who had been8by the flames.According to the fireman,Luke seized the kittens,one by one moving them to a9place.

    I immediately10the fireman to the forest to pick up the rescued kittens.11we got to the scene of the incident,we saw that Luke was not there.Then we heard the12of a dog barking in the forest.I13the barks as Luke's.The fireman followed the14of the dog until they found him barking loudly by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground and15waiting for rescue.

    Thanks to Luke,four kittens and a fireman were saved.That day,I was very proud of Luke for his two heroic 16.Luke showed much compassion(同情心)for both animals like him and for a human being who was trying to put out the fire with his colleagues.Truth to be told,my17was immeasurable.

    I paid a visit to the fireman in his house accompanied by my lovely Luke.What a18scene it was when the fireman hugged Luke tightly to his chest!"One thousand thanks,Luke,for saving my life,"the fireman said.

    This true story of love and compassion shows us that pets are loving,caring and compassionate.We should love and19them.Little animals can do20things for humans.

A、fires    B、rain  C、noise    D、sun
A、changed    B、damaged C、treated D、removed
A、set  B、made   C、burned D、caught
A、cruel   B、warm  C、fierce D、heavy
A、forest  B、shelter C、area   D、house
A、lost   B、appeared   C、remained  D、died
A、warned   B、informed C、promised D、reminded
A、trapped B、controlled C、swallowed D、buried
A、great   B、special C、safe D、high
A、invited  B、advised  C、accompanied D、led
A、Unless   B、Once   C、Until   D、Since
A、shout B、voice  C、sound D、call
A、recognized    B、understood C、treated D、realized
A、smells  B、tracks C、steps D、directions
A、excitedly   B、especially  C、deeply   D、desperately
A、actions  B、qualities   C、fights D、adventures
A、anxiety   B、concern C、happiness D、excitement
A、thankful   B、memorable  C、significant  D、terrible
A、protect   B、raise C、save D、hate
A、risky    B、fun C、enormous   D、little


    On that particular day after I finished giving my training course, I took a flight home. Upon1the plane, I noticed a boy who was around eight years old, sitting in the window seat2 mine. Trying my best to be 3, I said “hello” and introduced myself, and he told me his name was Bradley. We started a4 and within minutes, he took me into his confidence, saying, “This is the first time I have ever been on a plane. I'm a little bit 5.” I managed to 6 him.

    As we ascended (上升), he looked out of the window and started describing excitedly everything he was 7. Then he told me he needed to go to the bathroom, 8 I stood up to let him out into the aisle. It was then that I noticed the brace (支柱) on his legs. Bradley, 9made his way down to the bathroom and back. Sitting back down, he 10, “I have muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症), and so does my sister, who's in a 11 now.”

    As we descended (下降), he looked over, smiled, and spoke in a low, almost 12 voice, “You know, I was really13 about who would sit beside me on the plane. I was afraid it would be someone who didn't want to 14 with me. I'm so 15 I sat beside you.”

    16 the whole experience later that night, I was reminded of the17 of being open to the moment. Now when 18 get(s) rough, I look out of the window, try to see what images the clouds are painting in the sky, 19remember Bradley, the beautiful child who taught me that 20.


    I've always been a very anxious person—easily worried and stressed. And I've always been losing things.

    I'm not sure what exactly 1 my desire to attempt a more organized lifestyle. I started to attempt to be less 2and more organized. Instead of cleaning my room twice a year, I 3to do it about 4-6 times a year.

    Over a couple of years I started cleaning my room more, and I even 4using a planner on a daily basis: It took years to institute these actions into habits, 5I wasn't aiming for habits. I was simply trying to be a little 6—a little bit at a time.

    After I 7multiple outfits(装束) at home, 8leaving clothes on my bed and shoes on the floor, I put everything away before going out. After cooking and eating, I put everything in the dishwasher or wash it by hand. Each of these tasks only takes a few minutes. And not only does this 9immediate clutter(杂乱), but it's also much 10to deal with one mess at a time rather than leaving it all to turn into a giant mess. Organization creates ease, and ease creates organization, both of which 11to lower levels of stress and anxiety! And spending less time feeling 12means having more time to be happy, productive and present.

    Since I began intentionally being more organized, I find I have more 13to adopt other new habits to maintain(保持) and strengthen a calmer and cleaner lifestyle. Good habits result in more good habits, which help to create a better and happier you.

    If you find yourself worried, stressed or anxious beyond your control, then 14what you can—your 15. Create a comfortable, clean and calm space where you can escape from the outside world, and it doesn't have to be all at once.


    One day a father and his teenager son were out together at a shopping mall. The son wanted to buy a new pair of 1at the sports store.

    2they were making their way through the crowded food store, a young woman holding a number of bags 3and the contents of several of them spilled across the floor. The son stepped around the woman and continued with the flow only to 4 that his father wasn't next to him. Looking around he5his father bending down and helping the woman 6the spilled items.

    Feeling a bit bad he hadn't thought to stop and help, he simply stood and 7 from the distance. He was 8 when his father handed the woman her things and she simply took them away without9 him and said “I can do it myself!” when his father returned, the son expressed his10at how impolite the woman had been.

    In the sports store the son was so11 about the incident that he spent most of the time complaining. They soon left without the shoes.

    Later at 12,the son told his mother the story, 13 her to be just as angry as he was at the woman's 14. His mother looked at her husband 15enjoying his meal and said, “Son, your father left that woman behind hours ago. Why are you 16 with her?”

    When we hold onto (保持)17 feelings, we will get stuck in the past and 18 to move forward. One of the best things you can do to stay happy is to19 to let things go. It is okay to show anger and unhappiness. 20, don't let them affect you and how you see the world.


    I sat down at my desk and started writing a letter of thankfulness, but when it came to actually putting the letter into the mailbox... I 1  I couldn't do it. I suddenly felt a sense of 2 and insecurity (不安).

    The letter was to an old teacher with whom I kept in 3 on Facebook. For months, I read about what she 4 on her Facebook page, which helped me to live my life differently. Her volunteer (志愿者) work wasn't huge. 5, she was doing small, local good deeds. 6, she changed my views on the world and for some reason. I felt I should let her know how her example 7 influenced me.

    I could have easily sent her an email, but that seemed not enough for such an important thank-you. That's why I ended up 8 the letter. But now here I was, standing before the mailbox, unable to put the envelope inside. What was stopping me? It suddenly hit me that I was 9 of being too nice. I guess I felt strange 10 it wasn't like she was my best friend or a relative. Maybe my 11 was too heartfelt. Thinking this over, I put the envelope in the mailbox 12.

    Weeks later I received a message from her. It turned out she was 13 a hard time and my note 14 a lot to her. She said she had no idea she was playing such a big 15 in others' life.

    Not only did this letter make her happier, but her response to it brightened my world and 16 my level of happiness as well. I was so 17 that it had such a great influence on her that I decided to write a(n) 18 letter to someone each month. Now it's easier for me to 19 the goodness in others and be more 20 for this beautiful life I'm living.


    Over the last 15 years, as a doctor, I have had heart-to-heart conversations with countless patients near the end of their lives. The most common emotion they express is 1. And that's 2 I came up with a project to encourage people to write a 3 to their loved ones. It's a lesson I learned years ago from a memorable 4 patient.

    He was a retired 5 with a cancer. Every day, his 6 spent many hours watching him watch television. She explained to me he had never been much of a 7 in their 50-plus years of marriage. But he seemed quite 8 to share his ideas with me, 9 when it became clear his days were 10. He spoke of his deep regret for not having spent enough time with his wife, and of his great 11 in his son, who had joined the Navy in his father's footsteps.

    One afternoon, when I mentioned these 12 to his wife and son, they looked disbelievingly at each other. They thanked me for being so kind but 13 my patient was unlikely to express such feelings. To make sure his family could hear his 14, I took my video camera with me the next morning and with the patients' 15, recorded an open letter from him to his family. When I gave them the 16 letter, both his wife and son were moved to tears.

    The experience 17 my letter project, which can help people complete their life review tasks: remembering to those we may have hurt; 18 those who have hurt us and saying "I love you". It may take much courage to write a life review letter. For some people, it 19 deep and troubling emotions. 20 it may be the most important letter you will ever write.

