
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    It sounds crazy to start your first business at 24,straight out of college,alone in a foreign country.But it's1what the successful entrepreneur(企业家)Irina Alionte did.As the2of several successful businesses,she speaks from experience.
    While still at university in the UK,she made a(n)3: Girls on campus didn't try their best in4at gym.She compared this with a nightclub: "5is it that in the nightclub they can be themselves and6calories(卡路里)at a whole different level,but at the actual class where they are7to get their body moving,they don't?”8,she thought,why not combine the two?She9it Club Cardio.
    "I thought of having an encouraging instructor on the stage,10the crowd with a microphone.People can just let go,express themselves and burn calories in the dance floor." But it wasn't easy.Before Irina started,she11plenty of opposition.Her friends thought it was12.
    Irina made a(n)13On campus and got 50 girls to test the concept.What was the14?People loved the idea. Afterwards,she moved to London to15Club Cardio.She got in touch with Ketan Makwana of the Rockstar Mentoring Group.She told her partners,"I am no longer16.I have you now." She finally had the concept tested 17professional mentorship(指导).
    Club Cardio did work and became18-media exposure,expansion to other universities,nightclubs in London and so on.We all know Irina had a huge19-an understanding of her ideal customers.She spent a ton of effort 20 her customers.And in Club Cardio,she and her partners applied this everywhere.
A、exactly    B、especially C、absolutely D、surely
A、manager    B、engineer  C、customer D、founder
A、decision   B、observation C、appointment  D、promise
A、families    B、nightclubs C、classes  D、cities
A、Why    B、How C、Where D、When
A、 burn  B、increase   C、count  D、contain
A、agreed    B、supposed  C、shown D、permitted
A、Otherwise    B、However C、Therefore D、Additionally
A、wished   B、called C、desired D、planned
A、melting    B、blessing C、following D、attracting
A、voiced   B、faced    C、overcame D、expressed
A、unpleasant    B、unnecessary   C、troublesome  D、impossible
A、sport    B、choice   C、survey D、decision
A、idea   B、content  C、function   D、result
A、develop    B、enter   C、leave  D、refuse
A、upset  B、alone   C、proud D、sorry
A、in place of  B、in opposition to    C、in favor of  D、in hand with
A、urgent    B、curious  C、amazing  D、comfortable
A、advantage    B、respect C、inspiration D、opportunity
A、caring tor  B、learning from C、figuring out  D、picking up
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

    One day I was riding on a crowded bus downtown to go to work when it rained suddenly. The windows of the bus were soon 1 and we couldn't see the outside. Everyone was in low spirits. I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and I paid little attention 2 we both got off at the same stop and walked to the same news-stand(报刊亭) to get a morning 3.

    The man 4 the stand was obviously having a bad day. He was 5 and unsmil­ing as we bought our papers, which only  6 more gloom (郁闷) to my day. The business­man 7 my eyes and smiled brightly, 8 the news-stand owner for the paper and for being open on such a morning to 9 we were able to get our papers.

    As we went away, I asked this man why he was so 10 to the newsman when he didn't respond to his 11 of thanks and friendliness. The businessman smiled at me and said, “Why would I let someone else 12 what I say and what I feel?”

    We then 13 to go to our own work places. To this day, I still don't know who that businessman was, or where he worked. 14, I know nothing about him. He appeared briefly in my life and disappeared just as 15. But I've never forgotten the words he said and his 16 which seemed like a ray of light on a gloomy day.

    That was a good 25 years 17, but the effect this had on my life has lasted. I have learnt that we cannot control people and  18 we are in, but we can always control our 19 to them. That is, it is within our control and our  20 to make such positive decisions and thus to make a positive difference.


    One day I was riding on a crowded bus downtown to go to work when it rained suddenly. The windows of the bus were soon 1  and we couldn't see the outside. Everyone was in low spirits. I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and I paid little attention 2  we both got off at the same stop and walked to the same news-stand(报刊亭) to get a morning 3 .

    The man   4  the stand was obviously having a bad day. He was  5  and unsmiling as we bought our papers, which only  6 more gloom (郁闷) to my day. The businessman   7  my eyes and smiled brightly,  8  the news-stand owner for the paper and for being open on such a morning to 9 we were able to get our papers.

    As we went away, I asked this man why he was so  10  to the newsman when he didn't respond to his  11 of thanks and friendliness.The businessman smiled at me and said, “Why would I let someone else 12  what I say and what I feel?”

    We then  13 to go to our own work places. To this day, I still don't know who that businessman was, or where he worked.  14 , I know nothing about him. He appeared briefly in my life and disappeared just as 15  . But I've never forgotten the words he said and his   16   which seemed like a ray of light on a gloomy day.

    That was a good 25 years   17  , but the effect this had on my life has lasted. I have learnt that we cannot control people and   18  we are in, but we can always control our19 to them. That is, it is within our control and our 20 to make such positive decisions and thus to make a positive difference.


    Have you ever imagined your future? I try to do this all the time. Most of us will follow in our 1 footsteps, by this I mean our adult lives will 2 resemble the lives we live as children, set by our parents' examples. Have you ever 3 and thought about this? What an awful job it must be to 4 a child properly! But, what happens to the children that live 5 drugs, alcohol and violence in their childhood? Where can they find good examples for themselves?

    I know of one place that is trying to 6 all children. It is the McDowell County D.A.R.E. program in McDowell County North Carolina. Our teachers carry on their shoulders the great 7 of teaching kids to just say NO to drugs, alcohol and violence. I am personally acquainted with 8 of these things, not because I have ever 9 them myself, but because of my dad. He drank, 10 drugs and smoked pot (抽大麻). When I was 7 my mom took me and my sister and 11. I wonder if my dad ever thought about the 12 and what this bad decision would lead to when he first started experimenting with drugs and pot at 13. He has been in jail, he can't get a decent job, and he lost his 13. These bad choices also caused him to hurt his children in horrible ways.

    I am 14 that I have at least one parent to help me make wise decisions, and to teach me right from wrong. I am also 15 that the D.A.R.E. program is taught in our schools. One of the most 16 things I learned from D.A.R.E. is that a person that has a parent with an addiction problem is more than twice as likely to become addicted themselves, as compared to a person that has no family history of drug 17. I have learned many things through this 18, especially about the consequences of our trying drugs. You could get arrested, hurt yourself or someone else, 19 your life by becoming an addict, or even die. All of these things are terrible, but I can't think of anything 20 as a parent than hurting our children and the people that love us. DRUGS DESTROY LIVES! I give the D.A.R.E. program two thumbs up, for all the good things being accomplished.


    There was a very popular local restaurant near our company. One day, I went with some colleagues from my office for a dinner in a very popular local restaurant. It was 1 business time and the restaurant was crowded. We 2 found a table in a corner for three of us.

    As soon as we sat down, we heard a crash when a cleaning boy 3 the floor with all the plates he was carrying. There was 4 and no one was saying or doing anything.

    In a flash I remembered my 5 many years ago. Once, I 6 in the airport because I had rushed there on my own on an empty stomach. I was picked up and taken care of by two 7. Now this was my chance to 8it forward.  

    I ran to the young man's side immediately, turned him on his back and screamed for someone to 9 a hot drink. Soon people started asking if I was a doctor. I said I was not, but I was 10 at attending the one blacking out(晕厥).

    The kid soon opened his eyes, 11 what had happened. I 12 him by saying it was OK and I had had a 13experience. He had not eaten anything. I held the 14 drink to his mouth till he finished it and sat with him till he felt OK. By then the 15 had arrived. I asked her to give the kid something to eat. I offered to pay.

    The manager was kind enough to refuse the 16 and agreed to make sure the kid ate before he went home. By the time all this was 17 it was getting late for my colleagues. We hadn't 18 anything yet, so they decided to go home.

    I slowly walked home, not hungry any more, feeling 19 for the opportunity I pay forward the 20 I had received many years ago.

