
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



For the first time in my life I have been dumped by a friend. I should have seen it coming: the phone calls not returned, the excuses about 'not feeling very sociable right now'... Yet the letter suggesting that the time had come for us to move on still came as a shock.

Tula and I had been firm friends for nearly ten years. We met at a singing workshop and took on each other immediately. But life changed for both of us: I got married and she responded to her single status by developing a fresh set of social networks. Then she took a long holiday, reviewed her life and decided what to keep and what to throw out. In her letter she described our friendship as a 'borderline' case and suggested it should be time we 'let each other go'.

I'm all for letting go of bad habits and boxes of old school exercise books. But surely close friends are not consumer goods to be discarded or replaced at the first hint of trouble? We are encouraged to believe that friends will be around forever. 'You've got a friend,' sang Carole King and 'I'll be there for you' promised the theme tune of Friends. Such sentiments have sunk deep into the collective unconsciousness, or into mine, at least.

Certainly, the statistics indicate that we need friends more than ever. Government figures predict that the proportion of married men and women aged from 45 to 54 will fall by a quarter in the next two decades. A recent British survey found that two-thirds of eighteen to 35-year-olds in Britain turn to friends before family for help and advice. Yes, the argument goes, in a fast-moving, ever-changing world, friendship is our rock, the one thing we can truly rely on.

But in his book, The Philosophy of Friendship, Mark Vernon suggests otherwise. He cautions that we place unrealistic burdens on friendship, that it's unreasonable to expect friends to fulfill family members' roles. Worse still, he says, friendships are becoming harder to maintain. 'There are lots of obstacles in the way we live today. It's harder to put time and effort into knowing someone. Mobiles, email and so on, all these are secondary ways of communicating. There's not the depth.'

So, what did I do with Tula's letter? I re-read it many times, thinking over where I'd gone wrong. And then I wrote back. 'Yes, you're right.' I wrote, 'things have changed. But aren't we good enough friends to hang in there?' Since then we have exchanged a couple of emails. A walk has been suggested. It would be easy not to make the effort and let this friendship go but, as Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, said: 'Stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.' 1think she's right.

(1)、What can we learn about Tula and the writer from the first two paragraphs?
A、They became close friends ten years after their first meeting. B、Nothing had happened to indicate their friendship might end. C、Tula suggested the end of their friendship with a letter. D、The writer took a long holiday after her marriage.
(2)、"Such sentiments" in paragraph 3 most probably refer to ______.
A、trouble in making friends B、dependence on close friends C、reluctance to end a friendship D、belief in permanent friendship
(3)、Which of the following statements is Mark Vernon most likely to agree with?
A、We expect too much of friendship. B、More and more people are choosing to be single. C、Friendship is what we can rely on in today's society. D、Technology makes it easier for us to know others well.
(4)、Why does the writer quote Louisa May Alcott in the last paragraph?
A、To prove that efforts to maintain a friendship may not be worthwhile. B、To justify what she has done with the friendship with Tula. C、To emphasize the importance of Little Women in history. D、To illustrate the charming things existing in friendship.

The Exterminating Angel

Director: Luis Bunuel

Country/Date: Mexico/1962(black and white)

Introduction: A party is organized in a high class society house. Many people are drinking and eating. It's getting late, but nobody is leaving. Even though the door is open, people seem to be locked in the house. They can't leave either the day or on the following days. So a rescue began.

The Net

Director: Irwin Winkler

Country/Date: USA/1995

Introduction: Angela Bennettt is a computer programmer who has devoted her life to computers and the Internet. She spends hours and hours in front of the screen. She does everything over the Internet, and she has some close friends in a chat room, though she has never talked to her neighbors.

Kung Fu Panda

Director: Mark Osborne & John Stevenson

Country/Date: Mexico/2008

Introduction: The leading character is a panda whose name is Po. He is lazy first but he has a great dream--to be a kung fu master. To make his dream come true, he goes to a faraway temple to learn kung fu from a master. However, one of his brothers, Tai Long wants to become the kung fu master, killing many of his brothers even the master. So Po fights against Tai Long and defeats him. The film is good especially for kids.

Life is Beautiful

Director: Roberto Benigni

Country/Date: Italy/1998

Introduction: In 1939, during World War II in Italy, Guido, a hopeful man, the main character fell in love with Dora, and they got married. Five years later, their lives changed. Guido and Joshua were taken by Nazis(纳粹) to a concentration camp and Dora also went there with her husband and son. At that place, Guido tried his best to save his son's life in a special way.


    Journey to India

    DAY 1: Arrive in Delhi

    Today arrive in Delhi, the national capital of India. Upon arrival at the airport, our company representative will meet you and transfer you to the hotel for check-in.

    Overnight at Delhi hotels

    DAY 2: Delhi—Full-day tour(old& New Delhi tour)

    Today morning have breakfast in the hotel. At 9:30, the tour guide will meet you at your hotel and later proceed for a full-day guided tour in Delhi starting with Old Delhi visiting Raj Gaht. Jama Masjid, driving past through the Red Fort. Later in New Delhi visit Humayun's Tomb, India Gate, drive past through Parliament Street and President House and visit Qutub Minar.

    Overnight at Delhi hotels

    DAY 3: Delhi-Jaipur via Fitehpur Sikri(240 km/5 hours)

    Today morning after breakfast. drive to Jaipur, the capita] city of Rajsthan state. Jaipur is also known as “Pink City”. En route visit Fatehpur Sikri, known as Ghost. Later continue the drive to Jaipur. Upon arrival, check in at the hotel. Evening: free at leisure for your own activities.

    Optional: visits to Chokhi Dhani Village Resort(US $25 per person)

    Overnight at Jaipur hotels

    DAY 4:Delhi(256 km/5 hours)

    Today morning after breakfast, drive back to Delhi airport. The total distance is 256 kms and you can cover it in 5 hours. Upon arrival in Delhi, board flight to onward journey.

    NOTE: Price starts with US $ 215 with

    Daily breakfast and soft beverages(饮料) and packaged drinking water.

    Elephant rides at Amber Fort.

    Sunset or sunrise visits to Taj MahaL

    All entrance fees to the monuments and train tickets.


    People are divided into two groups in the world. Though each of them has equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

    People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing(批评) and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation(模仿). It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

    Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact(接触) with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.


    A court battle between German and Israeli archives (档案馆) over Kafka's manuscripts (手稿)raised literary, not just legal, questions. At the time of his death, Kafka hardly seemed like a candidate for world fame. He had a minor reputation in German literary circles. He published a few stories in magazines, but they received little attention.

    After he died in 1924, his friend Max Brod collected, edited and published his works - despite Kafka's own instructions in his will ordering the manuscripts to be destroyed - thus making Kafka a household name after his death. When the Nazis invaded Prague, Brod escaped to Israel, bringing the manuscripts with him. When he died in 1968, his manuscripts, together with those of Kafka, were transferred to his secretary Esther Hoffe.

    Even though Brod asked in his will that the manuscripts be given to a public archive, Hoffe sold some of them abroad for a great deal of money. Many of them eventually made it to the German Literature Archive. In 2007, she died and left her properties to her daughters. Then the case about the manuscripts started after the death of one of her daughters. The court said Hoffe had no rights, and could not have any such rights for the documents Brod took from Kafka's apartment after his death.

    Ironically, Kafka's stubborn homelessness and non-belonging in his works were accurately what ensured his place at the center of 20th-century literature. W. H. Auden proposed that Kafka was to the cold, absurd 20th century what Dante or Shakespeare had been to their times - the writer who captured the spirit of the age. That is why, in the end, it hardly matters whether Kafka's manuscripts stay in Germany or Israel. What counts is that we are all living in Kafka's world.


    The world is too big to take in all at once. To make sense and beauty of it, you have to look at a small part at a time.

    In using a camera, you choose a small part through he view finder. You move the camera, "framing" pictures until you see one that pleases you. Then-click! If you make a good choice, your picture will please others, as well as yourself.

    "Wherever you are," says photographer Ernst Haas, "you are surrounded by pictures. The trick is to recognize them." His photograph of a twist of barbed wire shows what he means.

    Mr. Haas tells us of ways to practice seeing. Make a simple frame of black cardboard. Take it out of the doors and look through it at everyday things, large or small, far away or near.

    At first you may see nothing to interest you. But soon pictures seem to leap (跳) at you through the frame. Oil floating on water makes a picture in rainbow colors. Three people on the steps of an old house form a picture that seems to tell a story.

    Did you notice such things before you used the frame? Perhaps not. But, with practice, you soon do not need its help. You see things as artists do. Everywhere, shapes and colors catch your eye. Your mind takes "snapshots (快照)" of their patterns. Then, if you wish, you can share what you see by taking a photograph or by making a drawing or a painting.

    Sometimes it's fun to "see small". Did you ever notice the design of the seeds in sliced bananas? Have you looked deep inside a lily? Or seen the starburst in the center of a wet ice cube?

    Do you see colors as they really are? When you paint tree trunks, you would make them brown or black. But tree trunks are really gray, purple, yellow-green—almost any color except brown or black!

    Do you notice detail? Doing so can be in many ways. Remembering what you see is often useful, too. Practice can help you.

    A trick for helping you to remember detail is the double take. Look—don't look—then look again.


    I traveled to London, England in the spring of 2016. Actually, I traveled with CAPA International Education on a study program. At that time, I did a full three­month program but I traveled on weekends and during breaks.

    I used to live in a small town outside New York. The idea of big cities has always excited me and I wanted to take advantage of that once­in­a­lifetime opportunity. It was a great opportunity for me to see how independent I could be in another country, because I hope to travel a lot more in the future.

    I lived in a flat in Ealing Broadway with several other students from different American schools. The biggest surprise I found there was the culture shock I experienced. I had expected traveling to London to be an easy transition (转变) for me because I thought their culture was close to that of America. But you know the language and the people were greatly different from what I had expected. They had different accents. In fact, they were noisy and more free­thinking than most Americans I knew.

    However, I tried to take part in their giant Chinese New Year celebration in Trafalgar Square. I went to several Jewish society holiday celebrations and actively participated in any cultural activities I knew at that time. It was great to be able to truly put myself in their culture. These are experiences I couldn't get anywhere else.

    I would suggest people hoping to follow in my footsteps not let anything hold them back from exploring the foreign cultures presented to them. Yes, you are there for school, but your number one priority (优先) is yourself. So make sure you go home with no regrets. Do not miss anything!

