
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Old Dawson had the best apples in town, but kids knew they mustn't go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because Dawson, a bad­tempered (坏脾气的) man, they said, would come after you with his gun.

One Friday, 12­-year-­old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy. They had to walk by Dawson's house on the way to Amy's house. Like most of the children, Janet was scared of the old man because of the stories she'd heard about him.

Amy said that Mr. Dawson wouldn't hurt anyone. Still, Janet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old man's house. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown (皱眉), but when he saw it was Amy, a big smile changed his whole face as he said, "Hello, Miss Amy. I see you've got a little friend with you today."

Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to music and play games. Dawson told them that sounded fun, and offered them each a fresh picked apple off his tree.

As they walked on, Janet asked Amy, "Everyone says he's the meanest man in town. Why was he so nice to us?"

Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house, he wasn't very friendly and she was afraid of him, but she always smiled at him. It took a while, but one day he half­ smiled back at her.

After some more time, he started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her. Just a "Hello" at first, then more. She said he always offers her an apple now, and is always very kind.

We're always trying to achieve so much, and it's so easy to get caught up in (被卷入;陷入) everyday life that we forget we can bring cheer to ourselves and others simply. Giving a smile takes so little effort; let's smile to others.

(1)、Kids were afraid of Dawson because         .
A、he disliked children B、he was a bad­ tempered man C、he always took a gun with him D、he was a policeman
(2)、On that day, when Old Dawson saw Amy getting close to his house, he was          .
A、very mad B、quite happy C、really scared D、rather worried
(3)、From the passage, we can know that          .
A、Amy wasn't afraid of Dawson before B、Janet never heard about the stories of Dawson C、Dawson offered each of the two children an apple that day
(4)、The underlined sentence "he started smiling real smiles" means "Mr. Dawson         ".
A、got to like Amy's smile day by day B、didn't know how to smile until he met Amy C、started to accept Amy as a true friend with real feeling D、often smiled to children in the town
(5)、The best title for the passage may be         .
A、Smile Brings a Big Success B、Smile Improves the Relationship C、Smile Changes the Environment D、Smile Means Health

    I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store. A nicely dressed little girl was 1 the teddy bears beside her father 2 she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the Pokemon toys. His jacket was obviously too small. He had money in his hand. However, it looked no more than five dollars at most. He was with his father, and kept picking up the Pokemon video games. Each time he showed 3 to his father, his father shook his head, "No".

    Rather disappointed, the boy gave up the video games and chose a book of stickers 4. After they walked away, the little girl ran over to the Pokemon video games. She excitedly picked up one 5 on top of the others, and ran toward the check-out. I picked up my purchases(购买物)and 6 the girl and her father.

    Then, much to the little girl's satisfactory(满意), the little boy and his father got in line 7 her and me. After the video was paid for and bagged, the little girl handed it back to the cashier(收银员)and said something to her in a low voice. The cashier smiled and put the 8 under the counter(柜台). I was putting things in my bag when the little boy came up to the cashier. The cashier said, "Congratulations, you're my hundredth customer today, and you win a prize!" and she handed the boy the Pokemon game. The boy could hardly believe his ears. It was, he said, 9 what he had wanted! The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway, and I saw the biggest and prettiest smile on that little girl I have seen in my life.

    I suddenly understood that the world is not 10 into the strong who care and the weak who are cared for. We must each in turn care and be cared.

