
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


仔细阅读下面各题,将以下每段的主旨句(A至F)与其相对应的段落匹配。    Everyone has parents. But not all of you can get on with parents. Well, how to solve this problem? Here is some useful advice.


    Parents bring you to the world and care about you all the time. They really do their most and best for you, so you should try not to make them sad or angry and be polite to them.


    You may choose whatever you can do. For example, doing the dishes, taking out the rubbish or cleaning the room. In fact, when you help them at home, you'll learn how to look after yourself in the future.


    Have a talk with them about their work when they come back. Try to make them happy when they are sad in life. Remind(提醒) them to wear warmer clothes in cold days.


    In some ways, most parents wish their kids can be the top at school and get a better future. You should try to learn hard and get on well with classmates and teachers so that they don't have to worry about you.


    Don't always think of online games in your free time. If possible, you can stay with your parents. When shopping, buy something for your parents. On weekends, take a short trip with them. For parents and you, staying with each other is great.

A. Care for(关爱) parents.

B. Sleep with parents sometimes.

C. Spend some time with parents.

D. Learn to respect(尊敬) parents.

E. Try to be best at school.

F. Help to do some housework.


Is there anything worse than that? You bravely raise your hand to answer a question, but your teacher just point out that you're wrong. What a shame! What could the teacher make you suffer (忍受) this?

    Relax. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Your teacher isn't calling you out to humiliate (使丢脸) you, but rather out of concern for you and your education.

    Having all your classmates come to know your weak points can be pretty hard, so how can you get past the shame and recognize class participation as a learning opportunity?

    Get out of your comfort zone. Terrill Schumaker, a teacher, explains that “the more you speak out, the more you learn how to grow and build confidence. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}”

Realize it's not a big deal. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. People aren't going to care all that much. “If I'm wrong or make a stupid point, then people laugh at me, but life moves on” says Grade 12 Kristen Wesenberg. Besides, everybody makes mistakes, and you can't be perfect all the time.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Of course it takes courage (勇气), but as Wesenberg says, ―What's the point of living in fear?‖ You won't learn anything if you are not brave enough.

    Use the experience as a learning tool. Wesenberg advises asking teachers why you're wrong so they can explain and you can learn.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. If you're wrong now, at least you won't be wrong in your next test!

A. Be brave in class

B. Trust your teacher instead

C. Use class time as a mini—test

D. And it's not the end of the world

E. Then you can live an exciting life


    Have you ever counted the number of digits (数字) in your mobile phone number? Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number. That's because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world. Why is that?

    The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different meaning. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service company it is. For example, 135 is for China Mobile Communications

    Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you where the number is registered (注册). And the last four digits are random (随机的).

    The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world. We once had 10 numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999. Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers. That's enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China.

    And mobile phone numbers can be recycled. Usually, the service company will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven't contacted for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.

    Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with 10 digits. Canada's mobile phone numbers are perhaps the shortest in the world: they use seven digits.

Canadian: In my country, the mobile phone numbers use seven digits. Why does this mobile phone have 11 digits —13958583739?

Salesman: We have the largest population. Besides China, {#blank#}1{#/blank#} also use 11-digit numbers.

Canadian: What do the numbers mean?

Salesman: The number {#blank#}2{#/blank#} tells you which mobile phone service company it is. The fourth to the seventh numbers tell you the                        {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  of registering it. The number {#blank#}4{#/blank#} is random.

Canadian: Can you {#blank#}5{#/blank#} the phone numbers?

Salesman: Yes, after three to six months.


    We live on the earth. We use the sea around us. What do we take from the ocean? And what do we give to it?

    We take fishes from the ocean—millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}We take minerals (矿物) from the ocean. We can get salt by evaporating (蒸发) seawater. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}such as gold. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Seaweed (海草) becomes food of many kinds—even candy and ice cream—as well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another gift from the sea. We can't drink ocean water. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.

    The sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water and other gifts. What do we give the sea? We pollute the ocean all the time. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Throwing waste into the ocean is killing off sea life. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.

    We are finally learning that if we destroy our sea, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.

A. Other gifts, such as seaweed, can be also got from the sea.

B. Huge as it is, the ocean can't hold all that we pour into it.

C. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation.

D. We even use their bones (骨头) for fertilizer (肥料).

E. Some of its contents (所含物) may cause illness.

