
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



This is Joy's room. It's a big room. There are some pictures on the wall. There's a desk and a chair in her room. The desk is near the window. Her bag and pencil case are on the desk. There are some pencils, a pen, a ruler in the pencil case. Joy's bed is near the desk. Her shoes and a ball are under the bed. Joy and her friend, Kate, are often in the room. They like the room very much.

(1)、Joy's room is ____________.
A、small B、big C、very old D、we don't know
(2)、There ____________ in her room.
A、is a chair and some pens B、are some desks and chairs C、is a desk and a chair D、some balls and a desk
(3)、Joy's pencil case is ____________.
A、near the window B、near the bed C、under the bed D、on the desk
(4)、Her bed is ____________.
A、near the desk B、on the desk C、under the desk D、near the window
(5)、____________shoes are under the bed.
A、Kate's B、Joy's C、Betty's D、Betty and Kate's
Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

    Rosa liked making up stories. She was so sure that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believed her! At first she supposed it was 1. Now, as she got up to talk before the class, she knew that making up stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.

    Rosa's parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summer 2, she went to her father's farm in Arizona.

    The farm was great! Rosa rode horses and helped with some farm work. Her father, however, was so 3 that he couldn't find time to go to other places with her. When she arrived each summer, her father would meet her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the day she went back to the city he would always buy her a present.

    When summer came to a close, Rosa returned to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a 4to talk about too.

    Not long after 5 began, Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library. They talked about many exciting places, like England and Germany. When Rosa's friends asked what she had done in the summer, she made up something that was not6. Remembering the travel magazines she had read, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to England.

    When the class began studying England, Mr Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could 7 about her trip to England!


    It's hard to make friends if you stay at home all the time, so get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with(接触)other people. It's easier to make friends with them when you find you like the same things as other people.

Don't be afraid to show people what you're really good at. You can talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if they, hear something interesting about you.

    Look at people in your eyes when you talk to them. That way, they'll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think you're not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.

    Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about "me, me, me” You can ask people lots of questions and show that you are interested in their answers.

    Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect(尊敬)and admire(羡慕). You shouldn't just make friends with those people you will meet them easily. Try to be friendly with all kinds of people. That way, you'll have a bigger group of people to choose from. Then you'll be easier to make friends with other people.

The ways to make {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Go out of the house and touch with people

It's not {#blank#}2{#/blank#}to make friends when you stay at home all the time, so get out of the house and put you in touch with other people

Don't be{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

You can talk about the things you like and do best. Then people will be interested in you i

Look at people in your {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

They'll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think you're not interested in them.

Be a good listener.

Let people talk about themselves {#blank#}5{#/blank#}talking about "me, me, me" and make friends with the kind of people you really like.


Clothes Donation (捐赠) Box

    Have you ever put your old clothes into the donation box in your neighborhood? If not, you can do it right now because the clothes donation is becoming a trend (趋势) in Urumqi.

    "From time to time, my mother clears out the clothes which I no longer wear. You know, we teenagers are growing fast. I think it's a good way to help others." Lin Tao, a junior student says.

    "I often pick out some of my clothes which are out of style after going shopping. Then I put them into the donation box." Miss Li, a pretty young lady says.

    "That seems like a good idea. Some clothes in the box are quite new. People can either wear them or use them to make things such as handbags and pencil cases," Mrs Wang, an old woman says, "sometimes I also look through the box for some nice clothes."

    However, there are some problems along with the popularity of clothes donation. Recently, a UTV reporter from Focus on the City has made a survey. Here are the results:

    Some boxes are full of clothes in a short time. There is no more room for people to give away clothes.

    Some people sell the clothes in the donation box for making money instead of wearing them.

    Some communities set the boxes in unsuitable places. So there are few clothes in it.

    Many clothes are too old and shabby (破烂的).

    "What's worse," one of the staff in a community added, "we quite often see people throw rubbish into the box when they pass by. We've tried to stop them several times but failed. It has been the most serious problem since we set the box."

    In order to make the donation box work in an efficient (有效的) way, our government is taking action. Clothes donation will be better-organized and it'll be more convenient for people in need to take the clothes away.

