
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    A banker was on holiday. He was walking on a beautiful beach near a small village. He saw a fisherman in his 1 with a few fish in it.

    "Great fish!" he said. " 2 did it take you to catch them?"

    "Not very long", answered the fisherman.

    "Why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more? asked the banker.

    "There are just enough fish here to 3 my family, answered the fisherman.

    Then the banker asked, But what do you do the rest of the time?

    "I sleep late, I play with my kids, 4 I relax. In the evening, I go to see my friends in the village. We drink wine and play the guitar. I'm 5 than you think. Life here isn't as..."

    "I have an MBA from Harvard University, the banker 6 ."And I can help you. You're not fishing as much as you can. If you start fishing for longer periods of time, you'll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. Then with the 7 you'll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat, and then a third one, and so on. Then 8 selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even 9 your own factory."

    "And then? "asked the fisherman.

    "Then you'll be able to leave your little village for the big city, where you could direct the company and you will 10 millions."

    "Millions? But then what?

    "Then you can retire (退休), live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kid..."

A、house B、kitchen C、boat D、sea
A、How long B、When C、How much D、How
A、serve B、cost C、treat D、feed
A、though B、so C、and D、but
A、lazier B、busier C、cleverer D、kinder
A、turned up B、cried out C、ran away D、broken in
A、money B、success C、time D、interest
A、instead of B、thanks to C、except for D、because of
A、save B、find C、open D、sell
A、dream B、make C、lose D、spend

Have you ever had lucid (清醒的) dreams? Recent studies suggest that the number of people having them is on the rise. Someone having a lucid dream realizes they are dreaming and may from then on" direct" the action, or they may simply " watch" the dream unfold. The sense of awareness (知道) makes it different from a dream that is simply very lively and true to life. And although the description may seem strange, the process is far from alien to many of us.

Studies suggest that the number of people in the Western world experiencing lucid dreams, which happen once in a while, has risen by between 10 and 40 per cent since the 1980s. Today, they are so common that about one in eight of us will have one in our lives. But still, little is known about what causes them or what is behind the rise.

Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US shows that the brain is working hard during lucid dreams. In fact, the level of the mental (精神

的) activity in some parts of the brain is similar to that of a person who is awake. Lucid dreamers seem to share certain personal characters. For example, in general they are quite creative. They are also good at digging deep into problems and going out of their way to solve them. Furthermore, they always believe in personal responsibility rather than letting society carry the can.

Our nightmares (噩梦) may show our waking worries, with the five most common ones-- falling, being run after, feeling disabled, being late and the death of a loved one. Men are more likely to have nightmares about fights or being fired while hair and tooth loss appear more in women's nightmares-perhaps showing worries about losing their looks. Research has also found that women have more nightmares than men. Their dreams are also scarier and more unforgettable.


Meeting a polar bear

I put my day's supply of food into my bag and then began to take down the tent. Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl (嚎叫) from my dog Charlie. I looked at him and then in the direction he was watching closely. A polar bear!

It was a mother 1 by two cubs coming slowly towards me. They were 200 meters away. With a pounding (狂跳) heart, I picked up my flare (照明) gun and 2 walked sideways a few steps to Charlie. Without taking my eyes off the bear, I untied Charlie and, again walked sideways.

The bear, now only 150 meters aways, wasn't stopping. Her cubs had dropped back but she kept going, while I tried to remember all the 3 that had been given. Keep eye contact, move sideways or forward, never backward, stay calm, don't show 4 . Don't wound a bear and you'll make it 5 to control it. Never run. Repeating to myself, "Stay calm, stay calm," I fired a warning shot (射击) to the bear's left. The loud noise had no 6 . She came around. I fired a flare, landing it a little to her right. Her head moved in its direction but she didn't stop. I fired another, this time dropping it right in front of her. She stopped, looked at the flare. She was only 30 meters away now.

By this time, I was so nervous that my heart could have been heard at base camp. The bear began to step around the flare, and I dropped another a meter in front of her. again she 7 , and then she fixed her tiny black eyes on Charlie, who was trying to reach her. She looked back at her cubs, waited, and then moved to my left in a half circle. I fired two more flares, trying to draw a line between her and me. She stopped again and seemed to want to 8 the line of flares but was unsure of the result and of Charlie, so she decided to stay 9 . Finally, with a last long look, she walked north with her cubs behind her.

My hands were still shaking, but I now knew that I could 10 a bear in the wild bravely and stay calm enough to act properly.

