
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    The problem of robocalls has become so severe that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don't know. By next year, half of the calls we receive will be scams (欺诈). We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through. Unfortunately, it's too little, too late. By the time these "solutions" become widely available, scammers will have moved onto cleverer means. Soon you will also question whether the voice you're hearing is actually real.

    That's because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use. At this year's I/O Conference, a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to receptionist and book a reservation without detection.

     The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision. A decade of data breaches (数据侵入) of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother's name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, they're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people. This means, for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller's, tricking you into "confirming" your address, mother's name, and cark number. Scammers follow money, so companies will be the worst hit. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships..

    We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks. That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp, which can be tied to your identity.

    Credibility is hard to earn but easy to lose, and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out.

A. Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually.

B. There are many challenges in robotics that need to be addressed in order to solve the voice manipulation and assembly problems.

C. In the near future, it's not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt.

D. It's high time that the government should spare no effort to tackle the problem immediately.

E. Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real.

F. Those developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse.


    It's very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} After all, spending money on a resume writer is one of the few payouts that will have good return right away.

    But some of you will be able to do a proper job rewriting your resume on your own. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} You need to rethink the goals and rethink the rules of a resume in order to approach the project like the best of the resume professionals.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} A resume is not your life story. No one cares. The only things that should be on your resume are achievements. Anyone can do their job, but only a small percentage of the population can do their job well, wherever they go. The best way to show that you did your job well is from achievements. The best achievement is a promotion. It is an objective way to show that you impress the people you will work for. Presenting clearly your achievements is enough and also necessary. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Don't make your resume a moral statement. It's a marketing document. Think about when a company announced the launch of their product. You need to take the same approach with your resume, because a resume is a marketing document. The best marketing documents show the product in the best light, which is to use whatever possible means to make you look good. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. As long as you are not lying, you will be fine.

B. Don't focus on your responsibilities, focus on what you achieved.

C. Write what achievements you will make for the people you work for.

D. Anything on your resume that is not an achievement is wasting space.

E. So I recommend to a lot of people that they hire someone to help them.

F. The first thing you'll have to do is to make some mental shifts.

G. So learning to write your own resume is important.


    It's the time of year when graduates are looking forward to putting constant exams behind and moving on to a more exciting stage of their lives. But in the digital age, not everything is so easily left behind, because they have created a digital footprint that's often not easy to cover up. However, there are various actions they can take to make that online presence(网络形象) more appreciating.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Clean up your Facebook account

    Clean up your Facebook page and get rid of anything that could be considered offensive (冒犯的,无礼的) or held against you. Remember, the test is no longer “Would you want grandma to see it?” but “{#blank#}2{#/blank#}”

    Use a professional looking photo{#blank#}3{#/blank#}, so make sure that first impression is a good one. Again, what worked at school is unlikely to impress the employers. Also, be consistent (一致的)and use the same photo on all your online platforms.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    While it's important to make the transition(过渡)from school to the workplace, you don't want to leave everything behind. Make a point of keeping in touch with your school friends, teachers, professors, sports coaches, or anyone who could be helpful to you as you establish a career.

    Be yourself

    Nobody can be more like you than you.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Turn your social networking pages into your own personal website, and start marketing your own individual ,brand!

A.Grow your network

B.Search your memory

C.A picture is worth a thousand words

D.Whom would you want to see it?

E.Would you want a future employer to see it?

F.Make sure your online presence is representative of who you really are.

G.Here are a few suggestions that you might want to pass on.


    Everyone wants to perform well at school. Add these tips to your life and you should be on your way to being a top student!

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}I cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to what your teacher is teaching you. Take part in class discussions if you have something worth adding. Pay attention during class, especially during lectures.

    Taking notes is important. You don't need to write down every single word your teacher says but write down what he or she writes on the board or any special fact you think you might need for a test. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} In this way it will help you learn more effectively (有效地) by actually thinking about what you are writing.

    Don't skip school. You will be missing out on stuff. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, you will have more work and you have missed lectures. Also, try not to be late for class. It's most likely that your teacher won't appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you have an “I don't care about school or this class” attitude, then teachers will be less willing to help you with problems. The same goes for lazy attitude. Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students. Try not to laugh when other students make mistakes.

    Always ask questions. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you don't understand, ask someone. Read your textbook and notes, and then if that fails, seek help. Ask a teacher, friend, classmate, parent, etc. Get a tutor if you need one.

A. It is true that you could make up the work.

B. Keep a good attitude towards things.

C. Pay attention to everything the teacher says.

D. There is no shame in needing some help.

E. Staying organized will be helpful.

F. Write in your own words.

G. Be prepared.


The Advantages of Hobbies

    Hobbies provide entertainment and a chance to continuously learn something new and develop a skill set.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Hobbies are praised as a key to stress reduction. Becoming lost in the mental concentration or physical action which you are deeply interested in helps you shift focus from the parts of life that are stressful.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}And in turn you are more peaceful when working on other work.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Many people set goals with their hobbies that provide them satisfaction when these goals have been achieved. These goals can be simple, like improving a golf score, writing a certain number of pages for a novel each day or seeing an entire collection of classic films.

    Hobbies provide a sense of community when you meet other people who enjoy similar activities.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}More populated cities typically have numerous clubs or groups for people to share their knowledge and enthusiasm about a particular hobby. Becoming a member of one of these organizations allows greater growth within your hobby, as well as a chance to make new friends.

    Having a hobby can develop a talent that makes a person feel proud and satisfied. For example, a tennis hobby developed at a young age can lead to a career as a professional athlete one day.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}For example, writer Vladimir Nabokov also collected butterflies, which allowed him to do better in his chosen fields because he used learned skills from one to improve the other.

A.Focusing on something enjoyable can calm the mind.

B.Hobbies also provide a sense of achievement.

C.Some hobbies affect other aspects of your life.

D.There are a variety of hobbies.

E.They also provide many other social and health benefits.

F.Having a hobby increases the chances to interact with like-minded people.

G.Some hobbies containing physical activities offer an enjoyable way to stay healthy.


    Much of the work in today's world is accomplished(完成) in teams. Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Companies spend millions hiring top business people. Is their money well spent?

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}They focused on football, basketball and baseball. The results are mixed. For football and basketball, adding talented players to a team proves a good method, but only up to the point where 70% of the players are top talent; above that level, the team's performance begins to decline. Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance.

    To explain this phenomenon, the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调) their actions. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates. They conclude that when task interdependence is high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent, while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower. If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the team's performance. Young children learning to play team sports are often told, "There is no I in TEAM." {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team, some players may make less effort. Just as in a game of tug-of-war(拔河比赛), whenever a person is added, everyone else pulls the rope with less force.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} An A-team may require a balance——not just A players, but a few generous B players as well.

A. It's not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent.

B. Sports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top talent.

C. The group interaction and its effect drew the researchers' attention.

D. Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.

E. Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world.

F. Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent.

G. This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball.


    Rainbows (彩虹) are one of the most beautiful works that nature creates. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you've ever seen one, consider yourself lucky.

    Rainbows can be seen when light passes through raindrops, says Kristin Calhoun, a research scientist studying the conditions of weather.

    When sunlight passes through raindrops, the light bends, as it enters a droplet. As it leaves the droplet, the light separates into different wavelengths (波长). {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The seven colors — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet — bend in seven different directions. Red light, for example, bends in a different way than violet light. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It also explains why rainbows look like an arc (弧). Sometimes, however, rainbows can actually form a circle that you can see in a plane with the right conditions.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} "There is an even better chance when the sun is at a lower level, early or later in the day," Calhoun says. And another key is to face the rain and have your back to the sun.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} "Small showers and storms often form in late afternoon in this area," Calhoun says. "These types of showers often produce heavy rain, but remain isolated (孤立的) over the center of the island."

A.There are lots of stories relating to rainbows.

B.Rainbows are created by light through raindrops.

C.And each wavelength appears as a different color.

D.With the conditions just right, Hawaii gets lots of rainbows.

E.The best time to catch a rainbow is when it's sunny and raining.

F.But they can be seen only if you are in the right place at the right time.

G.This is why the person on the ground sees each color at a different location.

