
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Today in the UK teenagers are allowed to work from the age of 13, and many do take up part-time jobs. It's a taste of independence and sometimes a useful thing to put on their CV(简历). Teenagers agree that it teaches valuable lessons about working with adults and also about managing their money.

    Some research has shown that not taking part-time job could be detrimental to a person later on. A 2015 study by the UK Commission on Employment and Skills found that not taking part-time work at school age had been blamed by employers' organizations for young adults being ill-prepared for full-time employment. However, recent studies have still shown that the number of schoolchildren in the UK with a part-time job has fallen by a fifth in the past five years.

    So, does this mean that British teenagers are now more afraid of hard work? Probably not. Young people feel that going out to work will affect their performance at school, and they are under more pressure now to study hard and get good exam results — and a good job in the long term. However, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, told BBC News that ''Properly regulated part-time work is a good way of helping young people learn skills that they will need in their working lives.'' In reality, it's all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest.

(1)、Which is the advantage of having part-time jobs?
A、Learning useful lessons. B、Spending money at will. C、Living independently. D、Making some money.
(2)、What does the underlined word ''detrimental'' probably mean?
A、Careful. B、Helpful. C、Faithful. D、Harmful.
(3)、From the passage, in UK we know        .
A、hard work is not fit for teenagers B、a girl aged 10 is not allowed to work C、a fifth children have taken part-time jobs D、working benefits teens' performance at school
(4)、What is Geoff Barton's opinion?
A、Learning some necessary working skills. B、Keeping a balance between study and rest. C、Having as many part-time jobs as possible. D、Focusing on teenagers' achievements at school.

    Ebola is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. The virus is causing the biggest problems in western Africa, where it has spread quickly. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But it can get worse and cause life-threatening symptoms, such as bleeding and trouble breathing.


    Ebola does not spread like colds or the flu because it does not float through the air. Ebola also doesn't spread through food or water, like some other viruses. Instead, Ebola spreads when someone touches the body fluids (such as spit) of a sick person.


    An outbreak is when many people are getting sick with the same illness around the same time. You may have heard of a flu outbreak, which is when lots of people get sick from the same types of flu virus. When an outbreak happens because of a virus, more people could get sick because there is a lot of that virus around.

    Where did Ebola come from?

    Scientists aren't sure how the first person gets Ebola at the start of an outbreak. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Tropical animals in Africa believed to carry the virus include great apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats, porcupines, and forest antelope.

    What do kids need to do about Ebola?

    Ebola is making many people sick in Africa, but no matter where you live, it's always a good idea to wash your hands well and often. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Why do I need to wash my hands?

B. How do people catch Ebola?

C. Ebola symptoms can start with fever and headache, kind of like the flu.

D. But they think that people may pick up the virus by touching or eating infected animals.

E. It's very important that infected people get treatment right away.

F. Keeping hands clean can help protect you from common illnesses like colds and the flu.

G. What is an outbreak?


    The human brain remembers negative experiences more easily than positive ones. Our brains have developed in this way because threats,like dangerous animals ,have a more immediate effect on people's survival compared to positive things like food or shelter.As a result,you clearly know what makes you unhappy,but do you know what makes you happy?

    Research suggests that our level of happiness is partly shaped by the choices we make.If you've been chasing wealth,fame,power and some material things,you may be looking for happiness in the wrong places.Psychologists suggest that the following habits can make people happier.

    People who own close relationships tend to be happier than those who do not.The number of our friends is not important.What matters is the quality of our relationships.Relationships that bring happiness usually consist of the sharing of feelings,acceptance,mutual respect and trust.

    People who exercise on a regular basis can improve both their physical and mental well-being.Some research has shown that exercise can be as effective as some medicine in treating depression.

    If we are so interested in an activity,we may lose track of time,and we can be in a state of flow.The activity could be playing the piano,surfing the Internet or playing a game...People who experience flow in their work or life tend to be happier.

    People are more likely to be happy if they know what their strengths are and can use them regularly.People are especially happy when they can set goals and use their strengths to achieve them.

    People,who think positively by being grateful,mindful and optimistic,are more likely to be happy.Being grateful means being thankful.Being mindful means considering,focusing on,and enjoying the experiences of the present moment.Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future.


    Electric devices can seem like a “third party” in Some relationships because some partners spent more time on them than with each other.

    When Amanda Gao, a 26-year-old white collar worker in Beijing, went to a hotpot restaurant with her boyfriend on Friday night several weeks ago, she expected that they would have a good time together. To her disappointment, however, it did not turn out that later. As soon as they were led to their seats and she began to order dishes, he buried himself in his mobile phone.

    “It seemed that his phone was making its way between us. A date that should have belonged to us turned into one where my boyfriend dated a third party and I felt left out.” Gao said. Some people, like her, have found electronics have been sabotaging(破坏) their romantic relationships.

    A study, published in the journal Psych010kY of Popular Media Culture, in April, 2017, questioned nearly 200 college aged adults who were in committed(真诚的) relationships to report on their and their partner's smartphone dependency. The results showed people who were more dependent on their phones were less sure about their relationships, and people considered their partners excessively(过度地) dependent on their devices were less satisfied in their relationship.

    Lin Yuan, a relationship advisor in Beijing, noted that as more and more electronics come out and spice up people's lives, they are at the same time becoming a third party in relationships, especially for young people.

    Lin said she knew of some people who suggest that electronics should be kept out of bedrooms, which she considered challenging and hard to be put into practice for most couples. She recommended that if people are feeling neglected in their relationship, they need to respectfully let their partners know their feeling. “Communication is always the best and the most efficient way.” she said.


    Guide Dogs of America, A History is the book that we all have been waiting for. It's a book that tells how and where the guide dog movement really started, with information never before revealed--until now. After reading this 200-page, picture-filled work, you will know about every aspect of Guide Dogs of America(GDA) from its inception to how it has become one of the top guide dog schools in the country.

    Joseph W. Jones, Sr., was refused a guide dog because of his age--he was fifty seven--but he would not accept defeat. He researched the guide dog movement and with the help of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, established his own school, one that would provide guide dogs free of charge to visually impaired people regardless of their age.

    The school graduated 18 guide dog teams the first year with students staying at, GDA's first trainer, Lambert Kreimer's house on South Virginia Avenue in Burbank, and Jones manning the office on Lankershim Boulevard in North Hollywood.

    In 1952, Jones addressed the quadrennial(四周年纪念的) IAM Grand Lodge Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. “I sincerely prayed to God for two things,” Jones said. “After my wife passed away and left me with a ten-year-old boy, I prayed that I would be spared long enough to see this organization well established and that my ten-year-old boy would become a man. Both prayers have been answered. The organization is well established, it is in the hands of the IAM and my boy is a man, and I am proud to say that today he is a member of the IAM.”

    Jones' pray for a successful organization had been answered now, ten years after he was rejected for being too old, his dream of having a guide dog for himself, hundreds of others had already been given the gift of sight because of his drive and determination. That school, now known as Guide Dogs of America, has provided guide dogs to thousands of people free of charge.


    "Have a nice day!" may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says "Have a nice day" with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.

    "Have a nice day. Next!" This version of expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door. The words come out in the same tone(腔调)with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone else's is the management's attempt to increase the business.

    The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting is at an end. Sometimes the expression serves us when we don't know what to say." Oh, you just had a tooth out? I'm terribly sorry, but have a nice day."

    The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says "Have a nice day" to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don't know has tried to be nice to you.

    Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it's nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don't care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.

Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    The recession (衰退) of 2008-09 was remarkable in rich countries for its intensity, the following recovery for its weakness. The labour market has also broken the rules, as new research from the OECD, a think-tank of mainly rich countries, shows in its annual Employment Outlook.

    Young people always suffer in recessions. Employers stop hiring them; and they often get rid of new recruits because they are easier to dismiss. But in previous episodes, such as the recessions of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, older workers were also kicked off. This time is different. During the financial crisis in 2008, and since, they have done better than other age groups.

    The researchers focus on movements in "non-employment" as a share of the total population in three age groups between the final quarters of 2007 and 2012. This measure has the advantage of including not just unemployment, where people are looking for work, but also inactivity, where people are not seeking jobs. Whereas the average non-employment rate in the OECD has risen by four percentage points among young people and by one-and-a-half points among 25-to 54-year-olds, it has fallen by two points among the 55-64 age group.

    Why have older employees done so well? In some southern European countries they benefit from job protection not afforded to younger workers, but that did not really help them in past recessions. What has changed, says Stefano Scarpetta, head of the OECD's employment directorate, is that firms now bear the full costs of getting rid of older staff. In the past, early-retirement policies provided by governments (in the mistaken belief that these would help young people) made it cheaper to push grey-haired workers out of the door. These have largely stopped.

    Many will argue that older workers have done better at the expense of the young. That view is wrongheaded. First, it is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for another; there is no fixed amount of work. And second, as the report shows, young and old people are by and large not substitutes in the workplace. They do different types of work in different types of occupation: younger people are keen on IT firms, for example, whereas older folk tend to be employed in more traditional industries. There are plenty of things that should be done to help the young jobless, but kicking older workers out of the workplace is not one of them.

