
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    What's going to happen in the future? Will robots control our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10-30 years from now, according to the BBC.

    Bionic (仿生的) Eyes

    They are no longer something, only in a science fiction movie. People who are blind may have a chance to see things clearly—by wearing bionic eyes.

    A blind eye can no longer sense sight, but a bionic eye can use a camera to "see" the environment and send information to the mind. Now the bionic eye only allows patients to see lights and unclear shapes. A bionic eye with very clear pictures could be just in a few years away.

    Digital Money

    We used to pay with cash for everything we bought. Now we can use Wechat Pay or Alipay to shop, money is spent without seeing it. That means we are already using digital money. People only need to take a mobile phone wherever they go. Using these ways is much easier than searching our pockets for change. It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash.

    It is reported that people in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be the next.

    Self-driving Cars

    Unlike a human driver, a self-driving car won't be influenced by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors (探测器) and cameras on the car would allow it to follow the rules of the road strictly and keep a safe space from other cars. This would greatly make the number of road accidents smaller. You can even take a short rest while the car drives itself. In the future, driverless cars would be widely accepted.

(1)、Which of the following payments is not mentioned in this passage?
A、Cash B、Wechat Pay C、Alipay D、Credit card
(2)、Bionic eyes send information to the________.
A、mind B、camera C、computer D、heart
(3)、From the report, we can learn some information about________.
A、industry and farming B、traffic and journey C、science and technology D、culture and art
(4)、The passage tells us that________.
A、bionic eyes only appear in the science fiction films B、the blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future C、self-driving cars will be influenced by something outside D、there will be no accidents at all if self-driving cars are used
(5)、We can infer (推断) that________ from the passage.
A、there would be a number of self-driving cars on the road B、robots would control the world C、the blind could use glasses to see things around D、we would live a hard life with digital money

    Researchers have developed paper that can be printed with UV light (紫外线), free from the need for ink (油墨). People can clear the information away on the light-printable paper by heating it to 120℃and it can be reused more than 80 times.

    The research was carried out in order to reduce the effects of paper production on deforestation (滥砍滥伐). The researchers, from Shandong University in China and the University of California, Riverside, said that the secret behind the technology is a color-changing chemical. A thin coating of the chemical can be used on usual paper and turn it into a reusable, light-printable one. Heating the paper for 10 minutes can help clear the information away more quickly.

    Professor Yadong Yin, a chemistry professor at the University of California and a co-author of the study, said, "The greatest importance of our work is the development of a new technology to produce an ink-free rewritable paper that has the same feel and appearance as usual paper. Our work is believed to have great economic and environmental influences on the modem society." Paper production has a bad influence on the environment. It's the main cause of industrial pollution and paper thrown away by people makes up about 40% of landfills where waste is buried under the ground.

    It is predicted that light-printable paper will be inexpensive in the future. The printing process is also more cost-effective than the usual one as no ink is needed. Most importantly, it can be reused many times, which greatly reduces the cost.


The Vine That Ate the South

    Kudzu is a fast-growing vine(蔓生植物) that covers a large area in the southern United States. It is so common that one might think it is a native plant, but it is not. Kudzu was brought to the United States from Japan in 1876. Many Americans thought it was beautiful, and they began to plant it. They didn't know it could grow up to a foot a day during the summer months. Nor did they know it would grow up and over anything in its path.

    In Japan, kudzu experienced cold winters and a short growing season. But in the United States, it has a very long growing season with warm and wet southern weather. It is fine weather for the vine to grow fast.

    In the 1920s, people used the vine to feed farm animals. Ten years later, the government supported to plant kudzu because it kept soil from washing away. However, by the 1950s, the government no longer wanted people to plant the vine. Twenty years after that, the government said it was a harmful plant.

    The vine grows up trees and buildings, making some beautiful shapes. However, trees die after kudzu covers them because they cannot get enough light. Scientists are looking for ways to kill the vine. They used poisons(毒药) to kill the vine. However, some of the poisons made it grow even better. Scientists also find it difficult to dig up Kudzu. The plant is really tough.

    Because kudzu is so hard to kill, some people are making the best of it. So they try to find different uses for the vine. They find the vine can be used to make paper and baskets, it can be used to feed the goats, and it can even be eaten by people. Scientists are studying it in the hope that the vine can be used as a medicine. At the very least, kudzu serves as an example of the unexpected results that can come from non-native plants.

