
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Sometimes while sitting doing nothing, our minds recall events from the past that make us all tingly inside. I had one of those moments yesterday. I believe this was triggered(引起)by the oldie The Impossible Dream that was playing on the radio yesterday afternoon!

    In 1971, returning from our regular Friday night pregame meeting, I had no sooner walked in the door of our three-room apartment hack than the phone rang. It was the township police. They inquired if I was the football coach. I answered yes and asked if there was a problem. He said our football team had climbed the fence of the township football field and were sitting somewhere around the 50-yard line quietly. It was really not a problem. However, he thought I would like to know. I called my assistants, and made our way to the field.

    We met the police at the locked gate. The field was dark and silent. Then, suddenly, we heard voices singing—together and on key—the team theme song, The Impossible Dream. Silently, we listened and became overwhelmed(压倒)with emotion. Even the policemen had tears rolling down their cheeks. When the team had finished, they walked slowly to the now-opened gate of the field and were shocked to see us waiting there. Of course, our first words were, "What is going on?"

    Mike Bernert, the team captain, replied, "Well, coach, you told us to visualize our performance in our mind just before the night of the game. So we came and visualized the upcoming game while sitting on the 50-yard line. Afterward, we would sing The Impossible Dream.”

    The coaches and I were overwhelmed. And of course, the team, which was undefeated at this point, never lost a game that season.

(1)、What does the underlined word “tingly” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A、Frightened. B、Excited. C、Worried. D、Puzzled.
(2)、Why did the police call?
A、The team did something unusual. B、The team had conflicts with fans. C、The team locked themselves in the football field. D、The team damaged the fences of the playground.
(3)、How did the team feel when they saw the author and the policeman?
A、Happy. B、Sad. C、Ashamed. D、Surprised.
(4)、What is the purpose for the team to sing the song?
A、To enjoy themselves. B、To inspire themselves. C、To celebrate their success. D、To rest themselves.
    Television has turned 88 years old onSeptember 7, 2015, and it has never looked better. In its youth, television wasa piece of furniture with a tiny, round screen showing unclear pictures oflow-budget programs. In spite of its shortcomings, it became popular. Between1950 and 1963, the number of American families with a television jumped from 9%to 92% of the population.

    As the audience got larger, thetechnology got better. Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s. The reception (接收效果)improved. The picture improved. The major networks started broadcastingprograms in color.

    Even greater improvements were comingaccording to Sanford Brown, who wrote an article for the Post in 1967.Surprisingly, just about every prediction he made in the article became areality. For example: All sets in the not-distant future will be colorinstruments. He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller, simpler, morereliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work.Smaller sets do not, of course, mean smaller screens. TV engineers expectscreens to get much bigger. However, today's 3-D TV is even farther away, if it's coming at all. There is some doubt whether the public would be eager topay for it, in view of people's cold reception given to 3-D movies.

    But the technology with the greatestpotential, according to Brown, was cable television (有线电视), whichwas still in its early stages then. As he predicted, the future of cabletelevision was highly interactive (互动的). It wasn't cable television that gaveAmericans their electronic connection to the world, however. It was theInternet. He even foresaw the future office: using picture phones, big-screentelevisions for conferences, and computers providing information at the touchof a button.

    Brown ever said, “The future oftelevision is no longer a question of what we can invent. It's a question ofwhat we want.”


    A young Los Angeles actor in need of a second job to pay his bills has come up with a brilliant way to supplement his income-people walking.

    Chuck McCarthy originally considered becoming a dog walker to earn some extra cash, but soon realized that the job required more than walking dogs on a leash. However, walking people didn't require much when they were out on walks. Chuck realized there was money to be made if he walked people around Los Angeles instead.

    It might sound like a joke, but The People Walker, as he calls himself, is very serious about his new job. For $7 per mile, he offers to walk with clients around L.A., listening to their problems or simply making conversations and offering them a sense of security. At 6-feet, 2-inches, and sporting a bulky figure and bushy beard, Chuck doesn't look like the kind of guy you'd want to mess with.

    Chuck's services are aimed at people who need a motivational boost to go walking, those who don't feel safe walking alone in some areas, and those who are afraid that people might see them walking by themselves and think that they have no friends. “I wear my The People Walker shirt upon request and on the first walk with a new client, so they can be 100% sure it's me,” McCarthy says. However, he admits some people are a bit uncomfortable with this policy, as they don't necessarily want everyone to know that they're being walked.

    So far, Chuck McCarthy has already had another five people walkers employed, covering various areas, like downtown L.A., Hollywood, Eagle Rock, or Fairfax. Once he posted signs around the city, his phone started ringing and clients began rolling in. And with all the free publicity he has been getting in the press lately, more requests are coming.

    While he hopes that his acting career will pick up soon, in the meantime Chuck is very happy with his people walking business. After all, it's literally a walk in the park and it pays the bills.


    As he applied sunscreen to his young daughter's face, Dara O'Rourke, a professor of environmental and labor policy at the University of California, Berkeley, found himself wondering if the lotion(霜) was safe. He realized there was no readily available answer. The result—two years, a team of chemists, lots of testing and venture capital(风险投资) later—is GoodGuide. com. Launched in 2008, this is a website with a smart phone app that rates 140, 000 consumer products (only in America) according to their safety, environmental sustainability and the ethics of the firms that make them. Now GoodGuide has created a new “purchase analyzer” app designed to inform consumers not just about the values attached to products, but also about whether they are the virtuous(有信誉的) shoppers they say they want to be.

    Using the new app requires selecting a series of characteristics, which range from whether the user favours organic products to buying only from firms with a good human-rights record. Consumers then scan the bar code on a product with the camera in their smart phones. The app identifies it and checks in a database to score it. Much therefore depends on the quality of the data, which GoodGuide gathers from various sources, including government reports, scientific studies, and research by its own staff. If the product scores badly, the app will recommend an alternative item which is rated more highly. The app also tracks a consumer's purchases to see how well he lives up to his selected values, giving a sort of personal virtue rating.

    So far, GoodGuide has mostly been used by shoppers who are keen to know about any issues connected with products they buy. They are mothers concerned about a child's health, older people facing a chronic(慢性的) illness or supporters of a cause, such as animal rights. The hope behind the app is that the idea of finding out about a product's background will become the mainstream.

    Consumers rarely change their buying habits, even when provided with scientific and other data, says Mr O'Rourke. So he has drawn on insights from behavioral economics, which show shoppers can be greatly influenced by peer pressure and by information passed on to them by people they know. The app tries to take advantage of these pressures. The virtue rating will inform consumers how well they are doing according to the values they espouse(拥护). That measurement encourages them to do better. Soon, the rating will be able to be shared with others on social media sites such as Facebook, which could inspire a shopper to consume more thoughtfully.


    Hungary's capital sparkles(闪耀)in winter and it's a great place to see in the New Year. There's festive cheer on tap, with concerts, folk dancing and stalls selling wine or fruit brandy and traditional chimney cake outsides. New Year's Eve is celebrated with fireworks over the Danube(多瑙河), and it's worth booking one of the many river cruises(巡游)with dinner and DJs (free and open 24/7, but likely to be crowded).

    A four-night trip with Travel Republic costs £449 for a family (2 adults with 1 child under 6), departing Stansted on 28 December with Ryanair, with B&B accommodation at the central Atrium Budapest Hotel.

    For a slightly more cerebral(理智的)New Year's Eve, Stockholm is a smart choice. The main celebration is at Skansen, Sweden's oldest open-air museum. Enterainment starts at 8 p.m. with singing and dancing, and peaks with a recitation of the poem Ring Out. Evening tickets are £14 for adults (children under 6 go free), or there are new day and evening combination tickets (£16 adult/£5 child). On New Year's Day, early birds can try an introduction to ice skating (8 a.m. daily, £139).

    Book it Ryanair, Norwegian and SAS fly to Stockholm from several UK airports.

    The land of fire and ice lives up to its name on New Year's Eve, when about 90 bonfires(篝火)are lit across the country. Some bonfires are accompanied by Icelandic singing; most start about 8 p.m. and finish by 10 p.m., which can be a good time to see the northern lights. After the fires, everyone goes home to watch Áramótaskaup, a TV show that has been running on 31 December since 1966. But that doesn't mean the party is over just before midnight, they all come back out to let off an astonishing amount of fireworks, with profits going to Icelandic Search and Rescue Association, which does life-saving work, and is run by volunteers and is a cause close to most Icelanders' hearts.

    Book it Wow Air and Wizz Air, easyJet and Icelandair fly to Reykjavik from several UK cities.


    The pub is a great British invention. Here, experts pick their favourites for Sunday lunch, picturesque settings, craft beer, history and more.

    Free Trade Inn, Newcastle

    House favourites

    Fyne Ales Jarl, 3.8%

    Scream for Pizza food truck, every Wednesday, £5 (if pre-booked)

    Moors and oceans are great, but looking up the Tyne towards the city's bowed bridges from this pub in Ouseburn is another kind of delight. It is especially exciting at sunset, as the Instagrammers and amateur photographers of north-east England have discovered — city lights gleaming(闪烁) against Miami Vice skies.

    The Angel on the Bridge, Henley-on-Thames

    House favourites

    Brakspear Bitter, 3.4%

    Slow-roast belly pork, £13.50

    For those who prefer their views more landscaped than wild. The river is peaceful, the ducks entertaining, the air clean, and sunsets and mist keep the view varied all year round. The pub even has its own moorings for people with boats.

    Duke of Marlborough, Suffolk

    House favourites

    Adnams Dry Hopped Lager, 4.2%

    Braised beef cheek, £13.50

    Time has a habit of leaving its trace on village pubs and the Duke is no different. Originally built as a medieval hall house, it became an inn during the 17th century. With the help of what is obviously a very active community, the pub is a lively place attracting drinkers, foodies and families with kids. Help yourself to dog biscuits if you bring your best friend.

    The Bevy, Brighton

    House favourites

    Harvey's Sussex Best Bitter, 4%

    Sunday roast, £7.95

    In 2010, what was then the Bevendean pub was closed by the police due to a series of antisocial incidents. Four years later it reopened as the Bevy, after locals bought it and carried out essential works. The whole project is an example of how an urban pub in an unfashionable area can be saved.

