
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


(1)、阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的 A~D 四个选项中选择正确的答案,并填入其序号,使短文意思连贯

    A South African man has been living in a barrel (桶) for more than two months. The barrel is on a pole (杆). 

    Vernon Kruger has been in the barrel for over 68 days. “  ” He says. He washes twice a week in a small basin (脸盆). His team members give him the food in a basket. The barrel has a system for all waste.

      It was when he was climbing a tree on an island during a vacation. Later he learned that a man from Indonesia had already broken the record by sitting in a tree for 28 days.

    This time Vernon Kruger has broken the world record set by himself in 1997. At that time, he stayed in a barrel for 54 days. “” said a member of his team. “He's not coming down after breaking his record.”

A. It is about 25 meters high.

B. Vernon is going to stay a little longer.

C. Sleeping in this barrel is not easy.

D. How did the idea first come to his mind? 

(2)、Please give a title (标题) to the passage!  (不多于 5 个单词)

Have you ever noticed that you seem to learn faster in certain classes but slowly in others? Maybe you think it's because of the different difficulties of subjects, but the real reason is that our learning types are different.

Now, you may wonder what a learning type is and how to find yours.

There are mainly three different learning types: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. You can be a combination(混合) of learning types, but most people have one main type. Visual learners learn best by seeing. If you seem to easily remember information from pictures, charts and videos, you are likely a visual learner. Auditory learners learn best by hearing. If you seem to remember things by hearing them, then you are likely an auditory learner.

Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. If you seem to learn best by working with your hands or testing out what you are shown, you are likely a kinesthetic learner.

So now that you know your personal learning style, the trick is to find out how to use your new-found knowledge to help you  in your classes.

Tips for Visual Learners

*Pay attention! For visual learners, this is very important! If your teacher uses a PowerPoint, watch the pictures carefully and find out what they might include and their hidden meanings.

*Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying

down a list. This way, your brain will easily connect the different concepts(概念). You can even draw pictures if you find that works better for you.

*Mark your notes or your note cards in different colors. This will help your brain in keeping all of the information separate. Different colors show different types of information or importance.

*Download the PowerPoint if your teacher puts it on QQ. This way, you canreview them before an exam.

Tips for Auditory Learners

*Again, pay attention! If you aren't listening while the lecture is happening, then as an auditory learner, you're missing the easiest way for you to learn.

*If your teacher allows you to record the lecture, record it for future listening.

*If you find that taking notes stops you from listening, ask a friend if you can borrow his or her notes or write down everything you remember right after the lesson.

 Tips for Kinesthetic Learners

*The first point is paying attention once again! For kinesthetic learners, it's especially important to take notes either by writing or typing, in order to actively get information as you receive it.

*Make use of laboratories and other class activities. Focus on what you're

learning from the experience and pay close attention to the process that you go through.

*Visualize! That is to imagine yourself picking up information and putting it into a category(类别). This may sound silly, but in this way you're “doing” something without actually physically doing it.

*Rewrite notes and reread information. Try to translate the information into examples. This can help kinesthetic learners remember what they need to know.

The writer's writing purpose:{#blank#}1{#/blank#}





learn best by seeing

In class: If your teacher uses a PowerPoint, watch the pictures carefully and try to{#blank#}4{#/blank#} them completely. Draw charts or pictures on your notebook.

After class: Use different colors as

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}of different kinds of information on your notes or note cards. Download and review your teacher's PowerPoint.


learn best by hearing

In class:{#blank#}6{#/blank#} 

if your teacher allows. Don't take notes if it stops you from listening.

After class: Borrow your friend's notes or write down everything according to{#blank#}7{#/blank#} right after the lesson


learn best by doing

In class: Take your notes by writing or typing. Take{#blank#}8{#/blank#} of learning in laboratories and other class activities. Focus on learning

{#blank#}9{#/blank#}  After class: Visualize your learning. Write down the information in your notebook and try to put it in the form of{#blank#}10{#/blank#} and read the notes again.

