
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:真题 难易度:普通


    Two years ago, a small town in Changhua started to grow healthy rice. The healthy rice was not grown by farmers but by the students from a small primary school of only about fifty people.

    The idea of growing rice came from the school teachers. When making teaching plans, the teachers decided to teach students how to grow healthy rice on school land. They wanted the students to get closer to the land when doing the rice farming outside the classroom.

What's better, the school made money from selling the rice and giving farming classes to the public. With the money, the school could help the students who wished to go to foreign countries some day. Today the dream is becoming real — the students are flying to Japan to share their special farming experiences, and have fun over there, of course! “We all feel very proud that even students from a small town can make themselves seen in the world,” said one of the teachers.

(1)、When did the students begin to grow rice? (No more than 3 words)

(2)、Who decided to grow rice? (No more than 2 words)

(3)、Why was the decision made? (No more than 10 words)

(4)、Where was the rice grown? (No more than 3 words)

(5)、What did the students do with the money from selling the rice? (No more than 4 words)


Paperless homework will affect students' handwriting

    A growing number of primary schools in Shanghai are now encouraging "paperless" homework. Instead of writing with a pen, children can finish their homework simply by "surfing and typing" on their iPad screens.

    Many people welcome the use of this new technology in schools. And it isn't difficult to understand why digital homework could be the next big thing in education; it reduces waste; makes it easier for teachers to collect homework; and now that everything else is digitalized, homework should too.

    But there's an overlooked downside to online homework, as it shows an alarming trend(趋势); how technology is affecting physical handwriting.

    In today's digital age, handwriting is already a weakening skill. Can you remember the last time you used a pen? For me, it was when I had to fill out a form at work. To be honest, I couldn't write quite a few characters and had to type them on my iPhone to remind me of how to write them correctly. I know I'm not alone. There are more saying they share similar embarrassment (尴尬) when asked to write by hand.

    In a time when computers, smart phones and keyboards are widely used in the world, is handwriting even important? The answer is yes. Handwriting plays an important role in the learning process. Writing a character is more difficult than typing. It requires the body and mind work together actively. So for school﹣age children, writing not only allows them to memorize characters, but also trains their brains the way typing can't.

    Too many children, lost in technology, lie on a sofa or in bed with their smartphones or iPads a seldom mentioned side effect of modern technology, which may lead to physical problems later.

    All said, I'm not saying that digital homework should be canceled. Digitalization is an unstoppable trend. But for courses such as Chinese and English language, I hope to see digital homework introduced later into the courses, at least after children have had the ability to write characters and spell words well.


    One would think that campers would know not to break the branches off trees for firewood, drive fast around the campground, litter, or leave a fire not looked after, but I've seen people do all of these things. No matter where you put up your tent, here are five things not to do at a campground.


    What's it like to be near someone who decides to arrive late at night? Last summer, on a rainy night at a state park in Vermont, we heard noises from excited kids and barking dogs very close to our tent after midnight. There is no beautiful way to set up camp in the middle of the night, so please, just don't do it.


    No one thinks that his dog is annoying, but we all know that some pets are better off left home. The only thing worse than a camper who stands by lazily as his dog barks at passers-by for no reason at all, is that he leaves his dog at his campsite while he goes off for the night.


    This is the most important and often unnoticed camping manner in the book. Nearly every campground has rules that do not allow noise late at night and early in the morning, but most places also don't have the staff to carry them out.


    You might accept leaving your bar of soap thinking that someone might have forgotten to bring theirs, but I can assure you that non one wants to use your leftover soap especially if it's hairy, so please take it with you.


    No matter how good your taste in music is, I'd say most people prefer quiet hours with the nature. The truth is that no one want to hear your music except for yourself. Headphones are a great invention, but since too many campers fail to pack them, don't forget your earlugs.

A. Bring a noisy dog.

B. Check in late at night.

C. Fail to bring your soap

D. Push quiet hours rules aside

E. Leave behind your used soap

F. Take sound equipment with you

