
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江省人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 3自主检测


A. Lost: An ID card. My name is Betty. My telephone number is 867—1234.

B. Found: A purple pencil box. You can call Bill at 256—9856.

C Lost: I lost a ruler. I's blue. If you find it, please call me at 870—2678.

D. Lost: An apple phone. It is a mobile phone. It can store(储存) 500 telephone numbers.

E. Found: An English dictionary. Please call Jim. Phone number: 136— 2796—2311.

⑴Tony found a blue ruler in his desk, but it is not his ruler. Whose ruler is it?

⑵Mike has an English dictionary, but he can't find it. Can you help him?

⑶Linda lost a purple pencil box. There are two pencils and a ruler in it.

⑷Peter found a mobile phone last week.

⑸Lucy found an ID card in the school library.


Just In Time

    "Come on, Sasha," my father shouted. "Put the book down and get your clarinet(竖笛). We have to leave now if you don't want to miss the class."

    A clarinet class? I thought to myself. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Yes, I would like to miss the class. "Coming"{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. I got out of the bed and picked up my clarinet and rushed to the car.

    My dad started the engine and we drove off. "Hope you have a wonderful class," my dad said. "In my dream," I spoke very quietly. "Not again," my dad said angrily.

    I look out of the window{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. "Car traffic", I said under my breath with a big smile. This is my lucky day because I am going to miss the class.

    While we were waiting for the cars to start driving again, I was sitting in my car seat, singing a song. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. What's important is that I was going to miss the class. "Great! Ten minutes passed," I said excitedly. My dad looked at me angrily. The car started to move.

    "Finally," my dad took a deep breath. We got there and I had only missed a few minutes of the class.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

    "Just in time, Sasha. I was thinking you might be getting worried that you were going to miss the class," my teacher made a joke on me –knowing well that I hate the clarinet class!

A. Unhappily, I went into the classroom

B. Oh, right, I had clarinet class

C. Anyway, that's not important

D. I shouted at the top of my voice

E. I saw what was happening outside


    Most teens need more than 9 hours of sleep each night. But about 1 in 4 teens has trouble in sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect everything from our feelings to how well we focus on tasks like studying. It can also influence sports performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may lead to weight gain in some people.

    How can we get the sleep we need? Here are some ideas:

    Be active during the day. Get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just don't work too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.

    Say goodnight to electronics. Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only. At least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.

    Keep a sleep routine. Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep. Creating a bedtime routine can improve this relaxation effect. Reading, listening to music, spending time with a pet, writing a diary or doing anything else can relax you.

    Expect a good night's sleep. Instead of worrying that you won't sleep, remind yourself that you can. Say "Tonight, I will sleep well." several times during the day. It can also help to practise breathing exercises or gentle exercises before bed.

    Everyone has a sleepless night once in a while. But if you regularly have trouble in sleeping and you think it's affecting your mood or performance, talk to your doctor.

