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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语-_牛津译林版-_高一下册-_模块4-_Unit 3 Tomorrow's world


Walk Out of the Comfort Zone and Try New Things

    For most high school students, free periods are useless. From what I have seen, few do homework, instead many are on their phones and talking, making it impossible for those who actually want to do work to complete any. As a senior next year, I think extra periods should be used to take optional subjects.

    Our school offers many classes. Now is the time to experiment in different fields of study. We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject if we don't try it.

    In my 8th grade, I was told that I had to take an art class as a graduation requirement; so in the 9th grade I took Studio and Art. One of the projects was to build a clay pot, but I built mine incorrectly, so it broke in the kiln (窑). I found out that I have no artistic ability at all, and now I know for sure that I do not want to be an artist. However, the class was one of my favorites that year. I was able to try new activities and test my ability.

    Walk out of our comfort zone and try new things! College is when we should focus on a specific major, but high school is when we have to figure it out.

    Half of all college students change their major at some point. By doing that hundreds of dollars are wasted on classes that they would have never needed to take. So use our extra periods to find out what we want to do in college. The classes we choose can impact us in future. Taking optional subjects will enrich our mind. It will also show colleges we are diverse students.

(1)、How should we use our extra periods in the author's opinion?(No more than 9 words)

(2)、Why does the author think we should experiment in different fields of study?(No more than 17 words)

(3)、Why did the clay pot show the author's lack of artistic ability?(No more than 10 words)

(4)、According to the author, how will taking optional subjects impact up in the future?(No more than 13 words)


    Fashion, a term that applies to clothing, hairstyle, footwear, furniture and so on, is like a wind and is changing rapidly. From school-going kids to working professionals, everyday wants to look their best. Fashion is promoted mostly by TV advertisements and celebrities. Many people defined their fashion statement as comfort. They wear whatever makes them feel comfortable. Of course you need to consider the occasion too. You can't wear a jogging suit and go for a wedding and similarly you won't wear a skirt to go jogging.

    Nowadays, fashion has become a common language for people all over the world, it helps to connect people internationally, because it travels from one city to another. Sometimes, fashion can be an inspiration for many to discover their hidden potential, and it persuades individuals to attend fashion schools and make something out of their career. In other words, fashion inspires some people to expand their knowledge and creativity to turn their hobby into a career. And therefore, fashion offers employment opportunities to those who dream about being a part of the fashion industry.

    Additionally, following your own fashion statement makes you a more independent thinker. If you think you have the ability to carry the attire(服装),then it fills you up with a great deal of confidence. It also helps you to make new friends easily. If you share the same interest as other people, then connecting with them won't be difficult. You will have a common thing to base your decisions on.

    However, there are also negative impacts of fashion. For example, today some students focus more and more on fashion than on their studies. They want to know everything about fashion, but little about their school or college activities. There are other problems, too. People experimenting with their hair or skin often forget about the allergies(过敏)they may have to face when using cosmetic(美容的)products. Being fashion-conscious can even make you anxious and depressed if you don't feel you are dressed up to the mark. Worse still, fashion can do harm to our environment through the procedure and ingredients used to produce fashionable products. Often, animal fur is used in jackets and fur coats. A large number of birds are killed, and experiments are done on animals to check if the products would be allergic to humans.

    On a concluding note, fashion will not be harmful to our society if we learn to create a balance between our studies and interests. There is no harm in being fashionable, but don't let it interfere with your way of life and career.

Is fashion harmful to society


*Fashion is always changing and affects people from all walks of life.

*Fashion {#blank#}1{#/blank#}to be promoted via TV ads and by celebrities.

*When flowing fashion, many consider comfort important, but we should take occasions

Into {#blank#}2{#/blank#} too.

Advantages of poor group dynamics

*Fashion is a platform where people connect in a(n){#blank#}3{#/blank#}manner.

*Fashion is also a platform where people get themselves {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

*Fashion makes one learn to think independently and become {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

*Fashion provides people with a common topic to discuss, which helps them make friends with each other.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#}of fashion

*Fashion {#blank#}7{#/blank#}some students from concentrating on their studies.

*Using some fashionable products can result in allergies.

*Following fashion in an unbalanced manner can result in {#blank#}8{#/blank#}and depression.

*To produce fashionable products, people kill many birds and experiment with animals, thus {#blank#}9{#/blank#} the environment.


*Fashion, if followed in a proper way, will do no harm to society.

*We should be fashionable without influencing our life and career {#blank#}10{#/blank#}.


The Value of Tears

    Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose.Tears leave you embarrassed and without energy.Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful.Even when you're not crying, they make a film over the eye's surface{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    When tears fall, they reduce stress.But we tend to fight them for all! sorts of reasons. "People worry about showing their emotions , afraid that once they lose control they'll never get it back{#blank#}2{#/blank#}After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.

    Sometimes people become much stressed and can't cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling—shock, anger, fear, or sadness—is being held back.

But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions.She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car.Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don't like it when others cry because it makes them tense{#blank#}4{#/blank#} And they'll do just about anything to make you stop.

    In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate.It's good not to cry during a tense business discussion{#blank#}5{#/blank#}You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like.It will help you feel better. "And," she adds, "Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem."

    Tears are a sign of our ability to feel.If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it.And never be afraid to cry yourself.

A.She gives crying exercises.

B.They cry for different reasons.

C.They too may be holding back a need to cry.

D.The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.

E.It contains a chemical against infection.

F.But once you're safely behind closed doors, don't just cry.

G.It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.


    Every summer, hundreds of thousands of students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the opportunities are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture. The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the thrill of travel. You can pick grapes in France, work on a family campsite, entertain kids on American summer camps, and of course, there are always jobs in hotels and restaurants.

    But it is not as easy as it used to be to find work. "Unless you speak the language of the country will, there will be very few openings." Says Anthea Ellis, an adviser on vacation work for students. "If you work as a nanny with a family in Italy, then of course you'll have to speak Italian. When you arrive to wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you to speak French."

    Not everyone enjoys the experience. Sarah James was an assistant responsible for a summer camp group of forty America children in Europe. One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was flown home; four children were lost in Madrid for a whole day; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the noise they made. "I did visit a lot of new places," she says, "but it wasn't worth it. The pay was awful and really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!"

    "The trouble is, students expect to have an easy time of it," Anthea Ellis points out. "After all, they see it as a holiday. In practice, though, you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual work. You'll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy and you have few employment rights. As soon as the holiday season finished, they'll get rid of you. If you don't work hard, or if your employer doesn't like you, you'll get fired."


    Many of us have someone in our lives that has absolutely everything. Buying a gift for that special person can prove quite stressful. Here are a few points aimed at making this challenge a little bit easier.

    Buying that hard-to-find gift can have you wandering the malls for hours on end with little or no luck. Before starting such a shopping journey, think carefully about what that person might really enjoy instead of hoping the perfect gift will miraculously(奇迹般地 ) appear. Think about what is happening in their lives at the moment. Have they recently experienced a major life event, taken up a new hobby, or planned a trip? Think about how your gin can contribute to a these events.

    Have you ever found that perfect Christmas gift for someone in July, but decided to waif and buy it later? If you think it's a good gift, buy it then. Don't wait until the last minute to buy that perfect present. Chances are that you'll either forget what that gift was or it won't be available when you go to get it later. Last-minute shopping is rather stressful and usually doesn't have the desired results.

    Anything you can buy at a retail store these days can also be bought on the Internet. Better still, you can find special gifts that you normally can't find at the mall. Search for special gift ideas and you'll be amazed at the things that you may never have thought of before. For example, find out what their favorite toy or book was when they were a child and see if you can find it for sale on an auction site(拍卖现场).

    Spend some time with the person and get a better idea of their interests. They may mention that they've needed something for the moment but just haven't got around to getting it. Or maybe they've lost or broken something that they really miss. Maybe they're still using something from the past that needs updating.

    If all else fails, there are always gift cards. Rather than just give the gift card, however, be a little creative. Make a game out of it such as wrapping the card in a series of larger boxes so it takes a while to get to it rather than just having them open an envelope. Another choice is to include a gift card with some theatre tickets.

Topic:{#blank#}1{#/blank#} on buying a gift for someone who has everything

Think outside the Store.

●Think carefully about what might really {#blank#}2{#/blank#} the person before going shopping, rather than trying your luck at the mall.

●Finding out what the person is {#blank#}3{#/blank#} you.

Don't wait until the last minute.

●No matter when you have found a proper gift, buy it {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

●Trying to find a gift just before the event can cause you much stress and the gift may {#blank#}5{#/blank#} you.

Shop {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

●You can find more special gifts on the Internet than at malls.

●You may get a good {#blank#}7{#/blank#} from the Internet.

●It's a good idea to give the person what he liked most during his {#blank#}8{#/blank#}.

Listen closely for Ideas.

Spend some time learning about what the person needs at {#blank#}9{#/blank#}.

Give a gift card.

Wrap the gift card {#blank#}10{#/blank#}, or give it together with some theatre tickets.


    Have you ever kept your eyes groundward while otherwise presenting yourself well at a job interview? People who do often wonder why they fail to get the job despite having made full preparations and taken into consideration every possible interview question. To a large degree, the problem is not about your verbal preparation but rather your body language at an interview, Preparing your body language for an interview is crucial (至关重要的),because it has various meanings in different cultures.

    And how does the language of gestures vary between Chinese and Western society? Instead of examining the theory, let's focus on handshake, the most practical gesture that easily escapes our attention. Patti Wood once said, “Most of the hiring decisions are made in the first 10 seconds of an interview.” The way you shake the interviewer's hand could create the first impression you make. A weak handshake implies lack of confidence. But is it wise to use a powerful handshake? It depends. This would not be a problem if you were shaking hands with a Westerner as they appreciate a firm handshake. But for Asian people a gentler handshake is better, as an over-powerful grip might seem offensive.

    Hand gestures are another major difference. Western prospective employers are likely to appreciate interviewees who use their hands expressively, and to assume that those who keep their hands hidden are either distrustful or lacking in confidence. The opposite applies in Asia. Be sure, therefore, to keep your hand gestures to a minimum at interviews with local companies in China.

    There are, apart from these two differences, other elements of body language that could ruin your interview wherever you are. You should make eye contact with your interviewer. That doesn't mean you should glare directly into the interviewer's eyes. The best point of focus would be a little lower than the middle point. Secondly, you shouldn't touch your nose, lips or forehead. This tells the interviewer that you are either extremely nervous or lying. Lastly, never jiggle (抖动)your legs or fold your arms. Leg jiggling delivers clearly the message that you feel uneasy and want to escape as quickly as possible. Likewise, crossing your arms implies that you are either defensive or bored.

    A research entitled “Non-Verbal Clues in Job Interviews” found that interviewers spotted a high connection between motivation, social skills and employment. Job seekers hence communicate their motivation and social skills through their body language. This crucial factor determines your fate in any job interview, which is why I cannot overemphasize (过分强调)the significance of body language and gestures. If you now recall your last failed interview, perhaps it is easier to understand why you didn't get the job.

Don't let body language {#blank#}1{#/blank#}your job interview


It is getting your body language well {#blank#}2{#/blank#}that matters in an interview.

Major {#blank#}3{#/blank#} between Chinese and Western society

Handshake, the most practical gesture, can easily be {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

Westerners appreciate a firm handshake, which might {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Asian people.

To westerners, expressive hand gestures show you are {#blank#}6{#/blank#}and confident.

In China, you'd better {#blank#}7{#/blank#}your hand gestures.

Other elements of body language

Make {#blank#}8{#/blank#}eye contact with your interviewer.

{#blank#}9{#/blank#}touching your nose, lips or forehead.

Never jiggle your legs or fold your arms.


Your fate in any job interview {#blank#}10{#/blank#}on your body language.


    When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away. When he wants to go outside, he doesn't take Cuddles out for walk—Cuddles takes him for a walk. Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet. It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

    When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for a guide dog. Shaw, an animal lover, said he couldn't bear to part with a dog (which usually lives about eight to ten years) and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

    Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses. He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people. They are clean friendly, smart and have great memories. They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places. Best of all, they live for 25-25years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide companion for most or all of his life.

    Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse. The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice. Then he began his training.

    Through training ,Shaw and Cuddles learned to find way on busy streets, step over curbs (便道沿儿) and find elevator buttons. Cuddles even demonstrated (显示)its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation. The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls. They got along without any difficulties. Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

