
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语-_牛津译林版-_高一上册-_模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained


    Smith, an old man, lived in the middle of the town. One day he found his watch1in his own store. It 2a lot to him because it was from his wife. After searching3in the store for a long while, he 4to ask for help from a group of children playing outside the store. He5them that the person who found it would be rewarded. 6this, the children hurried inside the store, went through and around the 7store, but still could not find the watch.

    Soon the man felt hopeless and wanted to8. A little boy went up to him and asked for another9 . The man looked at him and thought, “ Why not? 10, this kid looks sincere enough.”11the man sent him back in the store. After a while the boy 12 with the watch in his hand! The man was very13, and he asked the boy how he found it while the others had 14 . The boy replied, “I did nothing but sat on the ground and 15 .Then I heard the ticking (嘀嗒声) of the watch and just looked for it in that 16.”

    We usually do something in a hurry and don't think about our own needs, which can't bring peace into our mind. 17 we need to think about ourselves and keep peaceful for a while, which can produce a 18 result. So allow a few minutes of 19 to your mind every day, and see how it helps you deal with your work and make 20as you expect to!

A、broken    B、lost   C、hidden  D、fixed
A、meant   B、learned C、performed  D、bargained
A、young and old   B、heavy and light C、black and white D、up and down
A、forgot    B、agreed       C、decided   D、pretended
A、promised    B、taught  C、worried D、warned
A、Seeing     B、Hearing     C、Wearing D、Feeling
A、secure    B、dusty   C、busy  D、whole
A、set off   B、calm down C、give up D、show off
A、chance    B、reason  C、meeting    D、meeting   
A、So far      B、After all  C、At first D、As usual
A、But    B、Or          C、Unless D、So
A、ran away   B、fell down  C、came out   D、went back
A、amazed      B、proud  C、nervous   D、angry
A、finished   B、failed   C、regretted D、doubted
A、played        B、waited  C、watched D、listened
A、station   B、situation       C、direction  D、darkness
A、Instead      B、Possibly  C、Besides  D、Luckily
A、clear        B、straight C、good   D、natural
A、exercise      B、silence C、pleasure D、conversation
A、noise        B、sense  C、mistake D、progress

    There are many kinds of friends. Some are always 1 you, but don't understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only 2 friends leave footprints (脚印).

    I shall always recall (回忆) the autumn and the girl with the 3.She will always bring back the friendship between us. I know she will always be my best friend.

    It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves 4 with the cool 5. In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, 6to the sound of them.

    Autumn, for others, is a/an 7 season, while for me, it is an annoying season.The free days always get me 8.But one day, the sound of a violin9 into my ears like a stream (小溪) flowing in the mountains.I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was 10 in playing her violin.

    I had11 seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been 12 there for so long but my existence (存在) did not seem to disturb her.

    Leaves were still falling. Every day 13 I passed by the lawn, I would see her playing her violin. I was the only listener. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became 14. 15 we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good friends. I believe she also loved me.

    Autumn was nearly over.One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly 16. To my astonishment (惊讶), the girl came over to me.

    “You must like violin.” she said.

    “Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

Suddenly, a 17expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

    “I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that 18 me.” she said.

    “In fact, it was your playing 19 gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered, “Let's be friends.”

    The girl smiled, and so did I.

    I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before. Only thick leaves were left behind. But I will always remember the fine figure (身影) of the girl. She is like a 20—so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.


    I grew up in a community which was called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a 1 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 2 at a nearby garage(汽车修理厂). I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 3 to pick him up at 4 pm, and then dropped off the car at the garage. With several hours to 4, I went to a theater. 5, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!

    I knew Dad would be very angry if he 6 I'd been watching movies. So I finally decided not to tell him the truth. When I 7 there I apologized for being late, and told him I'd 8 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed some major repairs. I'll never forget the 9 he gave me. "I'm disappointed you feel you have to lie to me, Jason." Dad looked at me again. "When you didn't 10, I called the garage to ask whether there were any 11, and they told me you hadn't yet picked up the car." I felt 12 as I weakly admitted my 13 to the movie theater. A 14 passed through Dad as he listened attentively. "I'm angry with 15. I realize I've failed as a father. I'm going to walk home now and think seriously about 16 I've gone wrong all these years." "But Dad, it's 18 miles!" My protests and apologies were 17. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, 18 him all the way, but he walked silently.

    Seeing Dad in so much 19and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was 20 the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.


    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 1.

    I learned this lesson from a(n) 2 many years ago. I took the head 3job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

    It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the 4 team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn't even practice to 5the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn't 6 I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to 7 that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were 8me. I had to change my 9about their ability and potential.

    I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 10. Most important, I began to treat them like 11. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 12, we met every day and 13passing and kicking the football.

    Six months after suffering our 14on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to 15. Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a 16for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest 17of my life!

    From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 18 the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and19them. I helped them to see themselves 20, and they built themselves into winners.

    Winners are made, but born.

