
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    I remember quite well a day 17 years ago. That day, our twin sons, Chad and Brad, 1 their car and left home to attend college. I realized that our 2 would soon become a "table for two". 3 , the boys would come home on the weekends, but 4 , I knew our family life would never be exactly the same again.

    The boys walked around each room to 5 they hadn't forgotten anything they needed. I packed a cooler with 6 and their favorite cold snacks. I found a box and filled it with essential 7 items. I thought they might go to bed hungry that night. I 8 my wallet and placed the little bit of 9 I had in their hands.

    We all walked 10. Chad and Brad gave me big 11 and quickly got into their car. I 12 as they drove away. When their car was 13, I sat down on the driveway and cried 14 than I had cried in a long time. My husband Roy tried to 15 me, but I could see grief in his eyes, as well.

    There are many parents who would 16 this period. Bittersweet feelings will be 17 while I cannot explain them adequately. I can still remember 18 I felt when we began that new chapter in our lives.

    19 time going by, however, Roy and I are now accustomed to our table for two and we enjoy our lives together. I have to admit I still miss our children and the old 20 we had together.

A、repaired  B、washed  C、loaded D、decorated
A、room  B、garden C、chair  D、table
A、So    B、Yet  C、Sure D、Therefore
A、even then  B、even so C、ever since D、ever after
A、make sure  B、look around C、think about D、sort out
A、water   B、drinks C、wine  D、medicine
A、food   B、clothes C、book   D、supply
A、tidied   B、cleaned C、closed  D、emptied
A、paper   B、goods C、cash   D、check
A、outside B、indoors   C、forward  D、backward
A、smiles   B、stares C、kisses D、hugs
A、talked B、waved C、ran D、cried
A、traveling  B、rushing C、out of order D、out of sight
A、harder  B、lighter   C、more heavily D、more firmly
A、delight  B、persuade C、comfort  D、help
A、 adventure B、experience C、look for  D、depend on
A、absent B、present C、returning D、concealing
A、what   B、when C、why  D、how
A、With   B、As C、For  D、About
A、tables   B、houses C、times D、lives

    Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been 1 to pay lawyers' fees. To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(诊断)with a 2 disease. There was no 3, only pain relief.

    Failing to find any other way out, they decided to make a 4 journey, as they caught sight of an old hikers'(徒步旅行者)guide.

    This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and 5 recovery. When leaving home, Raynor and Moth had just £320 in the bank. They planned to keep the 6 low by living on boiled noodles, with the7hamburger shop treat.

    Wild camping is 8 in England. To avoid being caught, the Winns had to get their tent up 9and packed it away early in the morning. The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot 10 than they remember it was in their 20s. Raynor 11 all over and desired a bath. Moth, meanwhile, after an initial 12, found his symptoms were strangely 13 by their daily tiring journey.

    14, the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re-found strong muscles that they thought had 15 forever. "Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes 16 to a thread, but we were alive."

    During the journey, Raynor began a career as a nature writer. She writes, "17 had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare, an empty page at the end of a(n) 18 written book. It had also given me a 19, either to leave that page 20 or to keep writing the story with hope. I chose hope."


    I'm exhausted after a day's housework. “Sometimes I just want to do something1 than all of this…”, I tell my husband Tony, who sits beside me in2, weighing his words. Finally, he says, “What you're doing feels really small, but it doesn't mean that it is.” His words reminds me of the 3 that had happened on the driveway earlier that morning.

    The kids lined up their scooters (滑板车) for a friendly4. I launched the action with a wave of my hand and stepped back to watch the race. Wheels rolled. Kids cheered 5. But then, a sharp cry ended the 6.

    My 10-year-old daughter fell down on the ground,7 by a group of broken scooter parts. Blood leaked from an obvious cut in her knee, and tears 8 in her blue eyes.

    “What happened?” I asked as I ran to her side.

    “I don't know…” Hannah said as she 9 the scooter. “My scooter was just missing one little piece…”

    She dropped her head in 10. “Something fell off my scooter right before the race began, but it was a small thing, so I didn't think it was 11.”

    As I lifted Hannah to her feet, her little brother began 12 the scattered parts in a bucket.

With a smile, he presented the pieces to his sister and 13, “I guess a small thing was really a big deal after all.”

    “Who dares to 14 the day of small things…” When we prepared to 15 an old house, one small brick matters. Like the children of Judah, we, too, have a choice. We can 16 the significance of our lives by the size of our 17, or we can trust God to use our 18 offerings for his great glory.

    As for me, I think I'll ask God to renew my love for this 19 life that 1 live, because there's a 20scooter in my garage that reminds me of my son's declaration.


    Lucy didn't have a lot of friends. She was a bit 1. She never really wanted to be popular, but did want to have someone to2 secrets and laughs with. All through high school, 3, she didn't find a lot of comfort or companionship.

    When it came to going to college, Lucy still felt 4. She was going to be rooming with a 5 classmate and living in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldn't be a single person she 6 in town. She had no idea how she was going to make7in this new environment.

    The first week of classes, something happened that 8 Lucy's life forever. In her English Composition class, she was asked to share a little about herself. She 9 everyone where she came from and all of the other 10 details that students share in such 11. The final question for each student was always the same: "What is your 12 for this class?" Now, most of the students said it was to get a good13, pass the class or something similar, but for some 14, Lucy said something entirely 15. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.

    While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Lucy and 16his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The whole room was 17—all eyes focused on Lucy and the hand extended just in front of her. She 18 and reached out to take his hand and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that 19all through college. Lucy learned the20of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.

