
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Strange ice rings in Siberia's Lake Baikal have puzzled scientists for decades, but now the mystery apparently has been solved. The answer: the rings are caused by warm, circular currents of water under the ice, called eddies (漩涡).

    The eddies' strong currents melt the ice at the edge, but weaker ones keep the center frozen. "Results of our field surveys show that there are warm eddies that circulate in a clockwise (顺时针的) direction under the ice cover," said Alexei Kouraev, a hydrologist at the University of Toulouse, in a NASA statement. "In the eddy center, the ice does not melt-even though the water is warm -because the currents are weak," he said. "But on the eddy boundary, the currents are stronger, and warmer water leads to rapid melting."

    During field work, Kouraev and his colleagues drilled holes near ice rings and set sensors capable of measuring the temperature and salinity (盐浓度) of the water to a depth of 700 feet. They found that the water in the eddies was 2 to 4 °F warmer than the surrounding water.

    Most of the rings appear in March or April and have a width of about 3 to 4 miles-too big to recognize from the ground but easily seen from satellites above. Some rings were ephemeral while others lasted for weeks or even months.

    Lake Baikal is the world's largest and deepest freshwater lake, according to Gizmodo. It's home to many varieties of fish not seen anywhere else in the world, and even a population of freshwater seals.

    Researchers are still investigating what causes Baikal's eddies but think it's likely because of wind patterns, rivers that flow into the lake and the shape of the lake's coastline and bottom.

(1)、Which word can best replace the underlined word "ephemeral" in paragraph 4?
A、steady B、current C、fundamental D、temporary
(2)、Why is the ice in the center of ice rings frozen while that at the edge is melted?
A、Because the center of ice rings is 2 to 4 °F warmer than the edge. B、Bccauce the currents in the center arc less powerful. C、Because it is too wide to be recognized or incited. D、Because water in the center circulates in a clockwise direction.
(3)、Which of the following statements about Lake Baikal's eddies is TRUE?
A、They are caused by hot and circular currents under the ice. B、The ice in the center of Lake Baikal's eddies melts faster than that of the edge. C、Researchers are uncertain about the exact reason of the eddies' existence. D、Lake Beikal's eddies can only be measured at the depth of 700 feet.
(4)、What maybe the best title for the passage?
A、What's causing the乡ant ice rings in Siberia? B、The mystery of the eddies' in the Lake Baikal uncovered. C、The largest and deepest freshwater lake-Lake Baikal. D、Why does the edge of an ice ring melt faster?

    Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It's very likely that you'll want to have volunteers to help with the organization's activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.

    S Let's begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate. To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract.

    S People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people's wish of participation from an internal factor (e.g. “I volunteer because it's important to me”) to an external factor (e.g. “I volunteer because I'm required to do so”). When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future. People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

    S Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time. For instance, one study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year. One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfaction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. Although this result may not surprise you, it leads to important practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be given to “training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.

    S Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view “volunteer” as an important social role. It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as “Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am.” Consistent with the researchers' expectations, they found a positive correlation(正相关) between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer. These results, once again, lead to concrete advice: “Once an individual begins volunteering, continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity....Items like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity”.


    Where will you go to escape the stress of life and the noise of traffic? To find out, we turned to question-and-answer site Quora, where users have been sharing their opinions. From an Alpine palace in Germany to some amazing English views, these dreamy destinations are so magical that it's hard to believe they're real.

    Gaudi's otherworldly imagination

    Designed by one of Spain's most famous architects, Antoni Gauldi, the Roman Catholic church Sagrada Familia is a legend in itself Construction began in 1882, but less than a quarter of the project was complete when Gaudi died in 1926. Since then, work has progressed slowly. How about the ending? Architects plan to complete the project in 2026, the centenary of Gaudi's death.

    As Barcelona's most popular tourist site, Sagrada Familia attracts three million visitors every year for one good reason: It's a masterpiece unlike anything else in the world which is largely responsible for the city's lively personality.

    A setting that could steal the spotlight from any storybook hero

    With its valleys surrounded by lakes, rivers, hills and peaks, the Lake District in England's northwest is quite literally taken out of fairy tales. This place was Beatrix Potter's inspiration for Peter Rabbit and the residence(居所)of the Lake Poets, including William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey.

    One of nature's most magical illusions

    Once upon a time in the faraway land of the Faroe Islands, Lake Leitisvatn became known as the most striking of all the islands' lakes. At more than 6km long, it is the biggest in the Faroe Islands. In reality, Lake Leitisvatn is actually no more than about 30m above sea level. A steep cliff in front of the lake and a clever camera angle make the lake appear to be much higher than it really is.


    Friendship Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in the month of August. People give their loved ones or friends friendship bracelets (手镯) and other gifts to celebrate their friendship. The culture of friendship bracelets is as old as even thousands of years.

    After the World WarⅡ, the paracord(伞绳) bracelets became very popular. These were also known as survival bracelets. One of the main reasons is that it was often used for a rescue purpose. Paracord, used in the parachute(降落伞), does not wear away(磨损) easily and is strong and durable. Because of its light weight, people could carry it along easily. If required, it could be made a very long rope and be used as a rescue rope. Hunters used it to find their way that they could return without getting lost.

    Today there are all kinds of paracord bracelets, made of coloured strings. Girls like thinner and colourful bracelets. Many choose to make the bracelets by themselves for their dear friends. This not only appeals more to the feelings of people but also makes them know how much their friends mean to them. People keep the bracelets given by their friends long. Many people choose coloured strings keeping the depth of their friendship in mind. White, yellow, orange and red show the different levels of friendship. Pure friendship is shown in white; the red colour means love. An orange friendship bracelet is given to show strong friendship and yellow as simple friendship. Today, not only do the young people sport(显示) these friendship bracelets, but even the old do.

    Does friendship have an age? Yes. Friendship is like the wine, and the older you get, the older and stronger your friendship is.


    To be honest, I do not know Sybrina Fulton. Nor can I claim to understand the depth of her pain. Yet, we share a deep connection. A common feature experienced by those women who face the challenge of raising a Black male child in a nation that far too often views Black male bodies through fear. You see, Ms. Fulton is living my nightmare (噩梦). A constant worry that has stayed in the back of my mind since the birth of my eldest son, some sixteen years ago.

    Through the years, I have witnessed the world's reaction to my son evolve as he has grown from a small boy to a young man. In his early years, his easy smile and lovable character were nothing less than magnetic (有磁性的). Complete strangers would approach him in the street, draw him into conversation, and find themselves easily struck by his lively spirit. Even at that time I worried, how would my son react when in the years to come some of those who found themselves so impressed by this cute, intelligent boy, might grasp their purse tighter as he walked by.

    Over the years I have sought to protect his spirit from the hurt that comes from undeserved hatred. I have also sought to arm him with the knowledge that could one day save his life. He knows, for example, that if he is ever pulled over by the police, that he is to keep both hands on the wheel at all times and only reach for his license when the officer is specifically observing his actions. He knows, even in less threatening situations, that rough play and loud interactions with his buddies of any color will be viewed very differently when he does it, than when his white friends display the very same behavior. Still, the truth of the matter is, no amount of advice or voiceless behavior overcomes the physical, immovable fact of the color of his skin. His intelligence, easy smile, and lovable character won't protect him from unfounded assumptions of criminality.

    What makes the Trayvon Martin travesty (歪曲) of justice so painful to me, personally, is the knowledge that Trayvon's mother loved her baby no less than I love mine. The various pictures of moments throughout a happy childhood that have now found a home on nationwide newscasts provides clear evidence of that. Yet no amount of love and care, and no words of advice could have saved her son from the cruel killing he faced at the hands of a self-appointed neighborhood watch-dog. And perhaps even worse, nothing could have prepared her for the inhuman way her son has been treated by officials even in death. To think for three long days, his parents searched for him while officials failed to inform them of his fate and instead, performed drug and alcohol tests on his lifeless body, while failing to do the same for his attacker—the only one of the two who indeed had a criminal past is frankly, unforgivable. To know that the words of her son's killer were given more weight than eye-witnesses and taped evidence of her child's screams and eventual death must be heartbreaking. But to also have to live with the fact that his attacker still breathes free while her son lays buried underground is certainly more than any sorrowful parent should have to endure (忍受).

    It is this type of pain that is not unfamiliar to the Black experience in America, for this is the Black mothers' burden. A burden we have endured for centuries. Yet, there is still the rightful expectation, that in modern-day America, the wheels of justice would not be stopped.

    So today, it is my hope that Trayvon's mother, father, family and friends can take some comfort in the fact that millions of Americans of every color stand with them in their fight for justice. This is a burden no family should have to endure alone.

    We will not give up. We will not forget. We will continue the fight until justice is done.


    It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strict with their children, and that they seldom give their children a free hand.

    It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children's trust and they tend(倾向) to forget how they themselves felt when young.

    For example, young people like to act on the spot without much thinking. It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Old people worry more easily. Most of them plan things in advance, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.

    When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.

    Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble; it is just that they feel cut off from the older people's world, into which they have not yet been accepted. That's why young people want to make a new culture of their own, and if their parents don't like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.

    Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say “yes” to what you do. All you want is to be left alone and do what you like. It is natural enough, after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents' control.

    If you prefer to control your life, you'd better win your parents over and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.


    Body language is the quietest, secretest and mostpowerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 percent of what we really mean while words only express 7 percent. So, while your mouth is closed, your body is just saying...

    Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you're unhappy!

    Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are a monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move your head a little.

    Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!

    Posture (姿势). A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you normally don't kit straight, with your shoulders inwards. This makes breathing more difficult, which can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.

    Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry comment you don't wish to show. However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know you're not pleased.

    Face. When you lie, you might put on a false face. But that expression would crack briefly, allowing displays of true emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust(厌恶)and fear to come through.

