
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Each one of us has a set of goals. We work to reach them every day. But the wise should set goals they feel are achievable, a new study shows, as our belief of the goals has a large impact on our life satisfaction later on- whether we achieve said goals or not.

    The team examined how life goals affect people's happiness and well-being throughout adulthood. One of the key findings of the study is that people who perceive(将……视作) )their goals as being attainable(可达到的) were overall reported higher affective well-being in the follow-up surveys. The authors take this as an indication that it's the feeling of control over one's life that contributes to these positive feelings.

    Our needs also change over time, so the team also looked into how age impacts the choice of goals. Younger participants, for example, rated personal growth, social status, social relationships, and professional advancement as important. Older participants rated social engagement and health as being more important. However, this change in priorities (优先)wasn't sudden -we don't drop personal growth in favor of health the second we turn 40, for example. It happened gradually.

    It's important to find which goals work for you. But always try to keep them attainable, or break down big goals into a series of smaller ones. Even if you don't reach them, you'll probably be happier later on.

(1)、When it comes to goals, what do the wise tend to do?
A、Try hard to work towards goals. B、Set themselves attainable goals. C、Set different goals from the rest. D、Satisfy themselves with professional goals
(2)、Which is the finding of the study?
A、Achieving goals leads to positive feelings. B、Age has little to do with people's choice of life goals. C、Attainable goals contribute to higher affective well-being. D、People who can control over their life will achieve most goals.
(3)、Which goal are older people more likely to value?
A、Health. B、Social status. C、Personal growth. D、Professional advancement
(4)、Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A、Setting as many goals as possible. B、Breaking every goal down. C、Sparing no effort to reach goals. D、Setting suitable and achievable goals.
    The Marches were a happy family. Poverty, hard work, and even the fact that Father March was away with the Union armies could not down the spirits of Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy, and Marmee, as the March girls called their mother.
    The March sisters tried to be good but had their share of faults. Pretty Meg was often displeased with the schoolchildren she taught; boyish Jo was easy to become angry; golden-haired schoolgirl Amy liked to show up; but Beth, who kept the house, was loving and gentle always.
    The happy days passed and darkness came when a telegram arrived for Mrs. March. “Your husband is very ill,” it said, “come at once.” The girls tried to be brave when their mother left for the front. They waited and prayed. Little Beth got scarlet fever(猩红热)when she was taking care of a sick neighbor. She became very ill but began to recover by the time Marmee was back. When Father came home from the front and at that joyful Christmas dinner they were once more all together.
    Three years later the March girls had grown into young womanhood. Meg became Mrs. Brooke, and after a few family troubles got used to her new state happily. Jo had found pleasure in her literary efforts. Amy had grown into a young lady with a talent for design and an even greater one for society. But Beth had never fully regained her health, and her family watched her with love and anxiety.
    Amy was asked to go and stay in Europe with a relative of the Marches'. Jo went to New York and became successful in her writing and had the satisfaction of seeing her work published there. But at home the bitterest blow was yet to fall. Beth had known for some time that she couldn't live much longer to be with her family, and in the springtime she died.
    News came from Europe that Amy and Laurie, the grandson of a wealthy neighbor, had planned to be married soon. Now Jo became ever more successful in her writing and got married to Professor Bhaer, and soon afterwards founded a school for boys.
    And so the little women had grown up and lived happily with their children, enjoying the harvest of love and goodness that they had devoted all their lives to.

    Tibetan people are friendly and easy to get along with. However, Tibetans have different ways of behavior in many aspects due to their unique culture and religion. Be sure to respect local customs and be polite.

    Don't enter a monastery without permission. Don't smoke in monasteries. Don't touch Buddha statues, religious objects or prayer flags. Walk around monasteries (寺院), temples, dagobas, Mongolian cairns (Mani piles) and other religious structures in clockwise order with the exception of the Bon sites.

    Don t step on the threshold when entering a tent, house, or monastery. Don't touch the head of a Tibetan. The head is considered as a sacred part of the body. Remember to cross your legs when you are asked to have a seat. Don't stretch your legs with feet pointing to others.

    Don't drive away or hurt eagles. Eagles are considered holy birds in the hearts of Tibetan people. Don't disturb or injure cows or sheep with red, green or yellow ribbons because they are Tibetan sacrifice to worship gods.

    Don't take photos without permission. You'd better ask for permission before taking pictures of Tibetan people. Most Tibetan monasteries are not allowed to take pictures or you need to pay.

    Tibetan people are getting more used to habits of foreigners and being more tolerant due to rapidly developing tourism in Tibet. However, we still hope you can show respect to Tibetan traditions and behave well since their unique lifestyle is part of the charm of Tibet.


    Smartphones, tablets and laptops make it easy for people to work on the go, but traditionally, printers have been cumbersome to move out of the office. However, the new Zuta Pocket Printer will enable people to print anywhere. The Zuta Pocket Printer was invented by Zuta Labs, based in Jerusalem. This small printer is about 10.2 cm wide and long and 7.5 cm high, and weighs about 350 grams. The company plans to ship its printers to customers in the beginning of 2017.

    This printer can connect wirelessly to smart phones, tablets, laptops and PCs via Wi-Fi, and is supported by Android, iOS, OS X and Windows. A free application from the company lets you use the printer via a mobile appliance; a laptop or PC can also select the printer for Use just like any other wirelessly connected printer. This printer can print one average A4 page, measuring 21 by 29.7 cm. Zuta Labs noted that its printer can print on any standard size piece of paper, and that, in principle, it could print on any surface.

    The printer's," omni-wheels" help it turn and move in any direction on a surface. Laser sensors(激光传感器)help control the movement, speed and location, according to the company.

    Zuta Labs said the printer's rechargeable battery can last about l hour, on average—long enough to print about 60 pages. One ink cartridge(墨盒)can print more than 100 pages, according to the company. Currently, the appliance prints only in black, although Zuta Labs said it plans to have a full-color printer in the future.


    Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. If this is even possible, it is short-term. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must, but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long-term. They will also experience fear.

    Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down, making the person unable to function at his or her best. If they connect you with this emotion of fear, they will become less functional around you, and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot, but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively. Fear has no place in leadership.

    The way we affect people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion. We can order someone to do something, which may be part of the work day, or we can employ them at the emotional level, so they become fully devoted to the projects and provide some of their own motivation(积极性).

    Today's work place is all about relationships. Anyone works harder in a positive environment in which they're recognized and valued as a human being as well as a worker. Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like. Leaders understand the way things work. They know money is not the only most motivating factor in the work life of most people.

    The true strength of leadership is an inner strength that comes from the confidence of Emotional Intelligence-knowing your own emotions, and how to deal with them and those of others. Developing your emotional intelligence is the best thing you can do if you want to develop your relationships with people around you, which is the key to the leadership skills.


    Last week I did something that scared me. I stood in front of nearly 200 financial planners and I talked to them about why financial blogs are a good thing. I'm a confident writer. I've been doing this long enough that I know my strength and my limitations. I'm less confident as a speaker. I don't have time to pause to collect my thoughts. I'm not able to edit. I'm afraid of being trapped in a corner without being able to talk my way out. Basically, I'm scared to speak.

    It would be easy to simply refuse the chances that come my way. When somebody asks me to speak in front of a group, I could say "no". When radio and television stations call for an interview, I could say "no". But for the past two years, I've been following my own policy to say "yes" to new chances.

    To say "yes" is to live in fear. My goal is to continually improve myself to become better than I am today. One way to do that is to do the things that scare me, to take them on as challenges, and to learn from them—even if I fail.

    In mid-November, a local station asked me to appear on live television. "I realize it's short notice," the producer wrote, "but we'd love to have you on the show if you're available tonight." I was frightened. I thought about recent taped television interviews that I had hated. I was afraid of what might happen.

    But I also thought about the things that had gone right. I thought of how my speaking skills had improved over the past year. And then I thought of the book I was reading, a book that I had bought for $1.29 at the local store. The Magic of Thinking Big was a huge bestseller during the 1960s. Written by Dr. David Schwartz, a professor at Georgia State University, the book contains dozens of practical tips on how to take risks to achieve big goals. Schwartz argues that nobody will believe in you until you believe in yourself.

    So when the television producer asked if I wanted to appear on his show, I thought big. "Sure," I said. "I'll do it." I acted confidently, but on the inside I was frightened. What I needed was techniques to build up my confidence and to overcome my fear.

