
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Smartphones, tablets and laptops make it easy for people to work on the go, but traditionally, printers have been cumbersome to move out of the office. However, the new Zuta Pocket Printer will enable people to print anywhere. The Zuta Pocket Printer was invented by Zuta Labs, based in Jerusalem. This small printer is about 10.2 cm wide and long and 7.5 cm high, and weighs about 350 grams. The company plans to ship its printers to customers in the beginning of 2017.

    This printer can connect wirelessly to smart phones, tablets, laptops and PCs via Wi-Fi, and is supported by Android, iOS, OS X and Windows. A free application from the company lets you use the printer via a mobile appliance; a laptop or PC can also select the printer for Use just like any other wirelessly connected printer. This printer can print one average A4 page, measuring 21 by 29.7 cm. Zuta Labs noted that its printer can print on any standard size piece of paper, and that, in principle, it could print on any surface.

    The printer's," omni-wheels" help it turn and move in any direction on a surface. Laser sensors(激光传感器)help control the movement, speed and location, according to the company.

    Zuta Labs said the printer's rechargeable battery can last about l hour, on average—long enough to print about 60 pages. One ink cartridge(墨盒)can print more than 100 pages, according to the company. Currently, the appliance prints only in black, although Zuta Labs said it plans to have a full-color printer in the future.

(1)、What's the main idea of the text?
A、The Zuta Porket Printer will let people print anywhere. B、The Zuta Porket Printer has replaced traditional printers. C、The Zuta Pocket Printer is the smallest one in the world D、Zuta Labs makes great achievements in selling printers.
(2)、What does the underlined word "cumbersome" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A、advanced. B、small. C、clean. D、heavy.
(3)、What do we know about the printer?
A、The application the company provides for it is free of charge. B、The Windows operating system doesn't support it. C、Laptops or PCs can't select it for use via Wi-Fi. D、It can only print on the paper of standard size.
(4)、According to the text, the Zuta Pocket Printer     .
A、has the battery which can't last an hour B、has been popular with customers C、is slower than common printers D、is not a full-color printer now

    It's normal to wake briefly during the night. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}But if you're waking up during the night and having trouble falling back asleep, the following tips may help.

    Stay out of your head. The key to getting back to sleep is continuing to prepare your body for sleep, so remain in bed in a relaxed position. Hard as it may be, try not to stress over the fact that you're awake , because that very stress and anxiety encourage your body to stay awake. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you are finding it hard to fall back asleep, try a relaxation technique such as visualization, deep breathing, or meditation, which can be done without even getting out of bed. Remind yourself that although they're not a replacement for sleep, rest and relaxation still help refresh your body.

    Do a quiet, non-stimulating activity. If you've been awake for more than 15 minutes, try getting out of bed and doing a quiet, non-stimulating activity, such as reading a book. Keep the lights dim so as not to think that it's time to wake up. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} A light snack might help relax you, but be careful not to eat so much that your body begins to expect a meal at that time of the day.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you wake during the night feeling anxious about something, make a brief note of it on paper and postpone worrying about it until the next day when you are fresh and it will be easier to resolve.

A. Make relaxation your goal, not sleep.

B. Put off worries and troubles.

C. Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night.

D. In fact, a good sleeper won't even remember it.

E. Also avoid screens of any kind—computers, TVs, cell phones, iPads,

F. You'll be much more productive and creative after a good night's sleep.

G. A good way to stay out of your head is to focus on the feeling in your body.


    Whenever we see a button, we are eager to press it because we know something will happen. This is true in most cases, for example on a doorbell and on the “on/off” button on the TV. But some buttons are actually fake, like the “close” button on a lift.

    Many people are in the habit of pressing the “close” button because they don't have the patience to wait for the lift doors to shut. But lifts' “close” buttons are a complete scam(骗局), at least in the US-the doors will not close any faster no matter how hard you press.

    It started in the 1990s when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in the US, making sure that all lifts stayed open long enough so that people with disabilities could enter. Only US firefighters and repairmen can use the buttons to speed up the door-closing process if they have a code or special keys.

    But to normal lift riders, the buttons aren't completely useless. According to psychologists, fake buttons can actually make you feel better by offering you a sense of control.

    “Perceived (能够感知的)control is very important. It reduces stress and increases well-being,” Ellen J. Langer, a psychology professor, said, “having a lack of control is associated with depression.”

    Experts have revealed that a lot of buttons that don't do anything exist in our lives for this same purpose. For example, many offices in the US have fake thermostats(温度调节器) because people tend to feel better when they think they can control the temperature in their workspace.

    But psychologists found it interesting that even when people are aware of these little “white lies”, they still continue to push fake buttons because as long as the doors eventually close, it is considered to be worth the effort.

    “That habit is here to stay,” John Kounios, a psychology professor, said“Even though I have real doubts about the traffic light buttons, I always press them. After all, I've got nothing else to do while waiting. So why not press the button in the hope that this one will work?”


    About aspirin(阿司匹林)

    Aspirin is a commonly used drug which can be taken to relieve discomfort caused by numerous medical problems including headaches, toothache, inflammation and infections. It is also suitable to treat colds and flu-like symptoms, and to reduce a high temperature.

    Who can take aspirin?

    Adults and children over 16 years of age.

    Who should not take aspirin?

    Women who are pregnant, or plan to become pregnant. Aspirin may harm your unborn baby.

    Women who are breast-feeding. Aspirin can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby.

    People who have any problems with the way the liver works or with the way the kidneys work.

    How to take aspirin:

    Take aspirin after meals, with a full glass of water or milk.

    The recommended dose(剂量) ranges from two to three tablets at a time. Never take more than 4g (12 tablets) in any 24-hour period.

    You must not take these tablets with any other medicine which contains any aspirin or painkiller.

    How to store aspirin:

    Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.

    Store aspirin in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.

    Do not put aspirin in the bathroom because the dampness there can cause it to lose its effectiveness.

    Throw away aspirin that smells strongly of vinegar.

    Possible side effects:

    Feeling sick, increased risk of bleeding, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn are common. If these effects continue, contact your doctor.

    Ringing in the ears, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and mental confusion are rare. If these occur, stop taking the drug and contact your doctor for further advice.


    We know that our pet dogs and cats can recognize our faces, but our pet fish? A team of scientists from the UK and Australia have discovered that archer-fish(喷水鱼) can distinguish human faces!

    This marks the first time that a species of fish has shown such an ability. Such abilities have been previously shown in birds, but unlike fish, they have been proven to possess structures similar to the neocortex(大脑新皮层), the researchers added.

    "Being able to distinguish between a large number of human faces is a surprisingly difficult task," Dr Newport said, "mainly due to the fact that all human faces share the same basic features."

    During their experiments, Dr Newport and her colleagues presented archerfish with two images of human faces, and trained them to choose one by spitting jets(喷射流)of water at that picture. Next, the fish were presented with the familiar face and several that were unfamiliar, and were able to correctly pick the one that they had been trained to recognize, even when features such as head shape and color were removed from the selected pictures.

    In the first experiment, the archerfish were tasked with picking the previously learned face from a group of 44 new ones, which they did with 81 percent accuracy. In the second, the researchers decided to make things a little harder. They took the pictures and made them black and white and evened out (使平均) the head shapes. You would think that would throw the fish for a loop. But no, they were able to pick the familiar face even then—and with more accuracy: 86%!

    "Fish have a simpler brain than humans and entirely lack the section of the brain that humans use for recognizing faces. Despite this, fish may still be capable of finding the face they are trained to recognize," Dr Newport said. "The fact that archerfish can learn this task suggests that complicated brains are not necessarily needed to recognize human faces."


    Corals (珊瑚) are often described as undersea forests, but they are declining far more quickly than the Amazon. The coral reefs (礁) are likely to be among the first ecosystems to be wiped out by climate change.

    A temperature rise of just 1 to 2℃ can lead to the death of the algae (海藻) upon which corals depend, draining them of color and making the structure more fragile. These bleaching (脱色) events can be temporary if waters cool, but the more frequent they are and the longer they last, the greater the risk of damage is. But that's exactly what is happening. Bleaching was first observed in 1983. It was seen on a global level in 1998, then 2010, and then from 2015 to 2017. Most available scientific evidence tells us that unless we do something to limit warming to 1.5℃, we will lose 99% of the world's coral reefs in coming decades.

    But there are other threats beyond warming. Off the Philippine island of Palawan, its old reefs have been badly damaged by dirty water from the tourist holiday center, pollution from boats and overfishing. The area ought to be a shelter because it's one of the ocean regions most bearable to climate change. "Even here, we are losing our corals," said David Obura, chair of the Global Specialist Group in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. "We need to reduce stress from overfishing, coastal development, pollution and tourism."

    "I'm a generation of scientists watching them disappear. It's very depressing," Obura said. "Above 1.5℃, in about 50 years, they will be a treasure of historic movies and pictures, but very little to see in real life. Children born today may be the last generation to see coral reefs in all their glory."


    New Jersey Middle School Makes Students Go Phone-Free

    A middle school in Union County, New Jersey, is forcing its students to stay disconnected in class, by prohibiting cellphones. Maxson Middle School Principal Kevin Stansbury put forward the phone ban last week after he noticed some major issues in the school. "Our test scores were down, discipline was up," he says. According to him, students were too focused on their phones to pay attention to their lessons. So, he purchased Yondr pouches for the school.

    Yondr pouch

    When students come into class each morning, they place their phones in the pouch, which is then locked up tight. It can only be opened using a special device at the end of the day. The ban on mobile devices applies not just during class time but during breaks, with the only exceptions being in times of emergency or in cases of students who need such devices to help with disabilities.

    Eighth-graders who spoke with News 12 New Jersey say that they noticed a change in a matter of hours. "It's just better for everyone because you'll understand how it feels to get more work done instead of paying attention to the phone," says student Charlene V. "I'm usually listening to music, but today I got to communicate with all my friends," says student Desiree Duncan.

    The program was originally met with resistance from students and parents, so the process was not that smooth. But teachers and administrators say that the program will have a major impact. "Students were talking and laughing and there were no cellphones other than being carried in the pouches," Stansbury says.

    Teacher Nia Cummings says she even noticed students bouncing ideas off each other in class. She says students used to give up quickly and just look for answers on their phones. She says they now try to figure it out themselves. "Everyone is socializing and eating lunch together. That's what I wasn't seeing enough of when phone usage was at its worst," she adds.

    Maxson Middle School is currently the only one in the district to use these pouches. Kevin Stansbury also called on all the schools in the community that it's worth paying close attention to cellphone issues at secondary schools and taking actions when necessary.

