
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Jenifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree. That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.

    Mauer, of Edgar, Wisconsin, grew up on a farm in a family of 10 children. Her dad worked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm with the kids. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition(学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.

    Jennifer now is married and has three children of her own. She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing. She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home. She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids. Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.

    Through it all, she remained in good academic standing and graduated with honors. Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲)to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. "Some nights my heart was breaking to have to pick between my kids and studying for exams or papers," she says. However, her children have learned an important lesson witnessing their mother earn her degree. Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family-and that's pretty powerful.

(1)、What did Jennifer do after high school?
A、She helped her dad with his work. B、She ran the family farm on her own. C、She supported herself through college. D、She taught her sisters and brothers at home.
(2)、Why did Jennifer choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield?
A、To take care of her kids easily. B、To learn from the best nurses. C、To save money for her parents. D、To find a well-paid job there.
(3)、What did Jennifer sacrifice to achieve her goal?
A、Her health. B、Her time with family. C、Her reputation. D、Her chance of promotion.
(4)、What can we learn from Jenifer's story?
A、Time is money. B、Love breaks down barriers. C、Hard work pays off. D、Education is the key to success.

     Anger is not wrong.I know this statement seems shocking and challenges the wildly popular “Positive Thinking” movement,which encourages us to “be full of positive energy” and “let go of our anger”. However,the truth is that anger is just an emotion,and emotions are neither right nor wrong.We do not consciously choose them.We do,on the other hand,choose how we express our emotions and there are definitely right and wrong means of expression.

     The reason we're often urged to “keep_a_lid_on”our anger is that few people ever learn proper and positive ways to express anger.Instead,we are taught that “anger is wrong” and “you should keep your anger inside”.But these messages don't change the fact that,for most of us,anger exists.

     Many popular “Positive Thinking” programmes assume that success comes from “controlling our emotion” and that this can be done by simply repeating positive statements.Interestingly,these positive slogans often include a lot of negativity.“Only losers complain!I am a winner!” is one popular saying.The belief that those who disagree with us are losers is actually quite negative and is often used as an excuse for rude language and personal attacks.

     When it comes to dealing with negative situations in our daily lives,the ability to reasonably express anger or disagreement is an important skill.But we must use balanced and non­violent methods to express our dissatisfaction.Frustration at unfair policies or treatment can certainly cause anger,but our anger can never be an excuse for abusing family members,damaging schools,attacking doctors or most seriously,engaging in terrorism.

     Instead of pretending that anger doesn't exist,we should start teaching appropriate means of dealing with anger.When we experience anger feelings in ourselves or others,what we should “let go of” is the silly idea that we can remove anger with just a few sweet words.Instead,we should find reasonable solutions to the causes of those angry feelings.We need to accept anger as a natural emotion but stop using it as an excuse for violent and destructive behavior.Anger isn't wrong,but failure to deal with it appropriately is.


    The quick action of Nick helped five people escape a fire on Hope Road. Nick said he usually left his house about 5:30 a.m. to do morning exercises, but that day he decided to stay at home to get his daughter ready for school. As he looked at his neighbor's house, he realized that it was on fire. “I saw smoke and flames and ran over and started beating on the side of the house shouting, 'Your house is on fire! Your house is on fire!'” Nick remembered it was at about 9 a.m. that the firefighters put out the fire.

    Beverly Penny and her husband, Clark, along with their younger daughters, were sleeping in the living room, next to the kitchen, when they heard Nick beating on the walls. She opened the bedroom door and black smoke came in. She managed to get her kids out. Her dog tried to hide under the bed, but Penny caught it by the leg and threw it out of the door. However, chickens in one of the rooms weren't so lucky.

    Firefighters got the call at about 7:05 a.m. “When we arrived with our fire trucks, there were heavy flames outside on the house,” Jerry said. He called Nick a hero, saying that without his quick responses(回应) the result could have been much worse. “The firefighters were fast,” Nick said. “They arrived here within about three minutes.”

    “They did a great job, and I can't thank them enough,” Penny said, then looked at what remained in the house and shook her head as tears rolled down in her eyes. “Everything I have is gone. Luckily nobody was hurt in the fire.” She said the fire could have been caused by an electrical problem. “We've been having problems with mice, so that we could have had something to do with it,” she added.


    There's a warm and wonderful tradition that the British observe on December 26. It's called Boxing Day.

    For many people, Christmas can be a magical day filled with delight. But for those down on their luck or the disadvantaged, it can be a time of sorrow and disappointment. That's why the British have set aside the day after Christmas as Boxing day, and its purpose is to bring a bit of magic to those who could use it

    Every December 26, going at least as far back as the 1830s, the United Kingdom and other countries that are part of the British Commonwealth(英联邦) such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India, have observed Boxing Day as an opportunity to provide some holiday joy for those who most need it.

    There are competing stories behind the name boxing Day. One is that it refers to the giving of "Christmas boxes", a term that started in the 17th century to describe gifts, money and the leftovers from Christmas that lords of the manor(庄园)would give to their servants and employees for having worked on Christmas Day. Basically, "Christmas boxes" were holiday bonuses(奖金) for the working class.

    The other is that it refers to the "contribution boxes" that would traditionally appear in charities in the weeks leading up to Christmas for the purpose of collecting money from donators that charity staff would distribute to those in need after Christmas Day.

    The day is still a national holiday in many parts of the British Commonwealth, and while people still give something back to people who have bad luck or give tips to service people on Boxing Day, it has also become a major shopping day like Black Friday in the U.S.


    Tablets are really useful devices, but their big screens always make them as a burden to carry around without a bag. Wouldn't it be great if there were a phone with the powers of a tablet that could be folded up and fit neatly into the hand?

    Now something like a tablet-shaped but foldable phone is about to become available. In February, South Korean electronics company Samsung and China's Huawei both launched foldable phones, the Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X respectively. Mobile phone use has entered the "foldable future", The Verge noted.

    The technology could change our lives in significant ways. These devices, due to their bendable screens, give us the larger screens we want. Meanwhile, they still fit easily into the pocket. As USA Today noted, they're "the combination of a small tablet and smartphone, all in a single device".

    The technology could change other devices, too. For example, we could make TVs that stick to walls like posters, or fold up easily to hide away in drawers. In crowded modem cities, they will help us to maximize available space.

    In a keynote address, Samsung's senior vice president of mobile product marketing, Justin Denison, called the foldable screen "the foundation for the smartphone of tomorrow". "It's a blank canvas (画布) for us to do something beautiful together." he said.

    So is there nothing to stand in the way of the foldable future? According to tech news website Android Authority, the necessary displays were difficult to produce. In 2012, nine out of every 10 OLED (二极管) screens produced were imperfect. Today, that 10 percent rate has been improved to between 50 and 90 percent. However, at present these foldable devices are expensive. For example, the price of Huawei Mate X is 17,500 RMB. That's a price that few people will be able to afford.

    But if the foldable device isn't going to change the world overnight, there is no doubt that it is coming. Patrick Moorhead, an industry analyst told The Verge, "Few are debating if foldable or rollable mobile displays are the future of smartphones; the only question is when and by whom."


    The earliest known copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa—thought to have been painted at the same time as the original masterpiece—has been discovered at the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. The work offers art-lovers an attractive clue to what the model for the world's most famous painting really looked like. Controllers of the museum found the picture hidden beneath layers of paints during restoration work on a picture initially thought to have been a later replica(exact copy) of the Mona Lisa.

    The restored version shows the same woman that Leonardo depicted (描画), against a landscape similar to that shown in the background of the original, which now hangs in the Louvre in Paris. And while the features of Leonardo's Mona Lisa have been dulled by centuries of dirt and layers of cracked paints—which are unlikely ever to be removed—in the recently-rediscovered copy, she appears fresher-faced and younger than her better-known "twin".

    News of the find was revealed at a meeting at London's National Gallery, linked to its "Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan" exhibition. "This sensational (轰动的) find will transform our understanding of the world's most famous picture," the Art Newspaper reported, adding that the clues found on the Madrid version suggest that the original and the copy were begun at the same time and painted next to each other, as the work went on.

    Miguel Falomir, manager of Italian painting at the Prado, told reporters that expert analysis suggested a strong link between Leonardo and the artist who painted the copy. "The painting was done in the painter's own workshop," he said. "It is absolutely consistent with Leonardo's work, but Leonardo didn't actually do any work on it himself."


    Why are people interested in eating raw foods or whole foods? One reason is that eating these types of food reduces the risk of acid accumulation in your body.

    Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods. When we cook foods, we destroy the natural enzymes (酶) that are part of the food in its raw form. These enzymes were intended by nature to help us digest the food. When we consume food without these natural enzymes, our bodies either digest the food improperly or allow too many nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In both instances, the result is obesity. When too many nutrients are absorbed at once, the body grows fat. Improperly digested food moves slowly through the digestive tract, where it becomes increasingly acidic. To protect its vital organs from this acidic waste, the body changes the acid into fat and stores it safely away from the organs.

    Processed foods contain chemical elements, which might confuse the appetite mechanism that tells us when we've had enough to eat; as a result, people often overeat. Processed foods also upset the digestive cycle. The body will either identify these foods as allergens and then store them safely away from the organs as fat, or the remains of undigested food will become acidic and enter the bloodstream as acid waste, which will stick to the blood vessel walls and block the passage of vital oxygen and nutrients heading for the body's cells. The body's metabolism (新陈代谢) becomes inactive, and the result is weight gain and obesity.

    The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion increasingly inefficient. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more common.

    To stop this vicious circle in its tracks, people need to consume food and supplements that will neutralize the acid already accumulated in body. Eating the right types of raw and whole foods can help. It's also important to restore your enzyme balance. You need to identify and avoid the foods that cause acid accumulation and consume the foods that increase enzyme production. If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself, you need to take an active approach.

