
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


     Anger is not wrong.I know this statement seems shocking and challenges the wildly popular “Positive Thinking” movement,which encourages us to “be full of positive energy” and “let go of our anger”. However,the truth is that anger is just an emotion,and emotions are neither right nor wrong.We do not consciously choose them.We do,on the other hand,choose how we express our emotions and there are definitely right and wrong means of expression.

     The reason we're often urged to “keep_a_lid_on”our anger is that few people ever learn proper and positive ways to express anger.Instead,we are taught that “anger is wrong” and “you should keep your anger inside”.But these messages don't change the fact that,for most of us,anger exists.

     Many popular “Positive Thinking” programmes assume that success comes from “controlling our emotion” and that this can be done by simply repeating positive statements.Interestingly,these positive slogans often include a lot of negativity.“Only losers complain!I am a winner!” is one popular saying.The belief that those who disagree with us are losers is actually quite negative and is often used as an excuse for rude language and personal attacks.

     When it comes to dealing with negative situations in our daily lives,the ability to reasonably express anger or disagreement is an important skill.But we must use balanced and non­violent methods to express our dissatisfaction.Frustration at unfair policies or treatment can certainly cause anger,but our anger can never be an excuse for abusing family members,damaging schools,attacking doctors or most seriously,engaging in terrorism.

     Instead of pretending that anger doesn't exist,we should start teaching appropriate means of dealing with anger.When we experience anger feelings in ourselves or others,what we should “let go of” is the silly idea that we can remove anger with just a few sweet words.Instead,we should find reasonable solutions to the causes of those angry feelings.We need to accept anger as a natural emotion but stop using it as an excuse for violent and destructive behavior.Anger isn't wrong,but failure to deal with it appropriately is.

(1)、What is the writer's opinion about the “Positive Thinking” movement?

A、It can help people control their negative feelings. B、It does not offer useful solutions for dealing with anger. C、Following such advice can improve people's chances for success. D、Most of the people who participate in such programs are dishonest.
(2)、The underlined expression “keep a lid on” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to________.

A、freely express B、always forgive C、hold inside D、completely forget
(3)、What information would have been useful to add to the final paragraph?

A、The names of some good books that talk about anger issues. B、The viewpoints of people who hold the opposite opinion to the writer. C、Different studies that provide some evidence supporting the writer's belief. D、Some examples of how to deal with anger in a positive and beneficial way.
(4)、The content of this passage is mostly based on________.

A、fact B、opinion C、theory D、story

    If you have ever been left wondering why your emails are riddled(充斥着) with grammatical errors, or why you can never quite find the right phrase, it may be because you are typing with both hands.

    Our vocabulary becomes richer and our writing style becomes more fluent when we type using just one hand, scientists have found. "Typing can be too fluent or too fast, and it can actually weaken the writing process," said Srdan Medimorec, the lead author of the study conducted at the department of psychology at the University of Waterloo, Canada. "It seems that what we write is a product of the interaction(互动) between our thoughts and the tools we use to express them."

    Using text-analysis software, researchers asked 103 university students to write essays under different conditions, using one hand to type and using both hands to type. The software was used to analyze(分析) elements of the essays, such as range of vocabulary, sentence complexity and the cohesion(衔接) of the writing.

    Researchers found that participants' vocabulary became more advanced when they typed with one hand rather than two. The research team said that by slowing our writing down, typing one-handed allows more time for an internal (内在的) word search, resulting in a larger variety of words.

    In contrast, fast typists might just write the first word that comes to mind. However, it is important not to slow typing down too much. Those who typed essays one-handed in the current study slowed down to about the speed of handwriting.

    This is the first study to show that changing people's typing can make their writing get better. The researchers suggested that the speed of writing could affect writing quality regardless of the tools used, whether they are computers, or pen and paper, although further research would be required to prove that idea.


    A California wind farm will become the first in the U. S. to avoid charges if a limited number of eagles are injured or die when they run into the huge turning blades(桨叶), the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.

    The Shiloh IV Wind Project LLC, 60 miles east of San Francisco, will receive a special permit allowing up to five golden eagles to be accidentally killed over five years. Previously, such eagle deaths could potentially draw criminal charges and discourage private investment in wind farms.

    Agency Director Daniel Ashe said the permit encourages development of renewable energy while requiring the wind company to take steps to protect eagles from turbines(涡轮机)and power lines. The move will help California reach its goal of producing one-third of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, he said.

    Michael Hutchins of the American Bird Conservancy said he believes the five-year permit for the California wind farm is reasonable, but he said the rapid expansion of wind energy has gotten ahead of the science and regulation to protect all types of birds. Too often, he said, wind farms are built in migratory patterns or near wetlands.

    Birds on the hunt can become dizzy by what's on the ground and fly into the blades, Hutchins said.

    “Is it really green energy if it's going to kill hundreds of thousands of birds or bats each year?” he said. “The whole system needs a much harder look.”

    Shiloh IV Wind Project is a 102-megawatt wind farm operating since 2012 and made up of 50 turbines in Solano County.

    Shiloh is the first to obtain a permit. Marie Strassburger, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's regional migratory bird chief, said that obtaining one requires a lengthy process, and because this is the first of its kind, officials have carefully made conversation plans with the wind company.

    “It's not a quick, efficient process by any means,” Strassburger said.

    Federal wildlife officials in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon are working on two more applications for five-year eagle permits and one for 30 years, said Scott Flaherty of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento. Eagles are not listed as endangered, but they are protected under a federal act.


    Based on the State Information Center (SIC)'s definition for a sharing economy, payment for knowledge can be regarded as a process of turning knowledge into commercial products or services. To be specific, people can share their knowledge with others via Internet platforms, meanwhile bringing themselves extra income. These platforms, at the same time, earn their profits on that.

    The year 2016 marked the beginning of knowledge payment in China. An investigation jointly conducted by Guokr and Netease's online platforms shows that 70% of users have paid for online learning; while in 2015, the number was only 26%.

In May, 2016, Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website, launched Zhihu Live (payment sharing). Within three days, these new platforms attracted over one million users. In June, Luo Zhenyu, founder of LUOgic Show, launched Li Xiang's Commercial References on iget(得到网),and within two days over four million users subscribed; in August, Z/"7m's approval & tip function, Snowball O&A, Lenovo's Zhiliao Q&A came online; in September, Huxiu (虎嗅网)began to provide in-depth reports to VIP payment members. Other paid knowledge platforms such as Ximalaya FM, Douban,have also been developing their knowledge payment services.

    People with a wealth of knowledge and experience in specific areas are the most likely to benefit from payment for knowledge. Senior managers in large multinational companies like Google, financial elites with top university backgrounds and well-known psychologists, can all profit from these online platforms. But the opportunities also favor the ordinary: a body-builder, a girl who traveled around the world, or a student that passed a postgraduate entry exam can all set up a live classroom. One hundred minutes of audio sharing cost ¥ 19.9 or $2.9, and thousands of users might pay and join the course, bringing those with specific knowledge remarkable income.

    In the 2017 China's Sharing Economy Development Report provided by the SIC,the turnover in China's knowledge market measures about Y61 billion, or $9 billion,which is a 205% growth compared to last year; the number of payment for knowledge users reached 300 million, accounting for half of all Chinese Internet Users.

    The investigation shows that, males are the majority of the users, accounting for nearly 60%: 25-35 year olds account for 59.3%, which mirrors the majority of Internet users, 63% of the paying users are college graduates, and 53.9% of the paying users have an income of Y3-8k,or $ 441-1176, and most are employees and junior management.


    It is not always a good thing to praise children because "empty" words may make them unhappy. Words such as "well done" may make them doubt their own abilities, a leading psychologist (心理学家) Stephen Grosz has warned. He says that words such as "you're so clever" or "you're such an artist" could also hinder their future development at school. He says that such empty praise causes children to be unhappy as they may say they can't live up to these expectations.

    Instead he advises parents and teachers to praise children less frequently and use words like "trying really hard," Mr. Grosz said, "Empty praise is as bad as thoughtless criticism (批评). People often pay no attention to children's feelings and thoughts." He also mentions research showing that children who are heavily praised probably perform worse at school.

    Some psychologists from Columbia University asked 128 pupils aged 10 and 11 to work out a number of math problems. Afterwards, some were told, "You did really well­—you're so clever." But the researchers told the other group, "You did really well­—you must have tried really hard." Both groups of children were then given more difficult questions and those who had been told they were clever did not do as well as the others.

    He says that when collecting his daughter from a school near their home in North London, he heard a teacher tell her, "You have drawn the most beautiful tree. Well done," Later, after she had done another drawing, the same teacher said, "Wow, you are really an artist." In his book, Mr. Grosz writes, "How could I explain to the teacher that I would prefer it if she did not praise my daughter?"

    As a parent of two children, I strongly agree with Mr. Grosz. I praise them when praising is proven right. I want them to know if I praise them, they have done something beyond my expectation, beyond what they are able to do.


    This year marks the 170th anniversary of Paul Gauguin's birth. He lived for just 54 years but he packed his brief life with activity.

    The French painter spent his early childhood in Peru before returning to France. As an adult, he continued to travel a lot. Most famously, he spent much of the last decade of his life in Tahiti, an island in southern Pacific Ocean. Indeed, Gauguin is best known for his colorful paintings of Tahitians and their culture.

    The restlessness of this great painter has been normal among modern artists since the middle of the 19th century. They're never satisfied for long with a certain style or way of life. Once something becomes conventional, it's turned down.

    The artistic culture that Gauguin developed from was that of Impressionism (印象派). Painters like Claude Monet had wanted to paint how they saw the world, not how their teachers taught them it should be seen. Gauguin, and similar artists like his friend Vincent van Gogh, moved even further away from "respectable" art than the Impressionists. For them, it was not simply a matter of seeing the world differently, but feeling and thinking about it differently, too.

    Gauguin saw, felt and thought differently from most members of European society. He thought that European culture was too fancy and not spontaneous. This is why he turned to the traditions of other parts of the world, like Africa, and, eventually, Tahiti. Artists like Gauguin used the word "primitive" for these cultures, but not as a negative term. For him, Europe, in becoming modem, industrial and scientific, seemed less natural than other parts of the world.

    In truth, Gauguin's paintings may be unconventional but they are certainly not "primitive". They are the work of a painter with great awareness of what he was doing. It was this awareness that made him such an important painter for those that came after, in the 20th century. When we look closely at the works of Gauguin we begin to understand Pablo Picasso, and especially Henri Matisse, a little better.

