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题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



PAssionArts Festival

    PAssionArts Festival this year will run from 6 July to 25 August, bringing community arts to 250,000 residents across Singapore. The festival theme, "Our Home, Our HeARTs", invites residents to use arts to express our love for our community and for Singapore.

    Our aim is to bring residents together to experience and appreciate creativity. Look forward to  over 500 arts activities and programmes, including visual art displays and performing artsco-created by residents and artists. The following are some of them.


    TIME: 14 July (9:00 AM—12:00 AM)

    PLACE: Talok Blangah Mall

    Art can happen in so many ways and for so many people—and that is what Arts Party @ Telok Blangah will show you this July!

    For example, you can participate in the large oil painting activity to complete a huge oil painting art. Or carry art in your pocket anytime and anywhere by creating your own matchbox art.

    We're also bringing art therapy to the elderly as it becomes more popular in our society. Come explore Nagomi art, a Japanese art healing method that introduces calm and relaxation to the painter.


    TIME: 20 July (2:00 PM—8:00 PM)

    PLACE: Kampung Admiralty

    One of the most expected part is Hues in Tune's performance line-up. Sembawang Hues is the highlight with music performances. Fusion Tunes features cross-racial bands, and Our Own Tune presents heartfelt music by talented residents. Come to this festival village!


    TIME: 27 July (7:30 PM—9:30 PM)

    PLACE: Kampong Glam Community Club

    At Kampong Glam, the theatre performance Voices from the Belly of Carp will take us back centuries into Singapore's history for new discoveries.


    TIME: 12 August (9:30 AM—11:30 AM)

    PLACE: Pasir Ris Elias CC

    ARTISTS: Stacy Huang, Jesse Chong and Lena Lok

    Mad Tea Party is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. This will be an installation of delightful treats, where residents can gather around the tea table to create "food" together.

(1)、What is the goal of PAssionArts Festival?
A、To make the country more appealing in art. B、To develop a sense of togetherness through art. C、To promote cooperation between communities. D、To cultivate a young generation full of creativity.
(2)、Alice, who is interested in painting, should go to ________to enjoy the festival.
A、Kampung Admiralty B、Kampong Glam Community Club C、Pasir Ris Elias CC D、Talok Blangah Mall
(3)、What can be learned from the poster?
A、Hues in Tune's performances are intended for music lovers. B、Mad Tea Party mainly involves learning to make and serve tea. C、The performance at Kampong Glam is about the history of man. D、Arts Party @ Telok Blangah is specially designed for the elderly.

    When I was 12, all I wanted was a signet (图章) ring. They were the "in" thing and it seemed every girl except me had one. On my 13th birthday, my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials(姓名首字母) carved into it. I was in heaven.

    What made it even more special was that it was about the only thing that wasn't being "replaced". We'd been burnt out in fires that swept through our area earlier that year and had lost everything—so most of the " new" stuff (东西) we got was really just to replace what we'd lost. But not my ring. My ring was new.

    Then, only one month later, I lost it. I took it off before bed and it was missing in the morning. I was sad and searched everywhere for it. But it seemed to have disappeared. Eventually, I gave up and stopped looking for it. And two years later, we sold the house and moved away.

    Years passed, and a couple of moves later, I was visiting my parents' when Mum told me that she had something for me. It wasn't my birthday, nor was it Easter or Christmas or any other gift-giving occasion. Mum noticed my questioning look. " You'll recognize this one," she said, smiling.

    Then she handed me a small ring box. I took it from her and opened it to find my beautiful signet ring inside. The family who had bought our house 13 years earlier had recently decided to do some redecorations, which included replacing the carpets. When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom, they found the ring. As it had my initials carved into it, they realized who owned the ring. They'd had it professionally cleaned up by a jeweler before sending it to my mother. And it still fits me.


    On a cold winter day, many years ago, a French art teacher named Pierre Chevalier got on a train in Lyon to go to Paris. When he started his journey, he didn't know that it was the beginning of almost 40 years of accidents and near death experiences.

    During the journey, the train fell into an icy river, killing 12 passengers. Chevalier managed to swim back to the river bank. He only had a broken leg.

    Two years later, Chevalier was on a plane from Paris to Moscow when a door suddenly opened and he fell out. A few minutes later, the plane crashed(坠毁); 27 people were killed. Chevalier was so lucky that he landed in a haystack(干草堆).

    A few years later, he was hit by a bus, but again had no serious injuries. Then a year after that, he was driving on a mountain road when he saw a truck coming straight at him. He drove the car off the road, jumped out, landed in a tree—and watched his car fall 100 metres down the mountain.

    “There are two ways you can look at it,” Chevalier said. “I'm either the world's unluckiest man, or the world's luckiest.” When a reporter asked Chevalier what he thought, he chose the “luckiest” one.

    Two years ago, aged 71, Chevalier bought his first lottery ticket(彩票) in 50 years and won more than 2 million.

    After this, a TV company in America said they wanted him to make an advertisement. At first he accepted, but then he changed his mind. Chevalier said he wouldn't fly to Los Angeles for the filming, because he didn't want to push his luck. Who knows? If he had accepted the invitation, maybe he would have had another accident. But Mr Chevalier is a lucky man. If he'd had another accident, he probably would have survived that too!


    There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care. To water his flowers, he used two buckets(水桶). One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very old and dilapidated one, which had seen many years of service, but was now past its best.

    Every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets. Then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds. The new bucket was very proud of itself. It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出). The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked(泄漏)along the path.

    Sometimes the new bucket would say, “See how capable I am! How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! I don't know why he still bothers with you. What a waste of space you are!”

    And all that the old bucket could say was, “I know I'm not very useful, but I can only do my best. I'm happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least.”

    One day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation. After watering the flowers as usual, he said, “You both have done your work very well. Now I am going to carry you back. I want you to look carefully along the path.”

    Then the two buckets did so. All along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare (光秃秃的) earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden.


    At schools across the United States, students often sit down to cafeteria lunches made from processed foods that are high in fat, sodium, and sugar. But kids at Public School(P. S. )216 in Brooklyn have a different dining experience. Principal Donna Neglia reports that her students love eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

    P. S. 216 participated in the Edible Schoolyard Project, a nonprofit program founded by Chef Alice Waters in 1995. The program that Waters created helps public schools across the country start on-site gardens and weave principles of healthy eating into the curriculum. Students grow and maintain crops, harvesting the fruits and vegetables for cafeteria meals.

    Waters expressed her passion for the principles of the farm-to-table movement. She advised schools to connect with the farmers in their area and change their buying practices when planning meals for students.

    Waters has long been inspiring people to care about where their food comes from. In 1993, she put forward the idea of a White House vegetable garden. It was not until 2009 that Michelle Obama started the garden in the backyard of the White House. She and members of the kitchen staff spent hours tending to the garden, often with help from local school children.

    “That gave people a sense that she cared about children and cared about where our food comes from,” Waters said, praising the former First Lady's concern for young people's health. “We are just building this movement, and it is very exciting. ”

    “Through the Edible Schoolyard Project, students also learn about the benefits of healthy eating in the classroom.” Neglia said. “P. S. 216 is teaching kids about careers in the food industry—such as farming and agriculture, nutrition, food safety, and the restaurant business.”

    Similar classes are taking place around the country. So far, the Edible Schoolyard Project has reached more than 1 million students in more than 367 schools. “I'm thinking about the future of the planet,” Waters said. “I'm doing this for our generation.”


    Why not consider spending the holiday at Harvard if you are a high school student who will have a holiday in this coming summer?

    About the program

    This is a five-week program^ from July 16 to August 17, 2018, which is designed to help high school students to pave the way for a successful college experience. We have 200-plus courses, such as film, philosophy, creative writing, and computer science. Besides, we offer you two types of credit courses—4-credil course and 8-credit course. You can earn college credit here. Whether you choose to sign up for one or two courses, you will still have some flexibility (灵活性) to schedule your days'.

    Tuition and Fees

    Application fee (the application period opens in December): $50

    Tuition: $3,300 for 4-credit course;

    $6,600 for 8-credit course

    Housing (room and board) fee: $5, 700

    Health insurance fee: $200

    Financial Aid(援助)

    Financial aid is a scholarship award. It is available to Secondary School Program students with excellent academic records who give evidence of financial need. It does not have to be paid back. Awards cover only a part of the program cost. Families should expect to contribute to the remaining part. Award amounts are determined by many sides, including family finances, availability of fund (基金), and whether students are resident. ... Local students may be eligible (有资格的) for additional funding towards room and board.


Terrific New Technologies

•A fashionable smart speaker

    The new Amazon Echo smart speaker has the same popular feature as the original-an always listening voice assistant ready to play music and news, set timers, and use third-party apps. Only now it's actually stylish. The $120 speaker comes in different finishes, including fabric and wood.

•A helping hand for parents

    10 Suzy Snooze helps babies and kids sleep so parents can catch up on their own sleep. It's a sound machine and a nightlight. It connects with an app over wi-fi and turns into an audio monitor. If a kid cries at midnight, it'll detect the sound and try to calm him back to sleep. It can also let early risers know when it's OK to get out of bed. Made by Bleep Bleeps, the $249 "smart nightlight" has an adorable little face.

•Safety for ding dongs

    Doorbells used to just ring, ding, and dong. But thanks to modern technology, doorbells can now double as Internet-connected- surveillance(监视) devices. Rings $249 Video Doorbell Pro can record HD video of your front steps, even at night. It includes motion sensors and two-way audio, so you can yell "get off my lawn" from anywhere. You can also use the app to see what's going on in front of your house while you're at work or in the backyard.

•The must-have kitchen gadget

    The Instant Pot makes food fast in one pot. The surprise kitchen hit is a combination of pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker and even yogurt maker. It has sensors and settings to make cooking as safe as possible. Starting at $80, an Instant Pot can make dishes in less time than it typically takes to cook them.

