
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



New rules and behavior standards (标准) for middle school students came out. Who are the most excellent students? Middle schools use a new way to decide that. The best students won't only have good grades. The following are some of the new rules.


     Have you ever copied others' work during an exam? Don't do it again. That's not what an honest student should do. If you played computer games for two hours in your room, don't tell your parents you were doing your homework.

     April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and learn how to protect them.


     When your classmates are in trouble, remember to give them a hand. You know a friend in need is a friend indeed. Try to do more for others.

     Try to stay away from Web pages that are bad for you. Find good websites and use them for homework.

     Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you can discover a new planet someday. Don't look down on new ideas. You should welcome them because new ideas can make life better.

A. Love animals.

B. Be open to new ideas.

C. Use the Internet carefully.

D. Care about others.

E. Tell the truth.

    We live on the earth. We use the sea around us. What do we take from the ocean? And what do we give to it?
    We take fishes from the ocean—millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}  We take minerals(矿物) from the ocean. We can get salt by evaporating(蒸发) seawater.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Many other minerals, such as gold, can be also got from the sea, but not by simple evaporation.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Seaweed(海草) becomes food of many kinds— even candy, and ice cream—as well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another gift from the sea. We can't drink ocean water. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}  But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.
    The sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water and other gifts. What do we give the sea? We pollute the ocean all the time. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Throwing waste into the ocean is killing off sea life. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.
We are finally learning that if we destroy our sea, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.

A. Other gifts from the sea , such as seaweed, can be also got from the sea.
B. Huge as it is, the ocean can't hold all that we pour into it.
C. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation.
D. We even use their bones(骨头) for fertilizer(化肥).
E. Some of its contents(所含物) may cause illness.

    In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were not many people on earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
    Today, things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue like this, human life on earth will not survive.
    Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we continue to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.
    We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. However, in most countries waste products are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are few laws to stop this.
    We know, too, that if the population of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there will not be enough food.
What can we do to solve these problems?
    If we eat more vegetables and less meat, we will easily get more food. Land that is used to grow crops can feed five times more people than land where animals are kept.
    The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner living place in the future.

The importance of protecting the environment
Problems◆ More fish being caught.
◆ More {#blank#}1{#/blank#} being cut down.
◆ More waste products being put into rivers.
◆ More{#blank#}2{#/blank#}   being born.
Causes◆ The world is becoming too {#blank#}3{#/blank#}   .
◆ Modern methods make the situation worse .
ResultWe human beings will not survive on the earth.
Solutions◆ Eat more vegetables and less meat so that more food will be
available  for everyone.
◆ Use modern methods of {#blank#}4{#/blank#} control so that the population will not grow too fast.
◆ Educate people so that the {#blank#}5{#/blank#}  will be better and cleaner.


