
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. It lifts the curtain of spring.After that everything turns green and full of energy and people clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.

1.Flying a kite.

    Spring is the best season for kite-flying.A traditional folk activity,it has a history of more than 2,000 years.  It also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and speeding up metabolism.

2.Wearing fabric swallows.

    Wearing fabric swallows is a custom in some regions in Shaanxi. The custom originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).The swallow is a harbinger of spring and a symbol of prosperity and happiness.

3.Making a Spring Ox.

    Skilled artists build the frame of an ox out of bamboo strips and the legs with wood.Then they paste some paper and paint onto it.  It is said that if more red and yellow paper is used,then there will be a good harvest that year.


    People in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Spring about 3,000 years ago.They made sacrifices to Gou Mang,the god of Spring,who is in charge of agriculture.By the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),welcoming spring had become an important folk activity.

A.Welcoming spring.

B.The image of an ox is complete.

C.At that time,there were eight solar terms.

D.Start of Spring is the first solar term of the year.

E.Flying a kite can help build one's health and prevent diseases.

F.It is said that the egg can be set upright on the first day of the Start of Spring.

G.People like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests on Start of Spring.


    It's natural for all kids to worry at times, and because of personality differences, some may worry more than others. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They typically worry about things like grades, tests, their changing bodies, fitting in with friends, the goal they missed at the soccer game, or whether they'll be bullied (欺负), or left out. Luckily, parents can help kids manage worry and deal with everyday problems.

    To help your kids manage what's worrying them:

    Find out what's on their minds.

    Be available and take an interest in what's happening at school, on the team, and with your kids' friends. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} As you listen to stories of the day's events, be sure to ask about what your kids think and feel about what happened. Sometimes just sharing the story with you can help lighten their load.


    Being interested in your child's concerns shows they're important to you, too, and helps kids feel supported and understood. Reassuring (令人安心的) comments can help—but usually only after you've heard your child out. Say that you understand your child's feelings and the problem.

    Guide kids to solutions.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When your child tells you about a problem, offer to help come up with a solution together. If your son is worried about an upcoming math test, for example, offering to help him study will lessen his concern about it.

    Offer reassurance and comfort.

    Sometimes when kids are worried, what they need most is a parent's concern and comfort. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It helps kids to know that, whatever happens, parents will be there with love and support.

A. Show you care and understand.

B. Take casual opportunities to ask how it's going.

C. It might come in the form of a hug or time spent together.

D. Kids sometimes worry about things that have already happened.

E. Not all the kids worry about their teachers when they start a new school.

F. What kids worry about is often related to the age and stage they're in.

G. You can help reduce worries by helping kids learn to deal with challenging situations.


    A student's life is never easy. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} A lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go back home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you. The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.

Knowing the country.

    You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places. You won't go there as a tourist, but as a student. It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} You surely don't want to face legal problems, especially if you're away from home.

Studying their language.

    Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language. Before leaving your home country, take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.


    Check the conversion(兑换)of your money to their local currency, set up your bank account so you can use it there, get an insurance, and find an apartment. The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.

    Remember, you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well. If you act foolishly, people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Packing your clothes.

B. Preparing for other needs.

C. Most importantly, read about their laws.

D. This will be useful in living and studying there.

E. That would surely be a very bad start for your study abroad program.

F. Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.

G. And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.


    Speaking in public is most people's least favorite thing. The reason is that we are all afraid of making fools of ourselves.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    But stop biting your finger-nails. Public speaking is easy. It's just plain talking, and you talk all the time. Although I'm basically shy (honest!), I've been making speeches and talking on radio and television for more than 30 years, and I can tell you that public speaking is not a “gift” like musical talent.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Here are some of the lessons I have learned:

    Your audience is going to come away with one or two of your main ideas. One or two. Not ten or 20.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And if you don't have a clear idea of what you want to say, there's no way your audience will.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}— how you are going to open, what major points you want to make and how you're going to close.

    When I do a radio or TV piece, I often write the last sentence first.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} A strong close is critical: the last thing you say is what your audience will most likely remember.

    The standard length of a vaudeville (杂耍) act is usually 12 minutes. If all those performers singing and dancing their hearts out couldn't go on longer without boring the audience, what makes you think you can?

A. Some people are born to be good at making speeches.

B. Anybody who can talk can speak in public.

C. Try to relax yourself before making the speech.

D. The more important the speech is, the more frightened we become.

E. If you can't express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across, then your speech is not focused well enough.

F. When you know where you're headed, you can choose any route to get there.

G. No matter how long or short your speech is, you've got to get your ducks in a row.


    Have you ever changed your mind, or even given up a dream because you were afraid of what someone else might think of you? If you're often worried about what friends, family, or even strangers in the street might think, then you're using up a huge amount of energy worrying.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} But the steps below should help.

Step 1: Ask yourself what matters to you.

    Maybe you can't stand the gym, but your best friend works out every day. It's natural for people around you to have different values from you.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Step 2:{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    The truth is that I'm not the centre of the world, and neither are you! Most of the people around you are far too busy going about their own lives to think much about you.

Step 3: Recognize that their opinion can't hurt you.

    There are a few cases where opinions will make a difference.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} But the people who really matter are going to love you for who you are.

Step 4:{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    You can't control people's thoughts. You've got no idea what might go through their head, or why. You can't please everyone all of the time, and there's no need to try to.

A. Do whatever you want to do.

B. This is a hard habit to get rid of.

C. You should make everyone around you happy.

D. So just be clear and honest with yourself.

E. Remember that they're not all watching you.

F. Accept that you can't control what people think.

G. For instance, your boss's opinion is usually important to you.


    If you travel, you will leave a carbon footprint in your wake. You can't help it. But eco-friendly travel practices can lighten the harm on Mother Earth. Green travel is not a passing trend but a lifestyle choice. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Choosing a green destination

    No destination is a Green Giant. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. However, some countries and cities show a deep commitment to Earth-friendly policies and practices. When researching a vacation spot, look for places that naturally embrace the green lifestyle.

    Choosing green transportation

    What makes Mother Earth proud? Seeing you use your own power to get around. Many adventure tour operators arrange cycling, hiking and walking holidays. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. The greenest rides typically run on electric power. Switzerland is taking the lead with its hybrid buses and trains powered by hydroelectricity; Japan is running close behind.

    Choosing a green hotel

    Once you are at your destination, if you can get the hotel right, you can make the greatest impact. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Look for a fact sheet online, or call the front desk. You can also search for hotels approved by respected certification programs, such as Green Key and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.


    The Earth-friendly choices are numerous: You can sail, bike, kayak, bike, swim, bird-watch and play I-spy-a-monkey in a tree. Visit a local food market, and don't forget to bring a reusable bag for purchases. You can also lend a hand during your holiday. The green movement has changed from how to preserve and protect to how to use less and do good when you're there.

A. Choosing green travel

B. Choosing green activities

C. Next in line are trains and buses

D. They all make environmental missteps

E. Most major chains operate in-house green program

F. If you plan to drive, consider a fuel-efficient vehicle

G. Follow the tips and watch your footprints turn greener


Should I live in the city or the suburbs?

    There are three different kinds of areas you can live in: urban, suburban, and rural. You can describe living in a rural area as living out in the sticks or the county. This type of living is seen as idyllic (田园生活的) for those seeking reprieve (暂时缓解) from crowds. Rural areas generally have small, self-sustaining populations.

    Urban living is city living: active nightlife, full of noise, sophisticated public transit system and sometimes small and expensive city apartments. Urban areas tend to be densely (密集地) populated and have more intense traffic and pollution as a result.

    For those seeking an intermediary between urban and rural living, the suburbs might be just the thing. Suburbs are large residential areas away from the core of town yet close enough to the city center.

    Can you afford to live in the city?

    Choosing whether to live in the city or the suburbs is often a matter of budget — where can you afford to live? By and large, living in the city is more expensive than living in the suburbs, though that's not always the case. For instance, in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and a few other cities, suburban living is not always better on your wallet.

    Your lifestyle influences your happiness in the city or suburbs.

    For someone who enjoys five-star restaurants, vibrant (充满活力的) nightlife, and fast-paced living, residing in an urban hub is a dream come true. On the other hand, if you find crowds and tons of noise unbearable, then a large city might feel like purgatory (炼狱).

    Your lifestyle is one of the primary considerations in deciding where you ought to live. If you are into fishing, hiking, and spending time outdoors, then realize that you may have to drive several hours to enjoy your hobbies if you choose city living.

Is your career better suited for the city or suburbs?

    Your career should also strongly influence your choice about whether to live in the city or in the suburbs. For example, if your job is in landscape, you might find it difficult to find work in the city because there is not a high demand for landscape artists. The fact of the matter is that most city homes don't have large yards with grass to cut, and competition for landscaping contracts is probably fierce. Similarly, a business executive (主管) may find that the suburbs do not offer the convenience afforded by city living.

    The debate of whether to live in the suburbs or the city is long lasting and never-ending. When it all boils down to it, it is a matter of preference and budget, so go with your gut (决心) and you'll make the right choice.

Passage outline

Supporting details

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} of living in three kinds of areas

◆ Living in rural areas helps people escape from {#blank#}2{#/blank#}streets and public transportation.

◆ Living in urban are can mean active nightlife but has many {#blank#}3{#/blank#} like noise, pollution and so on.

◆ The suburbs might appeal to those seeking to achieve a {#blank#}4{#/blank#} between urban and rural living.


Generally, city living {#blank#}5{#/blank#} more than suburban living, but in some cases, urban living is less expensive.


◆ When choosing where to live, you should take your lifestyle into {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

◆You can settle in a big city if you prefer modern life. However, if you want to {#blank#}7{#/blank#} your hobbies like fishing and hiking, you'd better avoid city living.


◆ Your profession plays a great role in helping you {#blank#}8{#/blank#} on where to live.

◆ A landscape artist has difficulty finding work in the city while a business executive finds it not {#blank#}9{#/blank#} to live in the suburbs.


Anyway, you'll make the right decision if you {#blank#}10{#/blank#} your choice on your preference and budget.

