
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



A. You aren't like anybody else

B. You already do lots of things well

C. Turn your back on too many rules

D. Practise speaking whenever possible

E. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough

F. The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep

G. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse

Public Speaking Training

    Get a coach

    , so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.

    Focus on positives

    Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well. , so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.


    If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about. . As far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

    You are a special person not a clone

    Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. . Your training course should help you bring out your personality, not try to turn you into someone you're not.


    Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and you'd be right. To have fun? That's true, too. But there's more.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. According to the Women's Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.

    Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that playing sports will take up all your study time.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration (集中;专心), which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.

    Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goalsetting skills.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you're learning how to be successful. Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.

    Sports are good for a girl's health. In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight, girls who play sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less likely to get osteoporosis(骨质疏松症).

    Playing sports improves self-confidence.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Why? It builds confidence when you know you can practice, improve, and achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, keep a healthy weight, and make new friends.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Playing sports can reduce pressure and help you feel a little happier. How? The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood. Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends. It's good to know your teammates will support you both on and off the field!

A. Exercise cuts the pressure.

B. Sports teach valuable life skills.

C. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons.

D. Regular exercise increases quality of life.

E. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.

F. Playing sports offers children more than just physical benefits.

G. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.



    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The angry person loses objectivity in evaluating the emotional significance of the person or situation that arouses his anger.

    Not everyone experiences anger in the same way; what angers one person may amuse another. The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person based on biological and cultural forces.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} We no longer regard duels (决斗) as an appropriate expression of anger resulting from one person's awareness of insulting behaviour on the part of another.

    Anger can be identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes. Under most conditions EEG (脑电图) measures of electrical activity show balanced activity between the right and left prefrontal (额叶前部) areas. Behaviourally this corresponds to the general even-handed disposition (意向) that most of us possess most of the time. But when we are angry the EEG of the right and left prefrontal areas aren't balanced and, as a result of this, we're likely to react.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour: we move closer to people we like. Most negative emotions, in contrast, are associated with avoidance behaviour: we move away from people and things that we dislike or that make us anxious.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.The angrier we are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as offensive anger: the angry person moves closer in order to influence and control the person or situation causing his anger.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Interestingly, this asymmetry(不对称) lessens if the angry person can experience empathy (同感) towards the individual who is bringing forth the angry response. In defensive anger, in contrast, the EEG asymmetry is directed to the right and the angry person feels helpless in the face of the anger-inspiring situation.

A. But anger is an exception to this pattern.

B. Balanced activity can be spotted in prefrontal areas.

C. In offensive anger, people try to move away from what is dislike.

D. Most damagingly, anger weakens a person's ability to think clearly and keep control over his behaviour.

E. This approach-and-confront behaviour is accompanied by a leftward prefrontal asymmetry (不对称) of EEG activity.

F. And our behavioural response to anger is different from our response to other emotions, whether positive or negative.

G. In contemporary culture, physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful to be tolerated.


    Follow these steps and you'll be getting to bed earlier before you know it.


    If you're currently going to bed at 11 pm, don't decide that tonight you're going to get to bed at 9 pm. But more generally, it's also important to give your body time to adjust as you start changing your bedtime. So you should take smaller steps.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Write down your new bedtime.

    Set up your environment to avoid objections.

    What you'll need to do is to think through your specific plan, and identify potential objections.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Imagine your routine for this evening, think through any possible obstacles and decide on specific ways that you'll avoid them.

    Set reminders for yourself to stick to your plan.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}The idea here is that reminders not only alert you in the moment, but they also help you build tiny habits for certain behaviors.

    Decide what time you're going to begin the process of getting ready for bed. Add it to your calendar.

    Make a public commitment.

    Making a public commitment to getting something done is a great way to create responsibilities for yourself.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Decide what time you're going to go to bed tonight and find friends to tell them what time you're going to bed in case you miss your bedtime.

A. Make a change gradually.

B. Studies show that once we make it, we are more likely to honor it.

C. Remind yourself to go to bed as early as possible tonight.

D. Decide to go to bed 15 minutes earlier tonight than you usually do.

E. Make sure you get success in one time when you plan to change your bedtime.

F. Once you've mapped out a plan for your evening, you can set reminders for yourself.

G. The idea is to design your environment to make it less likely that you'll give up your plan.


    We all have our favourite teachers—those who treat us equally. But what about those teachers we don't know as well (for even don't like much)?

You can do lots of things to get a relation with your teacher. First,do the following:{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Complete all homework on time.Be attentive,be respectful,and ask questions.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Obviously,your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you care,even if you're not good at math or fluent in French—send the message that you are a dedicated student.

    You can also schedule a private meeting during a teacher's free period.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} You can ask questions,inquire about a career in the subject,or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one on one than when lecturing in front of the whole class.

However,here are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher:

    ⒈{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Teachers sense when your only motivation is to get special treatment,a college reference,or a job suggestion.

    ⒉Trying to be teachers' pet. You just attract the teachers' attention on purpose and your classmates may start to hate you.

    ⒊{#blank#}5{#/blank#} It's OK to offer a small sign of thanks to teachers if they've been helpful to you. But a teacher is usually not allowed to accept the wrong message,and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.

A.Giving expensive gifts.

B.Show up for class on time.

C.Not being sincere.

D.Find the practical value in classes.

E.Use this time to get extra help.

F.Show an interest in the subject.

G.Get along better with your teachers.


    What should you think about in trying to find your career(职业)? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to do well at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general good result. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.

    Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cooking and look for a job where you can improve these skills.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You may have learned how to get to work on time and get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a certain industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You may be all thumbs when you deal with tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is better to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not feel sorry for it.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. This does not have direct value for future job hunting.

B. These may show strengths that you can use in your work.

C. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself.

D. Having a part-time job is a good way to find out your weak points.

E. Instead, you should recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.

F. Although not all subjects can be used directly(直接地) in a job, they may have indirect value.

G. If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it.

