
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教新目标版九年级Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B同步练习


   My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager. Of course, it was black and white. She said she only watched it at night. When I was young, we had only about 3 or 4 different channels. My brothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch. But we usually enjoyed the same shows.

   Nowadays, we can get hundreds of channels on TV. There are channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on. It's amazing! I wonder how much my brothers, my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child. Of course, we had only one television set. These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes. I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose.

(1)、In the old days, what kind of television sets did people only have?

A、Black and white ones. B、Colors ones. C、All kinds of television sets. D、Both A and B
(2)、My mother watched TV_____ when she was young.

A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、at night D、at noon
(3)、Nowadays, how many channels can we get on TV?

A、3 or 4 different channels. B、Only one channel. C、Hundreds of channels. D、Several channels.
(4)、When I was a teenager, my brothers, my sisters and I usually enjoyed       .

A、four shows B、the same shows C、different shows D、hundreds of shows
(5)、Which of the following is NOT true?

A、My brothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch when I was a child.  B、These days, there is only one channel with old movies, cooking and fishing. C、People have many channels to choose from now. D、These days some families have 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes.
阅读下面的短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

Obey the rules of British roads

    British roads, some of the safest in the world. A study in 2018 compared more than 30 countries and found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died in traffic accidents in the UK. This number was lower than any other country. So, what did British drivers do to achieve this? What are they doing differently? Here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the UK.

    People in Britain drive on the left side of the road. In fact, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countries have this. Don't forget that this also means you must drive the other way around roundabouts (环岛) .

    British people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody. If you are in a queue of traffic, then don't try to push past the cars in front of yours. This is called "jumping the queue". You must wait for your turn; otherwise people may get angry with you.

    You must stop at the traffic lights when they are red. In many countries, it is OK to go past the red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isn't any other traffic around. In the UK you could have a lot of trouble if you do this.

    If another driver flashes (闪烁) his cars lights at you, he is probably trying to tell you that he will wait for you to go first. British people don't like to use their car horn (喇叭) much and they think people who do so are rude.

    If you get in an accident, don't try to pay the police. The police in the UK never take money, and if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday visiting British prison.

