
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Jokes are things that we say to make other people laugh. Sometimes a joke is just a short sentence, while other times it can be a story that can take a while to tell. An example of a simple joke is:

Q:Why do birds fly south?

A:Because it's too far to walk.


People who tell jokes are welcomed everywhere bacause everyone likes hearing a good joke. Here is another example of a jokes:

Q:Why do hummingbirds hum(嗡嗡叫)?

A:Because they don't know the words.


We say a joke is “corny” if it is stupid. An example of a corny joke is:

Q:Why did the chicken cross the road?

A:To get to the other side.


    But some people may think a corny joke actually a good joke. Telling a good joke depends not only on the joke itself but also on the way it is told. Some people have a skill for telling jokes. And some people simply do not know how to tell jokes. Every language and culture has its own funny jokes. As a result, many jokes lose their humor if they are translated into a different language. Some jokes depend on making fun of other people to be funny. However, these jokes may hurt people's feelings.

Sometimes jokes are told about certain races and religions (宗教). These are called “racial” and “religious” jokes, and they can be burning people, too. Jokes about the supposed special things of the members of one sex are sometimes considered to be “sexist (性别歧视的) rubbish”. Jokes that hurt people's feelings are not really funny.

    Have you heard a good joke lately? Can you tell your classmates one that will make them laugh?

(1)、People who are good at telling jokes are usually      .

A、serious B、crazy C、famous D、popular
(2)、A “corny” joke is one that is      .

A、very funny B、stupid or not funny C、very short D、very harmful
(3)、Some jokes depend on        to be funny.

A、how long the sentences are B、the age of the person who tells the joke C、where we ate standing when telling the joke D、the listener's understanding of the language and culture
(4)、Which of the following is the writer's opinion?

A、Jokes that hurt people's feelings are not really funny. B、Some people simply do not know how to tell jokes. C、Every language and culture has its own jokes. D、Some people may think a corny joke is good.
Social customs (习俗) and ways of behaving change all the time. Things that were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered to be impolite behavior for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.
Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn't matter? What about table manners (行为)?
The Americans and British people not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seats to women, and so will most Americans. Promptness (准时) is important both in England and in America. That is, the dinner guest (客人) either arrive close to the time that has been made or calls up to explain his delay (耽误).
The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable —especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a very formal dinner party. When the food was served (服务), one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or greatly surprised, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.


参考单词:1. decent 合宜的, 得体的; 2. reputation 名声; 3. incidental 伴随发生的

A. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

B. Bollywood is less famous than Hollywood, and yet it produces the most films in the world.

C. Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries.

D. Bollywood is decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films.

E. Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

F. Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light –hearted incidental music.

    Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.


    Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.


    The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a teaspoon of comedy, a dash of international sight- seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. The result is a fun-filled musical.


     There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war. The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audiences don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.


    But, behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In moat films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents.


    So if you are tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films. They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.


    The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981. At that time, they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English. This was because they were now living in an English-speaking country.

    Now the Vieira children are adults, and they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and friends. But they cannot communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new countries, they often leave their own customs and mother language behind. This is a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.

    One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world. You do not have to depend on others to talk for you, so you're more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.

    Furthermore, speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively. Local expressions, vocabulary, and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person's understanding of another culture. So, knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.

    Finally, having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries. If people from different countries can communicate well, the world can become closer. Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each other's problems.

    The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact, there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people don't try to learn another language. It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.

