
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia (百科全书), is the largest encyclopedia ever. An encyclopedia is a collection of informative articles about various things. Encyclopedias used to be printed as books.

    "Wiki" is an internet term that means "a website that can be edited by the public." It comes from "wikiwiki", a Hawaiian word for "quick". Two Americans, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, created Wikipedia in 2001. It has about 6 million articles in 300 languages and is visited by billions of people each day, who want to find information on just about anything – science, math, languages, art, culture, and company histories. There are articles on sports stars, too, and even long-forgotten soap operas from the 1970s.

    Except for a small number of pages, anyone can edit articles, anonymously (匿名地) or with a user account, and registered (注册的) users can create their own articles. Editing is unpaid, although Wikipedia does employ a small staff. Wikipedia is freely available to anyone with an internet connection. Its founders hoped that the model would make use of humanity's collective knowledge.

    Many Wikipedia pages contain errors, although the organization has a content review system that works to fix this problem. Several studies have concluded that Wikipedia is as accurate as most print encyclopedias. Indeed, a 2005 report in the journal Nature found it to be only slightly less reliable (可靠的) than Encyclopedia Britannica.

    It does not rely on advertising. Instead, all of its funds (资金) come from donations. Perhaps more importantly, the number of its volunteer editors is shrinking.

    Despite these difficulties, Jimmy Wales says he will still stick to his dream. He has big plans for the future. He wants Wikipedia available in all of the world's languages.

A. Today Wikipedia faces many challenges.

B. Wikipedia employs an open editing model.

C. It allows users to get information within seconds.

D. It is now the fifth-most visited website on the internet.

E. Most of its editors are volunteers.

F. Now, they are mostly found online.

G. However, some people doubt the accuracy (准确性) of Wikipedia's content.


    It is impossible to know when you might find yourself lost in a forest. If you know what to do, you can survive in a forest without much trouble; but if you are not prepared, survival can be much less likely.

Keep fear at bay

    It is completely natural to be afraid when you are faced with a survival situation. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The more your fear overcomes you, the lower your chances are of survival, as your mind is going to become clouded and panic may set in.

Stay warm

    Obviously, the low body temperature is one of the primary dangers you face when you must survive in the forest{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Never stop to sleep or quit moving around unless you have appropriate shelter.

Know how to make a fire

    Obviously , if you have a lighter or matches, this is not a problem. But if not, you can attempt to use a dry narrow pointed stick and a dry flat piece of wood. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} This requires a great deal of work, but if done correctly, you will succeed.

Make some shelter

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The easiest way to provide protection is to find a fallen tree and cover it with other branches and brush so that you can stay in the natural pit underneath the tree trunk.This is a very important aspect of being able to survive in the forest.

Stay put unless you know exactly where you are

    If you can build a stable shelter and start a fire, you can survive in the forest for several days. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you know where you are, travel as far as possible during the day while making sure you stop long enough before dark so that you can build another shelter.

A. Soon you will find that it's not that difficult to survive in the forest.

B. However, if you are going to survive in the forest, you must keep your thoughts clear.

C. Make as much friction(摩擦) as possible by rubbing the pointed stick along the flat piece.

D. It is better to stay and wait for rescue.

E. Under no circumstances should we fight with the wild animals.

F. Caves and overhangs are perfect, but most likely you must build your own.

G. It is crucial that you do all you can to stay dry and keep your body temperature up.


House Sitting

    In many countries of the world people do what is called house sitting. It means that if owners of the house are going away, they want someone to come into their home and look after the house and maybe pets while they are away.

    In Australia, many people travel. After people retire, they might buy a van and travel all over the country. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason, they might want someone in their home to care for it and keep the gardens tidy. House sitters might have to care for pets. Also, quite a few people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} I feel it is a great way of seeing the country, because you go and stay in a new city, get to meet new people, and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} There are websites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel, and by replying to the advertisement, you can make arrangements to go and look after their home.

    There are some requirements to be a house sitter. You must be a trusted person, so that the home owner knows you will not steal anything. You must be able to go when the house owner wants you to go, so you need lots of free time. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You need to be good with pets, able to care for cats and dogs, or other pets they may have.

    Some house sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple of weeks while the house owners have a short holiday. Sometimes it is for much longer. We have had one house sit for six months, while the home owner travelled to Europe.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Then you can travel to many different countries and stay there. One of  the important things to get is references from the home owners where you have stayed. A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthy and have looked after their home well. You can show these letters to possible house sitting jobs and they know you will do a good job.

A. I have done house sitting many times.

B. Thousands of people do this all the time.

C. It is also possible to do house sitting in other countries.

D. Generally you have many opportunities to get a house sitting job.

E. You must take a little care over what your description says about you.

F. This is an international house sitting service for all city and country areas.

G. You must have a good car, so you can travel to different parts of the country.


Remarkable Ways to Push Yourself Harder

    Deep inside us, we know that hard work is supposed to be the key to success.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are the rules that you can also apply to make yourself work really hard.

    Practice working hard.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Therefore, if you want to be a hard worker, you must practice working hard. Practice waking up early, practice doing a lot of work, and practice working more hours. One day you will wake up and realize that you are a hard worker.


    Many hard workers always have a large purpose that forces them to work. Don't just think of buying a car or a big house because this is not a purpose strong enough to push you forward. An example of a big purpose is deciding that you are working hard so that you bring change in the lives of your friends, family, and neighborhood. A strong purpose always involves bringing a large positive change in any particular setting.

    Surround yourself with hard workers.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But if you surround yourself with hardworking people, you will find yourself working hard towards your goal. Avoid friends who just want to have fun all the time. This type of friends will always discourage you when you attempt to work hard. Therefore, always surround yourself with go-getters.

    Read and watch inspirational materials.

    You can also push yourself harder through reading and watching inspirational material. Motivational books and videos encourage you to work harder. These materials make you work hard.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Have a strong purpose.

B. Find a great goal to overcome your laziness.

C. Like other skills, one has to practice it to perfect it.

D. Inspirational material makes you believe in yourself.

E. Nevertheless, occasions are not rare when we always find it difficult to push ourselves harder.

F. They remove discouragement and assure you that you will never fail if you push yourself to the limit.

G. If you surround yourself with lazy people, you will also be lazy.


How to Stay Out of Trouble

    Sometimes it may seem like you're always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The best thing to do is to stop trouble before it starts. It's always possible to turn over a new leaf.

    ⒈{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Joining a sports team is a great way to stay out of trouble. Whether you're playing soccer or baseball, team sports are a great way to find something to do rather than get into trouble.

    ⒉Join a club. If sports aren't your thing, you can always join a club. You can join an art club, chess club, French club, cooking club and so on. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Therefore, you won't have time to annoy your teachers or parents.

    ⒊Go volunteering. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you're too young to do it on your own, go with a parent to a volunteering event. You can help people learn to read, clean up a local park, or work in a soup kitchen. Find something that is meaningful to you and commit to it at least once a week.

    ⒋Read as much as you can. Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Getting truly interested in stories can help you forget the hours passing by. Reading for just 20 minutes before bedtime every night can help you develop an addicting lifelong habit.

A. Join a sports team.

B. Play soccer or baseball.

C. Then you can have a good time with your friends.

D. Volunteering is another great way to stay out of trouble.

E. These clubs can help you focus on something you care about.

F. What's more, if you're reading, then you're not getting into trouble.

G. And no matter what you do, you just can't seem to get things right.


How to Plan a Holiday Trip

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Whether it's to grandma's house, a family reunion or simply a holiday getaway, these yearly road trips can often be the source of dread and stress. The thought of being trapped in the car with restless children or the possibility of car trouble along the way is enough to make anyone consider staying home. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Plan out the route for your car trip. If you're planning on driving to your holiday destination, a little planning can help make your trip easy and uneventful. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Remember, it's likely that you won't be the only person on the road during the holidays, and traffic is always a factor. Alternate routes or shortcuts can help reduce time spent in traffic jams and get you to your destination sooner. This information can also come in handy in case of road construction or other situations that might block your primary route.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Although traveling by air can be quick and convenient, it can also be much more expensive. Start planning your trip early to take advantage of advance purchase discounts and avoid sold out flights. Many airlines become extremely busy during the holidays so booking in advance can also help ensure that you get the flights that you want. High traffic destinations such as New York, Los Angeles or Atlanta can be extremely crowded during the holidays. If you have the option, consider booking your flight to a nearby airport and renting a car for the short drive to your destination.

    Consider your luggage needs. If you're traveling by car, the issue of luggage is only important with regards to the amount of room needed. Before you begin packing, think about how many people will be in your vehicle and how much room they will need to travel comfortably. This could affect the number of bags that you can take along. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Not only is the possibility of lost luggage an issue, but most airlines now charge extra for checked baggage.

    For a family of four, carrying a few bags each could result in several hundred dollars worth of baggage fees during your trip. Try to pack as lightly as possible.

A. As an alternative to driving or flying, check into the possibility of traveling by train.

B. Plan your trip to avoid peak travel times.

C. Luckily, with a little planning, these situations can be avoided.

D. Book airline tickets.

E. Each year, millions of people load up the family car and set out on a holiday trip,

F. For traveling by air, the number of bags that you take is a much bigger concern.

G. Consider your starting point and desired destination, and investigate several possible routes.


    It's very common these days for people to take some sort of regular exercise each week. But if you've never done it before, what's the best way to go about it? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} He or she will create a personalized plan for you based on your aims.

    However, each hourly session can be steep considering you have to pay both the personal trainer and membership of the gym, too. So what's left? Well, if you have the courage to do it, you can make your own plan. It's relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    First, keep your fitness goal in mind. Are you looking to slim down or increase your abilities? Whatever it is, make sure the things you choose to do are achieving that goal. Next, do your research. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Watch as many of these as possible, but make sure to be a little critical of them — everyone has a different physique and what works for one may not work for another. Finally, keep your feet on the ground. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don't be overzealous(过度热衷的) — never work in pain — a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never painful. Pain means you are damaging yourself.

    If nothing else, focus on calisthenics (健身操). {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Do as many of one exercise as you can without stopping, and then try and repeat that number twice more — make sure you sweat, and don't forget to rest for a minute in between each activity!

A. Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.

B. But before you do, here are some basic pointers.

C. Well, many people make use of a personal trainer.

D. They just don't want to design their own workout plan.

E. These days, social media is full of fitness videos and advice.

F. Find a way to make each exercise more difficult as you get in shape.

G. These are the basic body movements which everyone can do anywhere.

