
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I have been surprised each time my child has come home from school with a message saying his teacher wants to see me.

    I know my son seems very naughty(淘气的). He cannot concentrate(专心)on reading, he makes silly mistakes in his homework or often fails his exams.

    Whenever such things happen, his teacher shouts," Ask your parents to come here." And then I have to go with my tail(尾巴) between my legs to find out what's going on with my son and to listen to the teacher scold(训斥)him.

    I really feel sorry for my son's mistakes and usually feel personally responsible.

But I can't help feeling angry with him after a meeting with his teacher.

    Gradually, I have realized that anger will do him no good, and that actually he needs my help.

    On the other hand, I think that to educate our "little emperors(皇帝)",there needs to be more understanding and cooperation(合作)between teachers and parents to help him find his mistake.

(1)、The writer's child ___________.
A、is rude to others B、is often late for school C、is dishonest D、doesn't do well in his lessons
(2)、When the teacher ___________, his father will be told to go to school.
A、gets angry B、shouts C、wants to scold the boy D、listens patiently
(3)、While the teacher is scolding the child, the writer ___________.
A、cuts in sometimes B、shouts at the student C、feels ashamed D、listens impatiently
(4)、In the writer's opinion ___________will do good to the naughty child.
A、scolding B、anger C、teacher's meeting with the parent D、helping the child to realize his mistake

    Hollywood's only Chinese-American superhero has stirred up heated debate on social media after she spoke out against discrimination in American show business.

    Chloe Bennet, a Chinese-American actress who stars in Marvel's trending TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., explained on social media why she changed her last name from Wong to Bennet, arguing that Hollywood is “racist” and wouldn't cast her with a last name that made them “uncomfortable.”

    “Changing my last name doesn't change the fact that my BLOOD is half Chinese, that I lived in China, speak Mandarin, or that I was culturally raised both American and Chinese,” replied Bennet.

    Bennet's remarks come after Ed Skrein stepped down from his role as Major Ben Daimion in the upcoming Hellboy movie for fear that his participation would be “whitewashing” a character of Asian descent(后裔).

    Racial barriers have been an essential problem in Hollywood. According to research conducted by the University of Southern California in 2015, nearly three-quarters of all characters in the top 100 films of 2014 were white, while only 5.3 percent of Asian artists can share the same privilege. In another report released in 2017, only 3.4 percent of over 1,000 surveyed films had an Asian director.

    “Asian artists can hardly stand out in Hollywood. Most roles starred by Asians are fixed and stereotyped, as if all Asians are good at math and martial arts. There is an invisible discrimination lurking(潜伏) in show business, as the difference of your skin color may bring disparity in your income and opportunities,” said Alex She, a New York-based Chinese-American photographer and movie maker.

    Bennet's experience has led to heated debate on both Chinese and foreign social media.


    After opening the world's first commercial Direct Air Capture plant(直接空气捕集工厂)designed to pull CO2 out of the air, Swiss company Climeworks is now trying to create the world's first “negative emission(负排放)” power plant.

    An international team of scientists has been working on a way to turn captured CO2 into minerals. The project is called CarFix. Experts capture the gas, put it into water and send it to more than 700 meters underground. There the CO2 on contact with a special kind of rock forms into a mineral.

    “Our results show that between 95 and 98 percent of the CO2, sent underground was mineralized over the period of less than two years, which is amazingly fast,” says lead author of the CarFix project, Dr. Juerg Matter. Before this discovery it was thought that this mineralization could take hundreds to thousands of years.

    The DAC technology can collect CO2 from the atmosphere and then store it underground or sell it to business needing the gas. For example, customers can use it in drinks. And the first plant in Zurich is supplying the captured CO2 to a nearby greenhouse to “feed” vegetables. By using the company's CO2 the customers can reduce their carbon mission as well as lower their dependence on energy.

    A 2015 study suggested that before the CarFix project, experts could collect CO2, but they didn't have a large-scale(大规模的)method to safely treat it.

    Combining Climeworks' DAC technology with the CarFix mineralization process they will be able to create a system. This system doesn't put additional carbon back into the atmosphere. Actually it is carbon negative.

    “The economic cost of applying this kind of carbon capture technology on a large-scale is not particularly practical now, but for the first time we are seeing a realistic and effective system,” says Christoph Gebald CEO of Climeworks.


    JERUSALEM—Israel's Environmental Protection Ministry asked citizens Wednesday to avoid unnecessary physical activity and stay indoors, as a serious sandstorm struck the Middle East in a thick yellow haze (霾) for a second day with no hope to see things clearly.

    The ministry said heavy levels of dust and sand in the air were a threat to cities throughout the country. The ministry's website advised pregnant women, the elderly and those with heart and respiratory (呼吸的) conditions to stay indoors, and asked schools to keep children indoors.

    The emergency service Magen David Adom reported that it has treated more than 300 Israelis suffering from breathing problems, and that hospitals have more respiratory-related patients, including a large number of the elderly and those with asthma and related conditions.

    The domestic Israeli airlines Arkia and Israir continued to ground their flights to Eilat because of reduced visibility.

    The sandstorm has affected Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria, where at least five deaths have been reported.

    "There has been nothing that came close to the magnitude of this sandstorm," said Daniel Rosenfeld, a professor with the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

    "While Israel has experienced a number of sandstorms in the past, they started from the Sinai Desert and the Sahara Desert to the south and were joined by winter windstorms that cleared the air," he said. In this case, the storm comes from Syria and Iraq to the north and east.

    Because the storm is hitting during the summer, at a time of both little wind and severe heat and humidity, forecasters expect the particles to remain in the air throughout the weekend and possibly into next week.

    "This is really puzzling," said Rosenfeld, adding that he and his colleague will conduct research into the origins of the unprecedented (前所未有的) storm. (326 words)


    The new president of Harvard University is the son of an Eastern European refugee and Auschwitz (奥斯威辛) survivor—Lawrence S. Bacow. His father worked full time while attending a state college in Detroit at night to earn his degree.

    Bacow, the former president of Tufts University, has taken over Harvard at a time when higher education is under attack for being financially out of reach to many Americans. But Bacow said his family's journey had reflected the power of college education to transform generations and the opportunities that have historically been available in the United States.

    "My parents came to this country with almost nothing," Bacow said. "I wouldn't be here if this country had not been open to people like my parents at that time. Nor would I if my father hadn't had the opportunity to get the college education."

    Bacow grew up in Pontiac, Michigan. His father's family fled anti-Jewish (反犹太的) violence in Minsk, then part of the Soviet Union, before the start of World War II and went to the United States. His mother arrived in Brooklyn at age 19, having survived Auschwitz concentration camp. She was the only Jew from her town to have survived the war. Yet Bacow, who is married with two sons, said that while growing up in Michigan, he had a happy childhood, entering science fairs as a child and building radios like his dad.

    Bacow has spent most of his professional career at MIT, Harvard and Tufts. He was a professor of environmental studies at MIT, and later a principal at the university. He led Tufts from 2001 to 2011. At Tufts, Bacow earned a reputation for shaking up a sleepy university that was being overshadowed by its peers in Boston. He is also credited with leading it through both 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis.

    As the Tufts president, Bacow traveled around the country, reaching out to alumni (校友), and he urged his faculty and deans to do the same, in an effort to boost donations to finance Tufts' academic ambitions. He raised more than $20 million for faculty recruitment, attracting up-and-coming professors by offering junior faculty perks (福利), such as long academic leaves that they couldn't get elsewhere.

    Under Bacow's leadership, Tufts spent millions on labs and libraries. He also made addresses nationally about the need to make higher education more accessible and affordable to low-income students.


5 books I loved in 2018

By Bill Gates

    A great read is the perfect gift and I think everyone could use a few more books in their lives. My book list covers various topics, including an autobiography on learning throughout a life, a deep search on autonomous weapons (武器), a thriller about the fall of a once­promising company and a guide about meditation (冥想)­there's something for everyone.

    The Head space Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness, by Andy Puddicombe. The book starts with Puddicombe's personal journey from a university student to a Buddhist monk and then becomes an entertaining explainer on how to meditate. If you're thinking about trying mindfulness, this is the perfect introduction.

    Army of None, by Paul Scharre. It's an extremely complicated topic, but Scharre offers clear explanations and presents both the advantages and disadvantages of machine­driven warfare. His fluency with the subject should come as no surprise: he's an ex­soldier who helped draw up the U.S. government's policy on autonomous weapons.

    Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou. Carreyrou gives you the definitive insider's look at the rise and fall of a company. I found myself unable to put it down once I started. This book has everything: magazine cover stories, ruined family relationships, and the failure of a company once valued at nearly $10 billion.

    21 Lessons for the 21st Century, by Yuval Noah Harari. I'm a big fan of everything Harari has written, and his latest is no exception. If 2018 has left you stressed out by the state of the world, 21 Lessons offers a helpful framework for processing the news and thinking about the challenges we face.

    Educated, by Tara West over. Tara never went to school or visited a doctor until she left home at 17. I loved this life story of a young woman whose thirst for learning was so strong that she ended up getting a P.h.D. from Cambridge University.


New research into a long-lived tree has shown some of the tricks that have helped it survive for thousands of years. The ginkgo(银杏树) is a huge, slow-growing tree with fan-shaped leaves, native to China, but planted in parks and gardens across the world. Some of the largest ginkgoes are said to be more than 3, 000 years old.

In order to discover how these and other trees can live for so long, scientists from the US and China studied 34 healthy ginkgoes of different ages. The team studied growth rings in each tree's trunk(树干), as well as cells(细胞) from the bark, leaves and seeds. They found that 600-year-old trees were just as healthy as 2-year-olds.

To learn more, the team then looked in detail at the DNA of nine trees aged between three and 667 years old. DNA is the chemical in the cells of plants and animals that holds instructions that tell any living thing how to grow and develop-including what to do at different times in its life At the beginning of a tree's life, DNA instructs the cells in a seedling to divide quickly so the tree grows rapidly. The cells also make special chemicals to help the young plant survive difficult situations, such as disease. As most trees grow older, their DNA tells their cells to divide more slowly (so growth slows down) and to make fewer chemical defenses(防御).

Ginkgoes, however, do things differently. The team found that although their growth finally slows, both young and old trees make protective chemicals." The secret is keeping a really healthy defense system," said researcher Richard Dixon." As ginkgoes age, they show no sign of weakening their ability to defend themselves from things like disease. "Other trees that live for a long time may have the same ability.

For all their defenses, though, ginkgoes cannot live forever--they finally meet with deadly accidents such as fire, disease and storms. While they last, however, these leafy trees are some of the most beautiful trees in the world.

