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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Information Overload

    In modern society,if we're trying to make a decision,we often have so much information that we get confused,and we don't know what to do.This state is known as information overload. It can cause stress,frustration and reduced productivity.But what can we do in the face of information overload?

•Plan for only one time each day to check e-mail,social messaging sites,Wechat,etc.Don't allow yourself to check multiple times,unless you truly are waiting for an important e-mail.And that eats up your valuable time before getting away.

    If you are suffering from too many electronic interruptions during the weekday,ask people to call or text you during work hours only if it's really an emergency.

    Remind yourself that it's okay to not know everything.In fact,it's impossible to keep up with the pace of the information superhighway.The sooner you accept that,the happier you'll be. It is good to fall behind on the information that really isn't worth your attention.

    Set aside a regular time each week where you and other family members do not use any kind of electronic media technologies,including television.It could be something you do every weekend,or perhaps an hour or two every evening.

A.Just catch up with the happiest moment.

B.Know what's worth knowing and what isn't.

C.Each time you go online,you run the risk of being addicted to it.

D.Spend time with your family free from electronic products.

E.We need to find some effective ways to process the information.

F. Almost everyone suffers from it to some degree.

G.Otherwise they and you end up stealing time from your employer.


French surgeons have performed what they said on Wednesday was the world's first partial face transplant(移植)— giving a new nose, chin and lips to a woman attacked by a dog.

    Specialists from two French hospitals carried out the operation on a 38-year-old woman on Sunday in the northern city of Amiens by taking the face from a brain-dead woman, who had hanged herself just hours before the operation. Her family agreed on the operation.

    “The patient is in an excellent state and the transplant looks normal,” the hospitals said in a brief statement after waiting three days to announce the pioneering surgery.

    The woman had been left without a nose and lips after the dog attacked her last May, and was unable to talk or chew properly. Such injuries are “extremely difficult, if not impossible” to repair using normal surgical techniques, the statement said.

    The statement did not say what the woman would look like when she had fully recovered, but medical experts said she was unlikely to resemble the woman who had been the source of her new face.

    The operation was led by Jean-Michel Dubernard, a specialist from a hospital in Lyon who has also carried out hand transplants.

    Skin transplants have long been used to treat burns and other injuries, but operations around the mouth and nose have been considered very difficult because of the area's high sensitivity(敏感) to foreign tissue.

    Teams in France, the United States and Britain had been developing techniques to make face transplants a reality

    There was a short-term risk for the patient if blood vessels became blocked, a medium-term danger of her body rejecting the new skin and a long-term possibility that the drugs used could cause cancers.

    Experts say that although such medical advances should be celebrated, the transplant had thrown up moral(道德的)and ethical(伦理的)issues. Little is known about the psychological effect of three transplant.


    Stephen Hawking, the brilliant British theoretical physicist who published wildly popular books exploring the mysteries of the universe, has died, according to a family spokesman. He was 76.

    Considered by many to be the world's greatest living scientist, Hawking was also a cosmologist, astronomer, mathematician and author of numerous books including the landmark“A Brief History of Time,” which has sold more than 10 million copies.

    With fellow physicist Roger Penrose, Hawking combined Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum theory(量子理论) to suggest that space and time would begin with the Big Bang and end in black holes. He also discovered that black holes were not completely black but emit(释放) radiation and would likely eventually evaporate(蒸发) and disappear. “It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next 100 years, let alone next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket or on one plant. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.”

    Hawking suffered from ALS (amyotrophic latcral sclerosis), a disease which is usually fatal within a few years. He was diagnosed in 1963, when he was 21, and doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. The disease left Hawking wheelchair-bound and paralyzed. He was able to move only a few fingers on one hand and was completely dependent on others or on technology for everything—bathing, dressing, eating, even speech. “I have been lucky that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope.” Dramatically, he even guest-starred in the “Star Trek”, “The Simpsons” and the 2014movie “The theory of Everything”.

    Hawking leaves behind three children and three grandchildren. “We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today,” Hawking's children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said in a statement. “He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humor inspired people across the world. “We will miss him forever.”


    Last week, Donna Strickland was awarded the 2018 Nobel prize for physics jointly with Arthur Ashkin and Gérard Mourou. It's the first time in 55 years that a woman has won this famous prize, but why has it taken so long? We look at five other pioneering female physicists — past and present — who actually deserve the prize.

    Jocelyn Bell Burnell

    Perhaps the most famous snub(冷落): then student Bell discovered the first radio pulsars in 1967, when she was a PhD student at Cambridge. The Nobel prize that recognised this landmark discovery in 1974, however, went to her male supervisor, Antony Hewish. Recently awarded a £2.3m Breakthrough Prize, which she gave away to help under-represented students, she joked to the Guardian: "I feel I've done very well out of not getting a Nobel prize."

    Lene Hau

    Hau is best known for leading the research team at Harvard University in 1999 that managed to slow a beam of light, before managing to stop it completely in 2001. Often topping Nobel prize prediction lists, could 2019 be Hau's year?

    Vera Rubin

    Rubin discovered dark matter in the 1980s, opening up a new field of astronomy. She died in 2016, without recognition from the committee.

    Chien-Shiung Wu

    Wu's "Wu experiment" helped disprove the "law of conservation of parity". Her experimental work was helpful but never honoured, and instead, her male colleagues won the 1957 Nobel prize for their theoretical work behind the study.

    Lise Meitner

    Meitner led groundbreaking work on the discovery of nuclear fission. However, the discovery was acknowledged by the 1944 Nobel prize for chemistry, which was won by her male co-lead, Otto Hahn.


    We offer a full range of services to make your IKEA experience more complete:

Old Kitchen Removing Service

    Are you going to buy a brand-new kitchen in IKEA? So how to deal with your old kitchen at home?

    Don't worry! IKEA is now providing professional dismantling and removing service for old kitchen to you.

    By this service you can have your new kitchen at home easily. (For service detail and charge please go to the staff of kitchen department.)

    Transport Service

    Need a way to get your new home-furnishings home? You can rent a transport or hire us to deliver it for you. Just talk to our Customer Service department for details.

    Return Policy

    As long as the items are undamaged, unassembled(未组装的)and unused, you could return them in their original package within 60 days (IKEA FAMILY member within 180 days) together with your original receipt/invoice (bank card POS receipt is needed if you have paid this way), we will refund you the same way as you have paid. Sorry, we cannot accept exchange or return of food, plants, liquid bathing products, AS-IS products, customized products, kitchen electrical appliance and all products that have already been cut, sewed or painted.“The exchange and return policy above applies only to the products purchased from IKEA stores in mainland China”

    IKEA Restaurant/Café

    The restaurant/café serves both classic Swedish dishes and local favorites, and is one of the most popular areas of the whole IKEA store. Shopping at IKEA is fun and offers great value, but can also be hard work, so stop by and treat yourself to a refreshing drink and a bite to eat.


What is a boy?

    Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a "boy". Boys come in different sizes, weights, and colors, but all boys have the belief: to enjoy every second of every minute every hour of every day and to fill the air with noise until the adult males pack them off to bed at night.

    Boys are found everywhere—on top of, under, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around, or jumping to this and that! Mothers spoil them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers love them, and God protects them. A boy is TRUTH with dirt on its face. BEAUTY with a cut on its finger, WISDOM with chocolate in its hair, and HOPE of the future with a snake in its pocket.

    When you are busy, a boy is a trouble­maker and a noise. When you want him to make a good impression, his brain turns to jelly, or else he becomes a wild creature bent on destroying the world and himself with it.

    A boy is a mixture—he has the stomach of a horse, the digestion of stones and sand, the energy of an atomic bomb, the curiosity of a cat, the imagination of a superman, the shyness of a sweet girl, the brave nature of a bull, the violence of a firecracker, but when you ask him to make something, he has five thumbs (拇指) on each hand.

    He likes ice cream, knives, saws, Christmas, comic books, woods, water (in its natural habitat), large animals, Dad, trains, Saturday mornings, and fire engines. He is not much for Sunday schools, companies, schools, books without pictures, music lessons, neckties, barbers, girls, overcoats, adults, or bedtime.

    Nobody else is so early to rise, or so late to supper. Nobody else gets so much fun out of trees, dogs, and breezes. Nobody else can put into one pocket a rusty knife, a half eaten apple, a three­foot rope, six cents and some unknown things.

    A boy is a magical creature—he is your headache but when you come home at night with only shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them like new with two magic words, "Hi, Dad!"


Anew study suggests that Medicare could spend billions of dollars on screening (拍片检查) smokers for lung cancer that would be better spent on helping them quit and keeping others from starting.

The new study indicated that screening more often supported smokers' beliefs that they could safely continue to smoke. Most participants remained smoking because they believed screening could catch cancer early before it would threaten their lives.

"They compared how hard it was to quit smoking with how easy it was to be screened," said Steven B. Zeliadt, the lead author of the study." They engaged in magical thinking that now there's this wonderful painless external test that can save lives."

He and seven colleagues conducted the study of 37 current smokers who were offered lung cancer screening at Department of Veteran Affairs. After being screened and told the results, they were interviewed about their smoking-related heath beliefs. For about half of those, cancer was not found." Screening lowered their motivation for quitting," the team reported in July in JAMA Internal Medicine. The participants focused only on lung cancer, ignoring other potential harm of smoking.

A national study published four years ago found that annual CT screening for lung cancer three years in a row could reduce deaths among heavy smokers by about 20 percent. In an interview, Dr. Russell P. Harris, a preventive medicine specialist at the UNC-Chapel Hill, noted that" Screening is being believed by people as an alternative to stopping smoking. But stopping smoking would have huge benefits for the individual and society." Furthermore, smoking causes many other cancers.

Dr. Harris agreed that rather than screening, money is better spent on smoking prevention. He suggested providing free stop-smoking aids, sponsoring anti-smoking advertising and raising taxes on tobacco products and the age at which people are allowed to buy them.

