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题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题
Minoru Yamasaki was a well-known American architect(建筑师).He was born in 1912 in Seattle.Washington.His parents came from Japan.
Minoru went to college to study architecture.Every summer he worked in a fish factory to help pay for college.Often he worked from four o'clock in the morning until midnight.He slept in a room with 100 other men.Later in life.Yamasaki remembered these times and was always good to his workers.
Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work.Once he woke up at three o'clock in the morning.He got up and started to draw the building that was in his dream and he still remembered . Yamasaki used a new design for the buildings.These buildings are now the Century Plaza Hotel,and Tower in Los Angeles,California.
Yamasaki was different from other architects.His buildings give people a feeling of peace and happiness.Many of his designs have pools of water,flowers,and windows on the roof to let in light.He always designed buildings to please people.He wanted to give them a place away from the busy ways of modern life.
Yamasaki worked for several companies.But his success began when he started his own company.In 1956,he won the Architect's First Honor Award for his design of an airport in St.Louis.Missouri.He won two more awards over the next five years.In l962,he designed the World Trade Center in New York.It is very famous.
In l993,a bomb exploded(炸弹爆炸)in the World Trade Center.But the buildings did not fall down because they had a good design.
Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings.They had to be built his way.He refused to change the design of his buildings,even if he lost a job.
Minoru Yamasaki died in l986.He designed more than 300 buildings.People will enjoy the design and beauty of his buildings for a very longtime.

In the first paragraph the writer of the passage tells us  and  Minoru Yamasaki was born.

(2)、The buildings that Minoru Yamasaki designed are different from the other architects' because his buildings always make people feel and


Minoru Yamasaki was a well—known American architect.What is he famous for?

Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people have certain qualities, which others do not.
The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as people who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear aim and a reason for doing something because motivation(动机) is a key to getting success. If you do not have an aim, then you won't work hard and put your performance under the microscope(显微镜) to make sure that every detail is right.
Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity—thinking about things in a different way and wondering how others would do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
Reading is another to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have got success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have got amazing success in their areas of business.
Practicing is equally important if you want to be successful because practice makes perfect. Practise every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you as well. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more responsibility(责任). Finally if you are a successful person, you will be able to look people in the eye and smile confidently.
Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!
Title {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

 Certain qualities                Supporting details
 Optimism ●Try hard{#blank#}2{#/blank#} people who do expect to win.
●Have a clear aim and a {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  for doing something because a key to getting success is motivation.
Creativity ●_{#blank#}4{#/blank#} about things in a different way.
●Study how other people would do the{#blank#}5{#/blank#}  thing.
{#blank#}6{#/blank#}  ●Help you know about how {#blank#}7{#/blank#}  have got success.
●Read books about{#blank#}8{#/blank#}  people such as Bill Gates and Jerry                   Yang to encourage yourselves.
 Practicing ●Know the{#blank#}9{#/blank#}  of practice because “Practice makes perfect.”
●Believe in yourself and do _{#blank#}10{#/blank#} _you want to do confidently.

    Do you go to school by bus? It is very important for you to know how to be safe when taking a bus, no matter whether you like it or not.

    First, don't run to the bus stop, but walk. While you are at the bus stop, you should wait in a safe place. Do not run or play while waiting. And never get into a car with a stranger.

    Second, don't talk in a loud voice when you are on the bus, so the driver will not be disturbed(打扰). If you need to talk with the bus driver, you'd better wait until the bus stop. Never throw things on the bus or out of the windows. Never play near the emergency exit(紧急出口). When there is a fire, the most important thing is to break the window with a hammer(锤子) or any sharp(锋利的) things and then jump out.

    Third, when you are getting off the bus, make sure you walk (not run) three more steps away from the door. This is the best place to be around a bus. Stay away from the bus wheels and watch out for moving cars!

    Last, if you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you come back and he may begin moving the bus. Also, if you drop something near the bus, tell the driver before you try to pick it up, so he will know where you are.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} to be safe when taking a bus?

Before getting on a bus

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} to the bus stop.

Wait in a safe place.

Never get into a car with a {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

On the bus

Don't talk {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

Don't throw {#blank#}5{#/blank#} on the bus or out of the windows.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#} the window when there is a fire.

{#blank#}7{#/blank#} getting off the bus

Walk three more {#blank#}8{#/blank#} away from the door.

Don't {#blank#}9{#/blank#} back to the bus to get the things that you leave.

Tell the bus driver before you {#blank#}10{#/blank#} to pick up the things near the bus.


A. Talk it out

B. Remember your pet

C. What makes a pet die?

D. A new animal for you

E. Why am I feeling like this?

My pet died-how can I feel better?

    Every day when Elena came home from school, her cat Tomaso would run to great her. One day, Elena came home and her cat wasn't there. Her mom said that Tomaso had died.

    Who has pets?

    Millions of people across the world own pets. Maybe you have a pet, and maybe some of your friends do, too. A pet can be a special friend. It can play with you or just be with you when you don't feel like talking.


    Unluckily, pets can't stay with us forever. Like all living things, they will die at some point. Sometimes a pet dies from old age. Sometimes a pet dies from an accident. Sometimes a pet gets too sick to live.


    It's sad when a pet dies. You may feel lonely because your pet was your friend. To some kids, it may seem like no one understands what they are feeling. Someone said to Elena," You can get another cat. " But Elena knew she'd never have another cat just like Tomaso.


    Elena decided to talk with her parents. Elena's parents told her about the pets they used to have and how it was difficult to say goodbye. At first, it can be hard to talk about the pet you're missing. You might want to forget about everything instead. But talking with someone you love is the best way to help you start to feel better.


    When a pet dies, you and your family may want to find special ways to remember your pet. It can be a big help to share a sad thing with people you love. You might have a ceremony(仪式)for your pet or just share memories of fun times you had together. You might want to tell stories. You could write a poem, too. That's what Elena did.

