
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

    A study finds that not enough morning light causes teenagers not to get enough sleep at night. “As teenagers spend more time indoors, they miss necessary morning light. Day light is needed to keep the balance of the body's 24-hour biological system (生物系统), which regulates (调节) body temperature and sleep styles,”reports Dr. Mariana Figueiro. “These teenagers who receive little morning light are going to bed later, getting less sleep and doing badly in tests. They are more likely to fail in their exams.”
    In the study, Dr. Figueiro asked 11 students in Grade 8 to wear special glasses to prevent blue morning light from reaching their eyes. At the end of the 5-day study she found that they fell asleep 30 minutes later than usual.
    Throughout her research, Dr. Figueiro has been very worried about teenagers going to bed too late. The problem is that today's schools require teenagers to be in school very early in the morning. These students are likely to miss the morning light because they often go to school before the sun is up or as it's just rising.
    Furthermore (此外), the schools are not likely to provide enough electric light to keep the balance of this biological system. Our biological system is much more sensitive (敏感的) to blue light. Therefore, having lots of light in the classroom does not make sure that there is enough light to keep our biological system balanced.

(1)、Which of the following is the result of the study?

A、Blue light in the morning harms the biological system. B、Not enough morning light keeps teenagers sleep less. C、Not getting more light in the morning make teenagers happy. D、Not enough sleep makes teenagers fail in tests.
(2)、We know from the passage that morning light __________.

A、has the same effects as afternoon light B、may change studying habits of teenagers C、is important to children's biological system D、has no effect on students' tests
(3)、What's the problem of the students according to the study?

A、There are not enough electric lights in the classroom. B、Being in school early affects their study habits. C、They have to go to bed very early to have enough sleep. D、They go to school too early to get enough morning light.

    A hundred years ago, most people thought that human beings would never fly. And the idea of flying seemed crazy and dangerous. But as a new world full of new inventions(发明物)came, everyone was trying to break the old thoughts. So many inventors, like Orville and Wilbur Wright, tried to make a flying thing.

    Most plane inventors at that time were impulsive. They would think of an idea, make a plane as quickly as they could, and then try to fly it as soon as possible. All of them had the same result they took their planes home and they had no idea why they didn't work.

    However, the Wright brothers were much smarter inventors. They tested their ideas in smaller or safer ones before making a real plane. For example, the Wright brothers made a wind tunnel(隧道)to compare(比较)wing shape ideas. They also flew lots of kites to test their ideas. They studied the way birds fly through the air and tried to learn something from it when making their models. Finally, the Wright brothers felt they were ready to test their planes, but they needed to find the right place. They knew the right place to test their planes after writing to the US Weather Bureau for help. At last on December 17th, 1903, Orville and Wilbur tested the plane and they made it.

    The plane flied for twelve seconds and it traveled just 120 feet, but Orville and Wilbur were very happy. Their plane really worked! By the end of the day, both brothers had great successful flights(飞行), with Wilbur having a record of 852 feet in 59 seconds.

