
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity(繁荣). Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.

    I have taught many children who held the belief that their self-worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death affairs. In their single-minded pursuit of success, the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.

    However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society. Teaching these young people, I often observe in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: "I may have lost, but it doesn't matter because I really didn't try."What is not usually admitted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one's self-respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)can we discover a new meaning in competition.

(1)、Why are some people in favor of competition?
A、Because they think competition pushes society forward. B、Because they think competition improves social abilities. C、Because they think competition builds up a sense of pride. D、Because they think competition develops people's relationship.
(2)、What does the underlined phrase "the most vocal" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A、People who try their best to win. B、People who highly value competition. C、People who are strongly against competition. D、People who mostly rely on others for success.
(3)、Which viewpoint does the author agree to?
A、Self-worth relies on winning. B、Winning should be a life-and-death matter. C、Competition leads to unfriendly relationship. D、Fear of failure should be removed in competition.
(4)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
A、Competition helps to set up self-respect. B、People hold different opinions about competition. C、Failures are necessary experience in competition. D、Competition is harmful to personal quality development.

    Singapore is building an airport where indoor trees, waterfalls and a 'rain vortex' sit alongside check-in queues, waiting rooms and baggage carousels(传送带).

    Where once sat a car park, there will soon be thousands of trees and plants across 22,000 square metres of landscaped indoor parklands. This will be joined by a 40m-high indoor waterfall, expected to be the world's tallest. These are the plans for the new 3.5 hectare 'Jewel' development at Singapore's Changi Airport, scheduled to open in 2018; a five-story, 134,000 square metre complex, mixing natural outdoor plants with modern airport facilities.

    “The aim behind the introduction of such lush(茂盛的) landscaping is purely to provide all visitors with a memorable experience, one where they are surrounded by nature and greenery,”says Philip Yim, Chief Executive Officer of Jewel Changi Airport Development.

    Promised sustainability(持续性) measures include “extensive usage of photovoltaic panels(光电板)”to produce renewable energy, as well as encouraging the use of natural lighting and a “high efficiency” air-conditioning system.

    The indoor waterfall, named the “Rain Vortex”, will make use of special lighting effects to change at night into what is promised to be a dramatic light and sound show. “The Rain Vortex is one example of how sustainable design plays an important role in the planning of the attraction,” says Yim. 'In the event of a rain storm, the power of the rain water will flow naturally through the oculus. The excess rain water collected will be used for irrigation of the landscaping at Jewel.'

    Yim quotes the popular reputation Singapore enjoys as “the garden city”, where greenery is recognised as an essential part of the urban landscape, an attractive image which clearly inspires Jewel's design.

    However, it remains to be seen whether, beyond the aesthetic (审美的) appeal, Jewel can add genuine environmental things to something as un-environmental as an international airport.


    One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than 17 years old came forward.

    “What can I do for you, sir?”

    “I wish to buy a pair of socks.”

    His eyes glowed. “Did you know that you had come into the best place in the world to buy socks?” I had not been aware of that.

    “Come with me,” said the boy happily. He began to haul (用力拖) down from the shelves box after box.

    “Hold on, boy, I am going to buy only one pair!”

    “I know that,” said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Aren't they wonderful?” There was on his face an expression of joy, as if he were showing to me the mysteries of his religion.

    “My friend,” said I, “if this is not just the enthusiasm (热情) that comes from novelty (新鲜), if you can keep up this day after day, in ten years you will own every sock in the United States.”

    In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to serve him. And when finally some clerk does notice you, you are made to feel as if you were disturbing him. He displays no interest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell.

    Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so cold began his career with enthusiasm. As time goes by, the enthusiasm is gradually gone; his only pleasures were found outside of working hours. He became a mechanical (机械的), not inspired, salesman.

    I have observed such change in the lives of so many people in so many occupations that I have come to the conclusion that the fastest road to failure is to do things mechanically.


    Many animals recognize their food because they see it.So do humans.When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat.You can also use other senses when you choose your food.You may like it because if smells good or because it tastes good.You may dislike sonic types of food because they do not look,smell or taste very nice.Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food.A few animals depend on only one or their senses,while most animals use more than one sense.

    Although there are many different types of food,some animals spend their lives eating only one type.The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo.Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice. A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage,even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden.However,most animals have a more varied diet.The bear eats fruits and fish.The fox eats small animals,birds and fruits.The diet of these animals will be different depending on the season.

    Humans have a very varied(广泛的)diet.We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. In countries such as France and Britain,people eat foods with too much sugar.This makes them overweight,which is bad for their health.Eating too much red meat and animal products,such as butter,can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food,therefore,has become an area of study in modern life.


    You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below,who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams (1860-1935)

    Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community (社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson (1907-1964)

    If it weren't for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book SilentSpring raised awareness of the danger of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O'Connor (1930-present)

    When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator (参议员) and,in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

    On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil ­ rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,”said Parks.


    I'm big into reading, and since you're on this page, I guess you like reading as well. This page is an ongoing log of books I find to be awesome or useful. If you're looking to create a well-rounded, successful college experience, you can't go wrong with any of these.

    The Power of Habit

    This book is absolutely amazing. As it turns out, habits shape much more of our behavior than we realize. The habits we do have largely determine the progress (either good or bad) we make in life. Luckily, the way habits are formed can be understood—which means they can be changed—and The Power of Habit is the best overview of how habits work that I've ever read.

    A Mind for Numbers

    If you're looking for practical techniques you can use to increase your ability to learn new information effectively, you should read this book. Contrary to what the title would imply, Dr. Barbara Oakley's A Mind for Numbers is applicable to any learning discipline--not just math and science. This book will quickly give you an understanding of how your brain learns and encodes (编码) new information, and will also equip you with strategies for learning more while studying less.

    Brain Rules

    If you know how the brain works, you'll be better equipped to manage your own and understand the ones contained inside the heads of the people you know and meet In Brain Rules, John Medina expertly shows us how the brain does things, and lays out 12 rules that form a basis for using that pile of mush (糊状物) more effectively. It's not just an excellent brain book—it's an excellent business book and an excellent college success book as well.

    Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

    I firmly believe that a solid foundation of nutrition, exercise, and sleep will help you succeed in college better than any study hack, which is why I recommend this book. Reading it will educate you on how exercise affects your brain, which in turn will give you more mental ammunition (弹药) that you can use to shoot down excuses when you're feeling lazy or “busy”, and don't want to work out. By the way, how much exercise have you gotten today?

