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Hillary is one of the most famous women in America. Born in 1947, she lived a happy childhood. Her parents were open to anything that interested her. But they were also strict with her. When young Hillary got A grades at school, her father said the school must have been too easy. When she ran home from a bad school boy, her mother wouldn't let her in. “Go back and face up to him. There is no room in the house for a coward(懦夫)!”

Years later, young Hillary put all of her energy into politics(政治). As a student leader, she often discussed and researched social problems. In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. The two soon became partners in political activities and the journey of love.

Even after Bill was elected(选举)as president in 1992, Hillary didn't want to just be the president's wife. She worked on US healthcare. However, she was not popular with those against her husband. At that time, some people said she was too interested in politics. But Hillary kept her head held high, When she takes on a project, she works tirelessly until it is completed,”said Betty Lowe, an ole friend of the Clintons. "It's that kind of determination(决心)that will help her win the White House."She has made a decision that she will take part in the election of the next president in 2016。



Hillary, a   American woman

Her unusual experience

  • When she was a child, her parents were  with her.
  • She met Bill Clinton and   an interest in politics in university.
  • She is  of energy when working.


She has  to take part in the election of the next American president in 2016.

       When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends,having more influence on others and getting more chances to live a happier life.Here is some advice that can help you.
Be confident.Confidence attracts most people.Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world.Spend some time thinking about your strong points.If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won't have much difficulty fitting in.
      Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. When people notice your kindness,they will return it one day.Always give more than you receive,and think more of others than of yourself.A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.
     Be active in group activities.Various activities like playing football can help you to be known to others.You may add more friends to your circle.At the same time,you'll be amazed to see how much they like you. Instead of being alone to waste time,going out to dance and singing together with others to develop friendship.
       Be optimistic.Optimism makes both you and others feel pleased.It makes a good first impression. A pleasant smile costs the least and does the most.Humor catches others' attention as well.People will like you for making them live happily.
     If you follow what is mentioned above,you will be accepted by people around you.As a result,you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.



    In the village of Kila Raipur, people would like to take part in their unusual Olympics. Even though the villagers don't spend millions of dollars on the sport, these games seem to be much more fun than the real Olympics!

    Now in its 77th year, the sport took place in the village Kila Raipur in an Indian state from January 31st to February 3rd. A villager by the name of Inder Singh Grewal wanted to organize an event which would allow farmers to show their skills, keep their culture and just have a good time.

    Over the years, it has become popular and now includes not just the farmers, but also some of the world's finest athletes from 7 to 70 years of age. In keeping up with times, there are different modern sports, such as hockey and race and traditional ones such as tug-of-war and even Kabaddi.

    However, the ones that interest the biggest crowds are the special sports like the bull(公牛)races. In the races, bulls run at high speed against each other, with athletes balanced on small carts(手推车). Then there is the game that challenges athletes to lift bicycles with their teeth. Another sport is using their teeth to pull a car. If that is not special enough for you to get excited about this, there is a competition that allows a tractor(拖拉机) to run over an athlete's body!

    All in all, the sport not only tests the skills and strength of its athletes, but also cheers up people. The best part is that everyone, old or young, can take part in the sport. So it's no wonder that over 4,000 athletes and over a million watchers run into the small village of Kila Raipur, each year!

