
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It seems we're always being told to get more sleep. Studies suggest spending less time on sleep can lead to obesity(肥胖) and even cancer. You might even find yourself with a head full of false memories. But rarely does science explore the dark side of sleeping too much. That's because few of us in today's busy world have the luck of exploring that option.

    In an August 2018 study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers researched the sleep patterns of those "fortunate" few and found they may not be so lucky after all. In fact, they found people who get more than eight hours of sleep have greater health risk compared to those who sleep together less than seven hours. What's more, sleep-aholics-those who manage to get 10 hours a night-stand a 30 percent higher chance of dying compared to the seven-hour crowd.

    The wide-ranging global study involved(涉及) more than three million people who self-reported on their sleep habits and came to an eye-opening conclusion: If you tend to sleep a lot, you may want to buy an alarm clock. As with all things in life, sleep is best taken in moderation(适度).

    You may be thinking: What if I only sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, am I still at risk? The answer is yes, according to a 2019 study published in Current Biology.  Researchers discovered that even if a person sleeps more than seven hours on the weekends but still sleeps less than that on weeknights, they are at risk of gaining weight and developing sensitivity to insulin, which controls the level of sugar in blood.

    For the study, 36 participants were divided into three groups that each had a different sleep schedule: nine hours every night, five hours every night, and five hours from Monday to Friday and sleeping much on weekends. People who get too much sleep tend to feel tired and lack energy. Also, both sleep-deprived(睡眠不足的) groups consume more food and gain weight.

(1)、Why is the harmful effect of sleeping too much seldom studied?
A、Few people have time to sleep too much. B、Lack of sleep causes much more harm. C、It turns out to be a healthy sleep pattern. D、People's health has nothing to do with it.
(2)、What does the underlined words "those 'fortunate' few" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A、Those leading a relaxing life. B、Those getting too much sleep. C、Those with less time to sleep. D、Those with no sleep problems.
(3)、What can be learned from the 2019 study?
A、Sleeping much is particularly beneficial to hungry people. B、Many people sleep more on weekends than on weekdays. C、An alarm clock of high quality is important for good sleep. D、People who sleep much only on weekends also have health risk.
(4)、What is the main idea of the text?
A、It is necessary to save enough time for sleep. B、Too much sleep can result in gaining weight. C、Sleeping too much does harm to people's health. D、People can avoid sleeping much by eating healthily.

    On Tuesday, scientists announced that they have discovered the bones of four settlers in Jamestown, Virginia. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in what become the United States. The bones were unearthed under the floor of a Jamestown church which was discovered in 2010 and is considered as America‘s first Protestant church.

    The Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation at Historic Jamestowne and the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History announced that the settlers held high leadership positions. The men, Rev.Robert Hunt,Capt. Gabriel Archer,Sir Ferdinando Wainman,and Capt. William West, all played a role in the Jamestown settlement. After being lost to history for more than 400 years, the discovery of their remains provides new clues about their life and the importance of religion in the 1600s.

    “This is a very important discovery,” Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation President James Horn said in a statement. “These men were among the first founders of English America."

    About 100 people settled along the James River in what would become the first English settlement m 1607. During that time, settlers in Jamestown were faced with famine and disease The colony was nearly wiped out due to conflict with Native Americans in the area and with other English settlers.

    "They lived and died at a hard time in the history of the settlement , when Jamestown almost ended in  failure," Horn said. “The bones of these men help fill in the stories of their lives ”

    The Smithsonian and the Rediscovery Foundation found the remains in November of 2013. Scientists used 3-D technology to locate the exact gravesites of the men. The team wanted to identify its findings before announcing the discovery. They identified the men using historical records and studied the chemicals of the bones to learn what the men ate and where they came from.

    Findings from the burials will go on display within weeks at Historic Jamestowne. The site also plans to honor the men and will keep their bones in a safe place for future study.


    What do you use to unlock your cellphone? A password? A fingerprint? Or simply a glance?

    On September 12, 2017, Apple introduced its iPhone X, which has an eye-catching feature—Face ID.

    With Face ID, Apple says, you can unlock your new iPhone by just looking at it. It is powered by a so-called TrueDepth camera system built into the front of the iPhone X.

    When the camera system sees a person's face, it uses 30,000 unseen dots to “map” the shape and outline of the face. A mathematical model of the face will then be created and stored in the phone.

    The next time the person looks at the iPhone X, the same dots are mapped onto his or her face and compared to the stored model. If the two match, then the phone unlocks. This happens in less than a second.

    Apple says the system is smart. If you change your hairstyle, put on sunglasses or makeup, or use the phone in the dark, Face ID still works.

    Although the technology sounds fancy, there are still concerns. For example, will Face ID work for twins?

    According to Apple, the chance of others to unlock your iPhone X using Face ID is one in a million. Face ID can tell the difference between twins, but the error rating(出错率)rises. So one would need to set a password then.

    Apple also emphasizes that Face ID only unlocks when you stare at it. It is what Apple calls “attention aware”. So the phone won't unlock if you are just glancing at the phone for the time. It won't work either if someone puts the phone at your sleeping face or your photo.


    As is known to us, Washington University in St. Louis became the first college in the United States to ban (禁止) selling bottled water in 2009. Since then, more than a dozen small colleges and schools have done the same. The ban isn't because the schools don't want students to have easy access to water. Instead, the goal is to encourage students to bring reusable bottles to save money and, more importantly, to save the environment.

    Many people believe that producing and using bottled water not only wastes money but also harms the environment. They say that bottled water is unnecessary because public water supplies in the U.S. are among the best in the world. These people believe that water fountains and reusable bottles with easy access to filling stations are a better choice.

    But the makers of bottled water argue that plastic bottles make up a small portion of the nation's total waste. They say it's unfair to single out (单独挑出) their product when so many other items are packaged in plastic containers, and what's more, water is a healthy choice compared to some sodas and juices that are also sold at school.

    What do you think: Should sales of bottled water be banned from schools? We want to hear your opinion. Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you@timeforkids.com. Your response may be published in a future issue of Time For Kids. Please include your grade level and contact information for your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline (截止时间) for responding is August 31, 2012.


    Field Trip Day

    On Friday, May 16, our class will take a field trip to North Park Zoo. The zoo has lions, elephants, and other interesting animals. Many of the animals we have been studying will be there for us to closely examine.

    Our class will be divided into six teams. Each team will have five students and one leader. The leaders are listed in the table.

Team 1

Miss Banker

Team 2

Mrs. Lopez

Team 3

Mr. Harper

Team 4

Miss Abel

Team 5

Mr. Soto

Team 6

Mrs. Thomas

    What You Need to Know

    The cost is $1.00 for students to enter the zoo. We will leave the school at 9:00 a.m. and return at 2:30 p.m.

    On the morning of the trip, the students will be divided into teams. One student from each team will receive a camera. The cameraman will take pictures of the team, the animals, and other fun sights at the zoo.

    All members should wear blue shirts. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes because we will be walking all day. Please bring a bag lunch and a drink. We will have a picnic at the park inside the zoo. Bring a healthy snack, such as a piece of fruit and a drink, for later in the day.

    When we are at the zoo, always remain with your team. Do not leave the team without asking permission from the team leader.

    Feeding the Animals

    The ONLY animals that students are allowed to feed are those in the children's Zoo. Special food can be bought at the zoo for 25 cents and given to these animals. Do not feed your lunch to them. It is not food for the animals.


    Someone sent me an email urging me to acquire a lot more resources, suggesting could do so much more good if I had an 8 or 9 figure net income of 6 like I've been doing for years. He claimed to have acquired a great deal of wealth himself and found it highly beneficial to fueling his path with a heart.

    As I consider his suggestion, I find myself not having much clarity(清晰的思维)as to what I'd do with I million or 10 million more money flowing through my life. I put so much attention on creativity, fulfillment, exploration, relationships, etc. that I find it difficult to intelligently imagine how more financial resources could provide extra fuel for that, except in small ways or in ways that aren't particularly meaningful to me.

    Lately I've been considering what it would be like to deliberately reduce my income for a while and see if I could live on much less,just for the experience. What if I capped my net personal income at $10,000 per year, for instance? That isn't such a big deal to me, though, since I already went through a period of low income like that during the 1990s, and I learned that I could still do what I love regardless of income.

    I've never worked in a business environment-the only job I've ever had was working for $6/hour in a video game store while I was in college. So I've never seen how larger operations allocate resources. That's probably why I haven't pushed myself to acquire more. As I mentioned in my book. Money and Your Path With a Heart,my main financial goal in life was to make money irrelevant in my life.

    I'm not interested in building an empire. What interests me is exploring personal growth and sharing what I learn along the way. In some ways I feel that acquiring and acquiring and allocating more resources could become a big distraction. I'm already doing what I want to be doing, so why rick distracting myself to acquire more resources, especially when I lack the idea about how I should treat such resources? I like having freedom and flexibility,and I don't really see how more resources would meaningfully improve that.


    When I was a kid, I was the girl who kept the training wheels on my bike as long as possible. Even my younger sister had got rid of them much earlier than me. But as I began to grow older, this changed.

    All this happened on the Bike Safety Day. It is supposed to be a fun day at school when all of us kids bring our bikes to school and the school provides us with the opportunity to ride outside and learn proper bike safety. Sounds like fun, right? No. In fact, it caused me to panic. What was I going to say when my friends asked me about my training wheels?

    With the pressure of everyone seeing my training wheels, I determined to let them go. This was the first big change I'd ever made on my own.

    I went to my parents and told them all about my dilemma. They were more than happy to help. We went outside and got my bike. Instead of running away and hiding behind, I stood in front of my bike and took great pride in my decision as my dad removed the training wheels.

    I got on and steadied myself. My heart raced but my feet and hands were calm. My dad started to push before my feet even moved and suddenly I was off. The fear faded away and a relaxed mind came into its place. It was crazy to think how quickly I learned something that took so long for me to even try!

    My confidence soared. This was going to be the start of a brand new world for me. My accomplishment would carry me forth to new goals and wins. I realized that if I set my mind to something, I could achieve it.

