
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

鲁教版(五四制)初中英语八年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷


    Harry is eighteen years old now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a famous man. So they tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man comes back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy anything in the shops.

    Once Harry's father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. Leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all that her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldn't do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didn't know where to get on the bus! Yesterday Harry's mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didn't know how to choose. The woman had a size and gave him a shoe pattern and told him to buy a pair of shoes himself. It was Saturday that day and Harry didn't go to school. With a policeman's help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked," What's the matter, young man?"

    "I'm sorry. I've left the shoe pattern at home!"

(1)、_________ always does some housework in the morning.
A、Harry's father B、Harry's mother C、Harry D、Nobody
(2)、Harry's parents do all instead of him because _________.
A、he's too young B、he has poor health C、he's busy with his studies D、they hope he spends all time on studies
(3)、The woman had to look after her son by herself because _________.
A、her husband wasn't at home B、she was stronger than her husband C、she knew the young man well D、she was freer than her husband
(4)、When the man was in London, ___________.
A、Harry had to stay at home B、Harry didn't find the bus stop C、Harry fell behind in his class D、Harry wouldn't go to school
(5)、The boy didn't buy the shoes because ___________.
A、he didn't find the shoe store B、he didn't have enough money C、he tried on the shoes by himself D、he didn't believe himself at all
   There were two McDonalds—Mac and Dick—and they were brothers. In 1948, they owned a restaurant in California, they liked working in the restaurant, but they got tired of the customers ordering so many different things to eat.
   “If we gave customers a smaller menu, we could make some of the food before they came, and they wouldn't have to wait so long for their meals," said one of the brothers. The other brother agreed and said, "And if we made the customers come to the counter, we wouldn't need any waiters or waitresses. We could also use plastic plates so there wouldn't be any washing-up.”
   These were such good ideas that McDonald brothers used them, and the customers were very pleased. They got their meals very quickly—in less than a minute—and they paid only 15 cents for hamburgers and 10 cents for fries. The first McDonald's restaurant had no seats for customers to sit on. This meant that people had to take their food away, and that no one had to clean up any tables after them.
   Then a man called Ray Kroc came to the brothers and asked to buy their business. They agreed to sell it to him for$27 million. After that, people paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants using the McDonald's name and menu. Before long, there were McDonald's restaurants all over the United States, and nowadays, they are all over the world—even in China and Russia. The most successful McDonald's business is in Hong Kong of China. The Hong Kong McDonald's sells more hamburgers every day than any other McDonald's anywhere else in the world.
   McDonald's restaurants are so successful because children love going to them. They like the food, and they like the toys and games they can get at McDonald's.


    It all started at the beginning of the fifth grade. At first, Carmen wasn't really sure what was happening. In class, she had to squint (眯着) her eyes to see the blackboard clearly. She had to do the same thing when she read street signs, or when she watched a movie.

    It wasn't long before Carmen found herself squinting all the time, but she didn't want anyone to know that. One day, she asked for a desk closer to the blackboard. Her teacher asked if she had trouble seeing the blackboard. Carmen shook her head, but she knew she couldn't pretend(假装) much longer.

    At home, she had to sit closer and closer to the television while watching her favourite shows. Her mother noticed that and said, "Tomorrow I'm calling the eye doctor to get an appointment for you." Three days later, Carmen had" new glasses and the doctor told her to wear them all the time. Carmen frowned in the car the whole way home.

    "All of the kids at school will think I'm a nerd." she said.

    "You look just as beautiful with those glasses on as you do without them," her mother smiled and said. But Carmen didn't believe her.

    The next day, Carmen kept the glasses in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. She avoided her friends and stood alone, feeling unhappy. Suddenly, she heard her friend Tracy shout. Carmen ran over. "What's wrong?" she asked.

    "My silver ring is gone!" Tracy cried. "It's very special and I can't lose it!"

    Carmen could tell that Tracy was very sad. They all looked for the ring in the grassy area of the playground.

      ▲   She took the glasses out and put them on. She caught, her breath. Everything looked so different! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a glimmer of silver caught her eye. It was the ring.

    "Here it is. I've found it!" She handed it to Tracy.

    "Thanks, Carmen. I never thought we'd find it," Tracy paused. "Hey, I didn't know you wore glasses. They look great!"

    Carmen had forgotten that she was wearing the new glasses. "Thanks," she replied shyly. As they walked back towards the school building, two more girls from her class complimented (赞美) her on her glasses. Carmen smiled. "Maybe wearing glasses won't be so bad after all," she thought.

