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题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册Unit 9自主检测


    12-year -old American boy Maxwell Daley just grew a pumpkin(南瓜) that weighs 582. 5 pounds (1 pound is about 0.45 kg). He won first place in the seventh annual Largest Pumpkin Contest at the Kentucky State Fair. And he received the $500 (about 3, 334 yuan) top prize.

    Maxwell is a seventh grader at Grayson County Middle School. At the age of 8, he became interested in growing huge pumpkins after seeing them at the state fair.

    Maxwell is a boy of few words. But he shared his secret of growing a big pumpkin" We put lots of special fertilizers(肥料) on it. We put it in the shade(阴凉处) and put a canopy(遮篷) over it. Lots of weeds(杂草) need to be pulled," he told local media Franklin Favorite.

    His father Joe Daley also added that it started by picking the right seed this year, Daley paid $ 40 for his pumpkin seed and worked hard every day to grow it. He also needed to keep the pests(害虫) out. "It turned into a pretty big job. He did all the work," Joe said.

    This winning giant pumpkin was the only one he grew this year. According to the rule, Maxwell has to take part in the Largest Pumpkin Contest for years to come.

(1)、How much does Maxwell Daley's pumpkin weigh?
A、262 pounds. B、About 262 kg. C、500 pounds. D、About 582.5 kg.
(2)、How many Largest Pumpkin Contests had been held before Daley won the prize?
A、One. B、Six C、Seven. D、Eight.
(3)、We can infer that Maxwell Daley is a(n)       boy.
A、outgoing B、honest C、quiet D、understanding
(4)、What did Maxwell Daley ever do so that he grew such a large pumpkin?

①add special fertilizers②water it more③put it in the cool place④put cover on it  ⑤take out weeds

A、①②③ B、①④⑤ C、①③④⑤ D、①②③④⑤
(5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、12-year-old Maxwell Daley studies in a school in Canada. B、Maxwell Daley received the $ 3,334 top prize. C、Maxwell Daley has been interested in growing pumpkins for eight years. D、It cost Daley $ 40 to buy his pumpkin seed.

    Manu,an eight﹣year﹣old boy,was sleeping comfortably in his bedroom.After a weekend break from his school,Manu failed to get up on time on Monday morning again.

    "Manu,wake up.It's time for you to go to school,"shouted out Manu's mother,

    Akhila,from the kitchen.Manu pulled the blanket over him and pretended he didn't hear his mother's repeated shouting."Manu! Please wake up!It's already 6:30and your school bus will be here in ten minutes.Wake up and get ready."

    After much yelling,Manu finally got up lazily when the school bus stopped in front of the house.Akhila had to ask the driver to wait for a few minutes.She quickly helped Manu get ready and helped him get on his school bus.

    "Phew!Manu didn't miss his bus today.Akhila sighed and thought to herself."What should I do with this boy?Manu neither wakes up on time nor completes any of his daily tasks at the right time.It's time to teach him a lesson."

    The next morning,Akhila was in the kitchen as usual.Everything seemed normal in the house except for the  unexpected silence.

    Manu finally woke up at around 9o'clock.He looked at the clock and ran to the kitchen,crying out,"Mamma!Why didn't you wake me up?I am really late for school."He couldn't stop crying."I have a maths test today and Madam Mangat will punish me if I miss her class and the test!"Madam Mangat was the strictest teacher in Manu's school.The fear of missing her class made Manu cry even louder."Mamma,what should I do now?Please help.I promise I will wake up every day on time."

    Akhila could no longer see her son crying and said,"Just promise me one more thing that you will do your daily task on time without pestering you to do it.

    "Sure Mamma!I promise!

    Akhila said in a loving voice."I have already got permission from your math teacher and she has allowed Myou to take up the test today."

    Manu hugged his mother."Mamma!Thank you."He quickly got himself ready for school without any help from Akhila.

    On the way to the school,there was silence in the car but a smile on Akhila's face.

