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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Going back to school can be an anxious time for many students. But one institution in Texas is doing its part to make sure middle schoolers are returning refreshed and inspired to learn.

    Through a process called the "bathroom inspiration project," teachers and administrators at Warren Middle School, spent their summer beautifying the school's restrooms by painting motivational murals (壁画) on each of the stalls (小隔间).Forming messages like "Your mistakes don't define you" and "Scatter (撒播) kindness," the brightly colored words are exactly what a young student needs to see when having a rough day-or any school day for that matter. And now that classes are officially in session, people are already noticing a positive impact.

    Since posting photos of upgrades to the school in July, Principal Joshua Garcia says that the alterations have aroused a great response.

    "Students have been talking about the murals from the moment the pictures had been posted. Some even took the time to find a reason to come up to the campus to see the murals," he says." I think what makes this small little action so valuable is that it has set the tone for our campus."

    And not only is that important to students, parents, and fellow staff, but it is also vital for the school's new principal, who is trying to gain the trust of the community during a time in which trust is so necessary for schools.

    "Being new to the campus, I think the parents were able to see how much I value their children and have their best interest at heart," Garcia continues. "I have had many parents tell me how they can just feel a difference in the campus climate and how much they are enjoying seeing their children wanting to come here. These murals have put trust back in the campus and its teachers, and by doing so we are able to build a culture in which our students want to be here and learn."

(1)、What has happened at Warren Middle School?
A、Painting has become popular among most students. B、Some students have suffered great anxiety at school. C、Its toilets have been beautified with inspiring words. D、Motivational murals have been made in each classroom.
(2)、What does the underlined word "alterations" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A、Rules. B、Arguments. C、Changes. D、Opportunities.
(3)、What's students and parents' attitude toward those murals?
A、Negative. B、Ambiguous. C、Uninterested. D、Supportive.
(4)、What does Garcia intend to do according to the text?
A、Reduce increasing anxiety. B、Build an artistic atmosphere. C、Create a trusting environment. D、Introduce a new culture to society.


    If you want to disturb the car industry, you'd better have a few billion dollars: Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies. But in agriculture, small farmers can get the best of the major players. By connecting directly with customers, and by responding quickly to changes in the markets as well as in the ecosystems(生态系统), small farmers can keep one step ahead of the big guys. As the co-founder of the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC, 美国青年农会)and a family farmer myself. I have a front-row seat to the innovations among small farmers that are transforming the industry.

    For example, take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester, a tool developed just a couple of years ago by a young farmer, Jonathan Dysinger, in Tennessee, with a small loan from a local Slow Money group. It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour—a huge improvement over harvesting just a few dozen pounds by hand—suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California. Before the tool came out, small farmers couldn't touch the price per pound offered by California farms. But now, with the combination of a better price point and a generally fresher product, they can stay in business.

    The sustainable success of small farmers, though, won't happen without fundamental changes to the industry. One crucial factor is secure access to land. Competition from investors, developers, and established large farmers makes owning one's own land unattainable for many new farmers. From 2004 to 2013, agricultural land values doubled, and they continue to rise in many regions.

    Another challenge for more than a million of the most qualified farm workers and managers is a non-existent path to citizenship — the greatest barrier to building a farm of their own. With farmers over the age of 65 outnumbering(多于)farmers younger than 35 by six to one, and with two-thirds of the nation's farmland in need of a new farmer, we must clear the path for talented people willing to grow the nation's food.

    There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy, but farmers can't clumsily put them together before us. We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation, as we push for immigration reform, and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farms from all backgrounds. With a new farm bill to be debated in Congress, consumers must take a stand with young farmers.


    There has long been a notion (观念) that money buys happiness. However, although "we really, really tried that for a couple of generations, it didn't work," said Francine Jay, author of The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life.

    Thanks to a travel inspired revelation (启发), Jay has been happily living a simpler life for 12 years. "I always packed as lightly as possible, and found it exciting to get by with just a small carry on bag," she told CNN. "I thought if it feels this great to travel lightly, how amazing would it be to live this way? I wanted to have that same feeling of freedom in my everyday life."

Jay decided to get rid of all her excess (额外的) possessions and live with just the essentials (必需品). "I wanted to spend my time and energy on experiences, rather than things."

    Jay is a follower of a movement called "minimalism (极简主义)". Growing numbers of people have been attracted to this lifestyle all over the world. They share the same feeling of disappointment with modern life and a desire to live more simply. Minimalists are typically progressive and concerned about the environment, Leah Watkins, a lead researcher at Ota go University in New Zealand, told Stuff magazine in March.

    But many simply experienced unhappiness caused by owning too many possessions. Depression with the materialism of our world isn't new. English romantic poet William Wordsworth summed up how dispiriting (令人消沉的) this was back in 1802, at the beginning of the industrial age, when he wrote: "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers". His preference was to go back to nature. Closer to our own times, the hippies (嬉皮士) of the 1960s also sought to "drop out" of modern life.

    And for many minimalists, their key is to unload. Without objects, they "believe people are forced more and more into the present moment and that's where life happens," wrote Stuff.

But does simplicity ever feel like a sacrifice (牺牲)?

    "It's eliminating the excess﹣unused items, unnecessary purchases﹣from your life. Well, I may have fewer possessions, but I have more space …Minimalism is making room for what matters most," said Jay.

    And "the real questions", according to Duane Elgin, US social scientist, are "what do you care about?" and "What do you value?"

    He told CNN: "It's important for people to realize minimalism isn't simply the amount of stuff we consume. It's about our families, our work, our connection with the larger world, our spiritual dimension. It's about how we touch the whole world. It's a way of life."


    "IF ALIENS are so likely, why have we never seen any?" That is the Fermi Paradox(悖论) named after Enrico Fermi, a physicist who posed it in 1950.

    Fermi's argument ran as follows. The laws of nature supported the appearance of intelligent life on Earth. Those laws are the same throughout the universe. The universe contains zillions of stars and planets. So, even if life is unlikely to arise on any particular astronomical body, the sheer abundance of creation suggests the night sky should be full of alien civilizations. Fermi wondered why aliens had never visited the earth. Today, the paradox is more usually cast in light of the inability of radio﹣telescope searches to detect the equivalent(相等的) of the radio waves that leak from Earth into the universe, and have done for the past century.

    Thinking up answers to this apparent contradiction has become something of a scientific parlour(客厅)game. Perhaps life is really very unlikely. Perhaps the priests are right: human beings were put on Earth by some creator God for His own unknown purposes, and the rest of the universe is merely background scenery. Perhaps there are plenty of aliens, but they have decided that discretion is a safer bet than gathering together. Or perhaps galactic(银河的) society avoids communicating with Earth specifically. One frightening idea is that technological civilizations destroy themselves before they can make their presence known. They might blow themselves up after inventing nuclear weapons (an invention that, on Earth, Fermi had been part of), or cook themselves to death by over﹣burning fossil fuels.

    In a paper published last month on arXiv, an online repository(文献库) , a group of three astronomers at Pennsylvania State University have analyzed the history of alien hunting and come to a different conclusion. In effect, they reject one of the paradox's main theory. Astronomers have seen no sign of aliens, argue Jason Wright and his colleagues, because they have not been looking hard enough.


    We were silently waiting on the platform in the late afternoon. There he was, my 80-year-old grandfather with his silvery hair. And there I was, a teenage girl in my jeans and T-shirt. His aged but still clear blue eyes were taking in the scene as I wondered how I was going to get through the next two days. Why did I ever agree to accompany my cranky grandpa on a train ride from New York to Georgia?

    No one else wanted to be the fellow traveler since my grandfather refused to fly. In contrast, I loved to fly since I wanted to get to the destination as quickly as possible. No matter what anyone told my grandfather about the comfort and safety of flying, he refused to book a flight, saying, "It's not just the trip; it's the adventure of getting there."

    With my first step onto the train, the journey was already different from what I expected. The train was modem and filled with friendly travelers. We settled into the club car, where we could enjoy food and drinks while watching the scenery pass. Instead of listening to my music, I became a willing audience and learned family history that I had never had the time or patience to learn. With teary eyes, he told me that going to family events was hard for him since my grandmother died. It always made him think about those who were no longer with us. For the first time I felt I understood him. I gained a new appreciation for our time together.

    In this fast-paced world, we often miss important moments. There is great significance in listening to elders who offer a piece of their history and experience. I may be more open to opportunities to stay with my grandpa. Life isn't just about the destination; it's about the journey.


    Nasr Majid started hunting this fall at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (保护区)on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in USA, He's one of the relatively few new hunters who officials hope will help stop a nearly four-decade decline nationally in what has become a hobby for fewer than 5 percent of Americans.

    Natural resources and wildlife, officials in Maryland are encouraging hunting of deer, turkeys and some other wild animals, which is believed to be good for the environment. Without hunting, they say, sika deer will overpopulate the wildlife refuge and they'll overeat the bushes and other plants that provide important habitat for birds. On the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay, hunting is also important to prevent the spread of diseases such as Lyme.

    In many families, the hunting tradition has been handed down for generations^ But as longtime sportsmen age and children lose interest, the number of hunters in the United States fell by 2 million, from 2011 to 2018, to about 11 million.

    "Everything is changing. Kids are growing up in front of video games and computers instead of going hunting." said Chris Markin, a hunting specialist for the state natural resources department. "Adults usually focus on working and providing for their families. Those pressures are preventing many other potential hunters from going out, and from raising the next generation of hunters."

    To avoid such a decline, a new approach is needed. Government agencies and nonprofit groups are now launching mentoring (指导) programs to train more hunters, which not only helps preserve an industry and a culture but also means more protection for wildlife and their habitats through deer population control and investment.

    Luckily, there are those still eager to learn, like Majid. He was just looking for an outdoor hobby he could share with his children when he came across the mentors-hip program. Now, he feels capable of hunting on his own, but also has someone he can text with questions that pop up. His new pastime has already paid off for him—on his second hunt with his mentor, in the last minutes of daylight, he bagged his first deer.


This document sets out the display standards for Glasgow Museums. This guide will help exhibition planners provide access to exhibitions in our museums. Glasgow Museums' aim is to improve access to collections by having as many items as possible on display and without physical barriers. We also try out best to protect these objects without limiting access to them.

Object Placement

·Don't place objects in such a way that they could present a danger to visitors.

·All object displays, cased or otherwise, must be viewable by all, including people who are small in figure or in wheelchairs.

Open Display

·All objects on open display must be secure from theft and damage.

·All objects identified for potential open display must be viewed and agreed on an object-to-object basis by the Security Manager of the museum.



Recommended distance to place objects out of “casual arm's length”(taken from the edge of the object to the edge of any proposed form of barrier)


*In some cases, 600mm may be acceptable, provided the plinth height is above 350mm.

Cased Objects

·All cased displays should fall within the general optimum(最优的)viewing band of 750-2000mm. Ensure everything is visually accessible from a wheelchair.

·Position small objects or those with fine detail in the front part of a case, with larger items behind.

·Position small items or those with fine detail no higher than 1015mm from floor level. Objects placed above this height are only seen from below by people in wheelchairs or people who are small in figure.

