
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents﹣ the ones who1 all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. Sometimes watching kids 2 without jumping in to fix it for them is the 3 thing parents can do. I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little 4 that's real life and Mom (or Dad) won't always be there to give help. So, let kids 5real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes 6 learning from making mistakes.7 other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 8.What matters in learning? It isn't about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have9to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. That is what I think10should do for kids: give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves.

A、take away B、bring in C、put off D、give out
A、succeed B、study C、fail D、pray
A、happiest B、hardest C、easiest D、luckiest
A、because B、but C、so D、and
A、know B、learn C、get D、experience
A、actually B、simply C、hardly D、gradually
A、From B、With C、By D、In
A、result B、process C、goal D、cost
A、abilities B、money C、chances D、energy
A、parent trainers B、adults C、teachers D、parents

Few parents can hear the words "What can I do to help?" from their kids. Teenagers spend more time on video games, computers and mobile phones, so they help less with housework.

Students at a primary school in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits. But some parents are strongly against the idea. They can't see the advantages of students doing such chores. They think that the school should provide students with a proper education, not the chance to be school cleaners.

In fact, parents, schools and society play an equally (同等地) important role in developing the character of students. It is good for schools to give students such tasks, because few of the students will do them at home. Their parents want them to do homework only.

In recent years, some parents will make mountains out of molehills when students are asked to do some chores in schools. Some will complain the teachers if their kids get hurt in schools; some will even challenge the schools' teaching methods and management. As a result, many primary schools, especially those in big cities, do not let students join in outdoor activities during breaks, fearing that they might get hurt. This is bad for the development of students' best qualities.

What the primary school in Fuzhou doing is worth praising. Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility (责任感) into students' minds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamwork. Also, it can make students' in-school experiences more meaningful.


①Have you ever thought about what's more important, looking fashionable or feeling comfortable? You might have noticed many people choosing style over comfort and some even go to extremes(极端)to follow fashion. But we should remember: being fashionable isn't everything. It's more important to be healthy.

②Some people believe that they need to be a certain size to look good. So, they start extreme diets(日常饮食) that are not good for their health. They might not eat meals or eat too little, which can make them feel sick. Is it a healthy way to live?

③Also, many girls wear shoes with very high heels. They might think high heels make them look taller. But these shoes can actually hurt their feet and make it hard to walk comfortably, and it can increase risks of falls. Some even wear tight(紧的)clothes that influence blood circulation(循环), making it hard to breathe. Should we put fashion over comfort and physical health?

④Besides, some boys and girls spend a lot of time and money changing their hair color. The material they use is usually harmful to their health, To make their hair straight or curly, they also use tools that are hot enough to burn their hair. But using these tools too often or at very high temperatures can make the hair dry or even burnt. Is it really worth it to risk our health, spending so much time and money?

⑤So, let's rethink what's really important. Is it fashion or is it our well-being? Clothes or hairstyles don't tell us anything about a person's character. Instead of spending a lot of time choosing clothes, we could use that time to do fun things with friends. And instead of following extreme diets,let's eat properly and exercise regularly. Remember, your worth is not decided by your appearance(外貌), but by who you are as a person.

