
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    After a long day at work, coming home is a breath of fresh air. Home is a comfortable place to sit back and relax.  Below are a number of things we can do to create a healthy home environment that will help to ease the workday stress and promote our physical and mental health.

    Cleaning the house regularly is the first thing we should do. It may seem like a tiring thing to clean but there is a reason for doing so. We can remove dust by cleaning the house. Leaving layers of dust everywhere means that there is a build-up of dust. And where do these layers of dust go?

    Making sure the rooms are full of sunlight is also important. We may not realize it but sunlight is an important part of our growth. We all know that sunlight promotes better working conditions.  Think about using a Parans system where sunlight does not reach. This technology gathers the sunlight by using solar panels. It can send out sunlight wherever we are.

     Going green will help to remove toxins(毒素)in the air. They also give off oxygen, which can lower stress and improve our moods.

Along the lines of being green, it can also be vital to think about what things we are bringing into the house. Try to avoid specific plastics that are harmful to health.  They may contain poisonous chemicals that can be breathed in, or simple absorbed through the skin.

A. Into our lungs.

B. However, is it as healthy as it can be?

C. Is our home as comfortable as it used to be?

D. It is also a good idea to add more plants in our house.

E. The same thing applies to things like carpets and paint.

F. Besides, it can reduce both stress and high blood pressure.

G. It is acknowledges that a greener lifestyle is linked to better health.


What you should do before and after an interview

      Wear the right outfit and bring copies of your résumé.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} One good idea is to check with human resource before the interview to get a feel of what you should wear.Although you're sure the company has your résumé,it never fails to bring copies of yours just in case your interviewer needs to look at it and doesn't have it in front of her.

      {#blank#}2{#/blank#}  Be aware of how you're carrying yourself during an interview,because your posture,eye contact,and relaxed position can impress your interviewer.Remember to sit still and straight and don't fidget(坐立不安).

      Be on time or slightly early.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Showing up too early can make things awkward,and showing up too late is a red flag.But just because you only have to get there shortly before the interview starts it doesn't mean that you can leave your house later.Plan to be near the interview spot a lot earlier than when it starts to account for unexpected delays like traffic,and hang around in a nearby coffee shop until it's close to the interview time.

      {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Make sure you've prepared a list of good questions to ask your interviewer at the end.Pay attention throughout the interview,so you'll have questions related to what the hiring manager talked about.This shows that you're actively listening.

      Send a thank-you note.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} This is something that's appreciated by a lot of recruiters(招聘人员).It's also your chance to make a final impression or clarify anything you didn't get around to in your interview.

A.Give the right answer to the question.

B.Have the appropriate body language.

C.Prepare the right questions for the interviewer.

D.Always send a thank-you note after the interview.

E.Try to take part in as many interviews as possible.

F.Make sure you know what the dress code is for the office.

G.Turning up five to 10 minutes early is the sweet spot for interviews.


    Tiny Tomatoes

    Tomatoes come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. And the little tomatoes are some of the most fun to grow and are perhaps the most rewarding. 
    Little tomatoes are classified into plum, cherry, grape or currant (醋栗) tomatoes.   {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Plum tomatoes are the largest of the groups listed, and currant tomatoes are the smallest. There are also differences in color, flavor and skin thickness, but these differences are more relative to specific varieties.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Plum, cherry and other small tomato types are fun to grow because they always produce abundant crops of flavorful fruit. They are fun to snack on while working in the garden or while daydreaming about working in the garden.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}They are typically sweeter than large tomatoes, and little tomatoes contain less juice and fewer seeds than large tomatoes.

    To grow little tomatoes, select a site that receives at least six to eight hours of full sun per day. Use a large container set in a sunny spot if a sunny planting site is otherwise unavailable.”

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}You could also plant seeds, but already-started plants will provide fruit much more quickly. Water infrequently to help plants grow deep roots before the heat of summer arrives.

    Harvest fruits when they are ripe. They will generally slip from the plant at this point.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Store harvested fruit indoors and unrefrigerated as cool temperatures change the flavor.

A. The best time to grow tomato plants is March.

B. Differences in size matter most commonly here.

C. They are also influenced by growing conditions.

D. Then select plants from the garden center or farmers.

E. All of them are delicious and almost of the same size.

F. These are good additions to salads and cooked dishes.

G. But they should feel firm in your hand at the same time.


How to Use Social Media Positively

    Nowadays so common is Social media in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it, whether it is Twitter, Facebook or even Pinterest. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving society and we are addicted to social media. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    So how does one ensure a positive online reputation? It's simple:

    Keep it clean. Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos? {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity and your skills.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You have a private Twitter account so you can post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case. Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but it's not impossible. Under no circumstance should you rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate contents.

    Ensure you're careful and professional. Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} In this way, you can earn approval.

    Follow these simple rules and you're on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation. Using social media positively doesn't mean you can't have fun and use it to express yourself; however, you want to ensure that you're OK with anyone seeing everything you post.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} So your post can get your friends active and happy.

    Like it or not, your social networks reflect you ── make sure you look like the shining star that you truly are. Try to do everything as well as you can.

A. In fact, we long for social media and need it.

B. Social media is very fast to use but very difficult.

C. Don't trust privacy settings at all.

D. Be entirely sure about what you're posting.

E. Once you click post, there's no looking back.

F. Make sure your post is written personally.

G. Try to do everything as well as you can.


How to Treat Hoarding Disorder(囤积症)

    Many of us struggle to part with treasured belongings, but for years Stephanie Evans felt too hard to leave everything she'd ever bought. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Her bedroom, meanwhile, was so full of piles of clothes that, until recently, she had to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

    Stephanie suffers from hoarding disorder, thought to affect an estimated 3.4 million people in the UK to some degree. But, like many, she didn't think it was something doctors would treat. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} In fact, hoarding is recognized as a psychiatric disorder(精神疾病) by the World Health Organization. It can be associated with other mental health conditions such as depression and social anxiety, etc. Those affected people will collect anything, such as clothes, newspapers, photos, even printouts of emails.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If a person lost something important in the childhood, he or she would resist any further losses. That's why hoarders refuse to part with things. Hoarding can have far-reaching effects on a person's life. People can lose their children and their homes due to hoarding.

    Hoarding disorder, like many other illnesses, can never really be “cured”. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Clearing out someone's overcrowded house is rarely effective on its own, because he or she will just fill it up again. If and when hoarding disorder is diagnosed, the mental health professional, the patient's primary care physician, and any specialists or other professionals involved will work together to develop a coordinated treatment. For most people with hoarding disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy(认知行为治疗) with a mental health professional is the first choice treatment. It can often help the hoarders accept that there is a problem, and then possibly develop solutions.

    Because hoarding disorder is still relatively new as a distinct condition, treatment plans may be somewhat less standardized. For instance, there is still disagreement regarding if and how to use medicine to treat hoarding disorder. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. So she didn't seek any help.

B. Hoarders may also have problems planning and organizing.

C. However, it can be successfully treated with the right mix of treatment methods.

D. The common time for it to come is when people are middle-aged or older and living alone.

E. Hopefully, some people with the condition do seem to respond well to certain kind of medicine.

F. As a result, her hallway and living room were packed with towering stacks of books and magazines.

G. One theory is that having experienced loss in the past can make people suffer from hoarding disorder.


Can We Stop Food Longing Through Imaginary Eating?

    Are you fighting an urge to reach for chocolate? Then, let it melt in your mind, not in your mouth. According to the recent research, imagining eating a specific food reduces your interest in that food, so you eat less of it.

    This reaction to repeated exposure to food—being less interested in something because you've experienced it too much—is called habituation. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The research is the first to show that habituation can occur through the power of the mind. “If you just think about the food itself—how it tastes and smells—that will increase your appetite,” said Carey Morewedge, a well-known psychologist. “It might be better to force yourself to repeatedly think about chewing and swallowing the food in order to reduce your longing. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Visualizing yourself eating chocolate wouldn't prevent you from eating lots of cheese,” he added.

    Morewedge conducted an interesting experiment. 51 subjects were divided into three groups. One group was asked to imagine putting 30 coins into a laundry machine and then eating three chocolates. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Another group was asked to imagine putting three coins into a laundry machine and then eating 30 chocolates. Lastly, a control group imagined just putting 33 coins into the machine—with no chocolates. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When they said they had finished, these were taken away and weighed. The results showed the group that had imagined eating 30 chocolates each ate fewer of the chocolates than the other groups.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Physical signals—that full stomach feeling—are only part of what tells us we've finished a meal. The research suggests that psychological effects, such as habituation, also influence how much a person eats. It may lead to new behavioral techniques for people looking to eat more healthily, or have control over other habits.

A. What's more, this only works with the specific food you've imagined.

B. People were advised to try different methods to perform the experiment.

C. For example, a tenth bite is desired less than the first bite, according to the study.

D. All of them then ate freely from bowls containing the same amount of chocolate each.

E. It meant those who repeatedly imagined eating would concern about some specific food.

F. This requires the same motor skills as eating small chocolates from a packet, the study says.

G. This study is part of the research looking into what makes us eat more than we actually need.


    How do you relax after a stressful day in the office? There are many ways to help you relax. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits are great for our stressed-out lives. I am talking about the activity of forest bathing.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It was introduced as a national health programme by the country's government. Stressed Japanese workers are today still relaxing and reconnecting with nature. The Forest Therapy Society has certified 62 forest therapy sites in the country and the forest bathing movement is also booming in other parts of the world. It says, "Just as bathing in a hot spring helps to soak your cares away, going for a walk in the woods is said to have a comforting effect."

    Forest bathing is about taking time to wander through woodland with no fixed plan or route and just expose yourself to the forest atmosphere. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}That's particularly good for people with mental health issues. A study conducted in 24 forests across Japan found that walking among trees lowered blood pressure, the pulse rate, thus improving our immune systems.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Another study carried out a few years ago by Stanford University in the US, found similar benefits. Brain scans showed reduced activity in an area of the brain linked to the risk of mental illness in participants who took a 90-minute walk among oaks, birds and squirrels. One of the researchers, Gregory Bratman, said, "There's an increasing body of evidence showing that natural areas benefit us at least emotionally with our mood and our physical development too." The evidence seems clear that forest bathing is a shot in the arm for stressed-out workers. So now is the time to get out and lose yourself in the natural environment, {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. But the best way lies in the great outdoors.

B. Connecting with nature has never been more urgent.

C. Forest bathing is rising in popularity around the world.

D. Having this exposure to nature seems to promote well-being.

E. You could even hug a tree as it could be your new best friend!

F. The Japanese concept of forest bathing dates back to the 1980s.

G. It also found forest bathing can decrease stress, anxiety, and depression.

