
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Our mood may change suddenly like a storm with lightning and thunderbolts that comes without notice.

    The good news is that bad moods can leave as suddenly as they have come. Exceptions to this rule of course are cases where there are other problems such as depression or any other mental destruction.

    How to improve your mood?

    When you understand that you are not feeling happy but you are in depression or disappointment, then you can use these simple techniques that will be able to change the negative situation and improve your mood . Exercises, gymnastics and sports help a lot to achieve a better emotional balance. If you feel that you are in a bad mood, take a hot bath or sauna. .

    Watch a movie, read a book or talk to a friend.

     . When you leave work or home, go to places that make you happy and calm. This helps to improve your mood.  

    Make relations with happy, optimistic and pleasant people.  . Positive and optimistic feelings that create positive thinking for the future will help you overcome your bad feelings and defeat your bad mood.

    When the problem of bad moods, frustration and negative emotions beyond normal situations becomes chronic (长期的), it is important to turn to a specialist for help.

A.The relaxation of the muscles will help.

B.Change your environment.

C.Use physical activity to fight against feelings of depression.

D.This can help you improve your mood significantly.

E. First you have to learn to recognize when you are in a bad mood.

F. There are ways to improve your mood.

G. Changes in feelings and mood can happen for various reasons.


    It's well-known by all the people to greet friends with a smile and a wave.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, what happens if your face and body send mixed messages? Would someone tend to believe the look on your face or the way you behave?

    Recently, scientists have dealt with these questions. They found that when a person is staring at your face, he might not believe what he sees if your body doesn't match the feeling that your face shows.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Previous study had showed that the tone of a person's voice can be more important than the words spoken. For example, most people are more likely not to believe a person who says in a flat voice, "I'm so excited."

    When talking about emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language, most scientists suspected that the face was more important. To test if this was true, psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated faces and isolated bodies that showed anger or fear,{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips. A frightened face had high eyebrow and a slightly open mouth{#blank#}4{#/blank#} A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square, as if ready to fight back.

    These results told the researchers that mixed messages can confuse people. Even when people pay attention to the face, body language surely influences the emotion they read.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}And if you want to be understood it helps to avoid sending mixed messages.

A. Studying such mixed messages is nothing new for scientists.

B. So, your body language is important for telling people your feelings.

C. Scientists feel new to study the mixed message that puzzles people,

D. An angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle, as if ready to fight.

E. Body language can sometimes be misunderstood in different culture backgrounds.

F. They also showed pictures where angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies.

G. When doing this, your face and body work together to show your friends that you are happy to see them.


    While your teen may get by OK by waiting until the last possible second to complete his high school science experiment or his math project, procrastination (拖延症) can be a big problem later in life. Your teen's future boss or college professors aren't likely to accept late work-- or the excuses that accompany delayed projects. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}That means managing his time wisely without requiring constant reminders of assistance from you to get his work done. Here are some steps you can take to teach your teen essential time management skills:

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}If you're always running late or you miss a lot of deadlines, your teen will follow suit. Practice managing your own time wisely and show your teen that you can accomplish the most important tasks in any given day.

    Encourage your teen to write down his schedule. Your teen's time may easily get taken up with video games or social media if he's not careful. Teach him to schedule his day so he can set aside time for chores, homework, and other responsibilities. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Then, time doesn't idly pass without feeling like he hasn't done anything fun.

    Help your teen prioritize( 划分优先顺序) activities. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}A basketball game and birthday party may coincide. Talk to your teen about how to prioritize activities, based on his values and commitments.

    Avoid nagging (唠叨). It can be annoying to nag your teen or offer repeat reminders. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Set rules about your expectations and follow through with consequences when necessary. Then, your teen will learn to manage his time better in the future.

A. Model good time management habits.

B. Encourage him to schedule free time as well.

C. Encourage your teen to establish healthy habit.

D. it's common for teens to have conflicts in their schedules

E. It's important to teach your teen how to behave responsibly.

F. As a result, many of them have to learn how to manage their time repeatedly.

G. and telling your teen to do his work over and over again reduces his responsibility.


    Everyone needs a break, and vacations are not meant for serious study. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The Spring Festival is around the corner so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey. Before getting into the recommendations, you need to determine your English reading comprehension level. If you're at the beginner level, there are two options: reading a children's book or reading a book that you've read in Chinese translation.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} If you're at the intermediate level, popular books like pop fiction, mysteries and thrillers are good options. For advanced readers, classic works of literature or modern prize winners (Nobel, Pulitzer) are good options.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}When I pick up a book I like, even though the first few chapters are really hard to get through, I would try to get accustomed to the language the author uses. Generally, after the first few chapters, things get a lot easier, especially if I get involved in the story.

    Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a friend who's interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Some quick recommendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by U.S. writer Michael Crichton; and if you like horror, U.S. writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Happy reading!

A. If you pick a book which is so challenging, it will be too stressful.

B. The most important thing is to pick a book that you're really interested in.

C. You may also enjoy your reading when hanging out with your family.

D. You should just find a topic or author you're interested in, and the rest will go from there.

E. You can also discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail.

F. Instead, they're a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.

G. This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases, since you're already familiar with the story.


    Food safety is a problem in all places around the world and people in different areas of the world prepare foods in different ways. The WHO released (发布)five simple rules for preparing food in a safe way. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Key 1: Keep clean.

    The first key tells about the importance of washing. People should wash their hands often——before touching food, while they are preparing food, and any time after they go to the toilet. People should wash all surfaces and equipment used for preparing food. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Key 2: {#blank#}3{#/blank#} 

    People should separate raw生的, or uncooked food from foods that are already cooked and foods that will not be cooked. People should store raw meat, chicken, and fish in containers, or in separate areas. Raw foods should not touch prepared foods.

    Key 3: Cook completely.

    People should cook eggs and meat, like birds, seafood, and animals, especially carefully. These foods may carry more micro­organisms than other foods. Food like soup must be boiled for at least a minute to make it be cooked completely. It is also important that people re­heat cooked food completely.

    Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures.

    When people are finished with eating, they should keep the left food in a refrigerator below 5℃ and shouldn't store it for too long. At room temperature, about 20℃, the amount of micro­organisms微生物 can increase增加 very quickly. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment.

    Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Damaged or old food may develop harmful chemicals化学物 as it gets older.

A.They call these rules the “Five Keys to Safer Food.”

B.Eat cooked food immediately, while it is still hot.

C.People should also protect cooking areas and food from insects and animals.

D.Keeping everything clean helps people to avoid micro­organisms.

E.People should use safe water and choose fresh foods.

F.Separate raw and cooked.

G.But temperatures above 60℃ or below 5℃ control控制 the growth of micro­organisms.


    With busy schedules and limited hours of daylight, some runners find their only me to run is in the darkness of early morning or evening.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. But if you have to run at night or in the early morning, make sure to follow these guidelines. Choose a Well-lit Route.

    It might not be your favourite route to run, but the most well-lit route is your first choice. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} and you'll always be able to see the road and avoid potential hazards.

    •Always Run Against Traffic

    It's easier to avoid cars if you can see them coming. Avoid busy roads and those with no shoulders or sidewalks.

    Run With a Friend

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. If possible, try to never run alone. If you're running alone, let someone know the route you're running and approximately how long you will be out.

    •Watch Out for Bikes and Runners

    Even if you're running on a path or in a park with no cars, always be aware of other runners and cyclists. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. This advice applies to running in both daylight and darkness.

    •Put Away Your Music

    Make sure you leave your radio, MP3 player, or iPad at home. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. You can't hear oncoming cars, cyclists yelling to move, dogs, or any other potential threat.

A. Oncoming cars see you better

B. There's strength and safety in numbers

C. Running in daylight is always a safer choice

D. A headlamp is also an essential item for runners

E. Before you stop or turn around, make sure your path is clear

F. Cutting off your sense of hearing leaves you at a disadvantage

G. Put your driver's license in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe

