
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    There once lived a rich businessman who had a lazy son. The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labor.

    One day, he told his son, "Today, I want you to earn something. If you fail, you won't have your meal tonight."

    The boy didn't want to find a job, so he asked his mother for help. She gave him a gold coin. In the evening, when the father asked his son what he had earned, the son showed him the gold coin. The father then asked him to throw it into the well (水井). The son did as he was told.

    The father guessed that the gold was from the boy's mother. The next day, he sent his wife to her parents' home and asked his son to earn something. Since no one helped him, the son had to go to the market to look for a job. A shopkeeper told him that he would pay him a coin if he carried heavy tools for him. The son accepted. As he returned home and gave the coin to his father, he was asked to throw it into the well. The boy cried, "Dad! My body is aching. I'm tired. How are you asking me to throw my hard-carned coin into a well?"

    The businessman smiled. He told his son that one feels pain only when the fruits of labor are wasted. The son realized the value of hard work. He promised not to be lazy any more.

(1)、Who helped the son when he was asked to earn something for the first time?
A、His father. B、His mother. C、His sister. D、The shopkeeper.
(2)、The underlined word "aching" has the similar meaning with "________".
A、Painful B、hopeful C、helpful D、powerful
(3)、Why did the father ask the boy to throw his coin into the well?
A、To fill the well. B、To check if the coin is real. C、To keep the coin for the boy. D、To check if the boy had earned the coin by himself.
(4)、How did the son feel when his father asked him to throw the coin into the well again?
A、Surprised B、Sad C、Excited D、Relaxed
(5)、The story is mainly about _________.
A、a wise father B、a gold coin C、the fruits of labor D、a lazy boy

    She was a poor child, but proud and arrogant(傲慢的), and people said she was nothing but rude and impolite. When but a very little child, she had pleasure in catching flies to pull off their wings, stick them on a pin and watch them try to get off it.

    As Inger grew up she became even worse instead of better. She was very pretty, and that increased her arrogance. "You'll bring misfortune down upon you," said her own mother to her. "As a little child you often used to break things, and when you're older, I fear you'll break my heart." And she really did. Then she was sent into the town to be in the service of a rich family. They treated her as kindly as if she would have been their daughter and dressed her so well that she looked more beautiful.

    When she had been there for about a year, her mistress(女主人) said to her, "You are supposed to go back and visit your parents, little Inger." So she went, but only because she wanted to show them how fine she had become. When she reached the village, and saw her poor mother resting herself on a stone nearby, with a number of firewood. Inger turned away.

    Another year went by. "You must go and visit your old parents," said her mistress." Here's white bread for them." So Inger put on her new shoes, and walked carefully so that her shoes would stay clean and neat. When she came to somewhere dirty, she threw the bread on the ground and use it as a steppingstone to get across. But once she stepped on it, the bread went down quickly, carrying with the girl into the deep.

    Soon nothing could be seen but a black pool!


    Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai on December 11th, 1911. He is known as "the father of China's space program" and "The king of the rocket".

    When he was 24 years old, Qian went to America for further study. After graduation, he worked in America for a few years, where his working conditions were better. In the early 1950s, he heard New China had been founded(成立) and decided not to stay in America any longer. He succeeded in coming back to his motherland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him.

    In 1956, Qian Xuesen suggested setting up a special organization, which later became the leading organization for China's rocket and air travel program. In June 1964, China successfully created its first medium rocket. Qian also played an important role in developing China's first man-made satellite(卫星). On April 24, 1970, "Dongfanghong-I was successfully sent into the air."

    In 1964, a young man wrote Qian Xuesen a letter and pointed out a mistake in his published article. Qian immediately answered the letter and encouraged the young man to write an article out the mistake.

    Zhu Yilin, who was said to be the last student of Qian Xuesen, once said, "I learned a lot of professional knowledge as well as the spirit and attitude that a scientist should have from Mr. Qian, especially his deep love for the motherland. Without that, they couldn't have helped to develop science and technology when New China was badly development. Without that, he would not have made the great contribution(贡献)to industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s when conditions in China were too hard

    Mr. Qian has been dead for ten years, but he will live in the memory of Chinese people forever.

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Environmental protection is one of the hottest topics nowadays. It was also something that ancient Chinese paid great attention to. In fact, the world's earliest environmental protection idea, ministry (部门) and law were all born in China. How did the ancient Chinese protect the environment?

The world's earliest idea of "managing state affairs政事)through environmental protection"

Xunzi, a famous thinker in the Warring States Period, came up with the idea of "managing state affairs through environmental protection". He wrote in his book that vegetation(植被)should be protected well by humans.

Guan Zhong, a government officer 400 years ahead of Xunzi, was also an environmental protection expert. He said "a king who cannot protect his vegetation is not doing a good job".

The world's earliest environmental protection ministry"

Nine ministries set up by Shim, an ancient Chinese emperor, included "Yu"(虞) , an environmental protection ministry. Hie first " Yu'' leader was Boyi, an environmental protection expert. He invented wells so people could drink clean water. He knew a lot about animals and also called for animal protection.

The world's earliest "environmental protection law"

Over 4, 000 years ago, Dayu, an ancient Chinese water-control expert and also an emperor, made a rule, not allowing people to cut down trees in March or catch fish in June, because it was the time when they grew quickly.

Almost 3,000 years ago, Tianlv, the first environmental protection law, appeared in Qin. It recorded many ancient environmental protection rules. Two of them were interesting: firstly, rivers should not be blocked(堵塞); secondly, grass and trees should not be burned to be fertilizer (肥料)except for summer. The second one is inspiring even for today. It can help to keep air clean and fresh.

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