
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:容易

初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious.同步练习


    Mr Smith had a week's holiday, so he said, "I'm going to see the sea by train." He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the railway station and got onto the train. He wore a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window during the trip and looked at the beautiful scenery. But suddenly the wind pulled his hat off.

    Mr Smith took his old bag and threw it out of the window quickly too. The others in the train laughed. "Is your bag going to bring back your beautiful hat?" they asked.

    "N0," Mr Smith answered, "but there is no name or address in my hat, and there's a name and an address on the bag. If someone finds both of them, he or she will send me the bag and the hat.''

(1)、Mr Smith went to have his holidays for           .

A、nine days B、half a month C、seven days D、eight days
(2)、Mr Smith put his head out of the window to           .

A、see the beautiful scenery B、say goodbye to his friends C、throw his hat out of the window D、say hello to the people outside
(3)、Mr Smith is going to           during his holiday.

A、visit his friend B、see his parents C、enjoy himself on the train D、see the sea
(4)、Why did Mr Smith throw his old bag out of the window?

A、Because he hoped someone would find his bag. B、Because he hoped someone would send back his bag and hat. C、Because he hoped his bag would bring back his hat. D、Because he hoped the people in the train would laugh.
(5)、From the passage, we can see that Mr Smith Was a         .

A、clever man B、rich man C、foolish man D、poor man

    One day, Jack received a call. It was his mother: "Mr Depp died last night," his mother said. Memories flashed through Jack's mind like an old film. He sat quietly remembering his childhood days. It had been so long since Jack thought of the old man who used to live next door. In fact, he had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his family.

    "Well, he didn't forget you," his mother continued. "Every time I saw him, he'd recall the days you spent with him."

    "He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important," Jack said. "Mum, I'll be there for the funeral."

    Though Jack was very busy, he kept his word. He flew to his hometown. After the funeral, Jack and his mother looked at the old house next door one more time. Standing in the doorway, Jack stopped suddenly.

    "What's wrong, Jack?" his mother asked.

    "The box is gone," he said. "There used to be a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd ever tell me was 'the thing I value most'."

    About two weeks later, Jack received a parcel (包裹). On it, the name Harold Depp caught his attention. He couldn't wait to open it and a small gold box appeared in front of him. In it, there was a beautiful gold pocket watch with a note. Jack's hands shook as he read these words: Jack, thanks for your time! Harold Depp.

    "The thing he valued most…was…my time." Jack held the watch for a few minutes, and then called to cancel his appointments (预约) for the next two days.

    "Why?" Janet, his assistant, asked.

    "I need some time to spend with my mother, wife and son," he said. "Oh, by the way, Janet…thanks for your time!"

