
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    After years of trying, our neighbors convinced my parents that ice fishing would be a fun winter getaway from our dairy farm. Before that, their idea of entertainment involved driving around the countryside to see how the neighbors' crops were doing.

My parents eventually built a fish house and set it up on Wood Lake. We excitedly headed for the lake on many January and February weekends. By the time we arrived at our favorite fishing spot across the lake each day, somebody had usually made a clear path across the ice. The fish houses were together at the best fishing spots, forming some kind of a neighborhood.

    Our house was large enough so all four of us could fish at the same time. Each corner had a square cut out of the floor. We sat in comfort. You'd think ice fishing would be cold, but we had a small woodstove (木炉) inside, and we put snow around the bottom of the house to keep the wind from blowing underneath.

    Besides the thrill of watching your bobber (钓鱼浮标) dip below the water, lunch was always the highlight of the day. Mom would fry pork or hamburgers in a pan. The smell of cooking meat was the envy of every other fish house in the neighborhood.

    Our days passed with a mix of quiet time and family chatter. We talked about the farm or school. And of course, we shared fishing advice. Part of the fun of ice fishing was learning to understand and trust the sounds of the frozen lake. Healthy ice "talks" as it freezes and shifts. You could often hear the sound of a crack traveling through the ice.

    People who have never tried ice fishing may not think it sounds very exciting, but it was for us. Fishing trips were an adventure. We didn't always catch fish, but we always brought home great memories of a day with family and friends.

(1)、Which is true about entertainment for the author's family before the fishing trips?
A、They enjoyed visiting the countryside. B、They had little choice for entertainment. C、They preferred to take care of their farm. D、They loved to do research on growing crops.
(2)、Why did the author put snow around the bottom of the fish house?
A、To protect the fish house. B、To follow an old local tradition. C、To block the wind underneath. D、To sit in a comfortable position.
(3)、What can be inferred from the text?
A、The author's mom was not quite interested in cooking. B、The author's family shared fishing advice with each other. C、The author considered those trips enjoyable and meaningful. D、The author's family usually fished alone, far from the crowd.

     Becoming Refreshed without sleeping

Sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and get a good night's rest.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Once in a while you can get away with a sleepless night and still feel reasonably good by adjusting your meals and activities.

     {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The last thing you want to do when you are tired is get warm and cozy, this will cause you to fall asleep. Keeping the air conditioner on will make you feel much more alert and refreshed.

     Eat small amounts. Eating small amounts of healthy food will help refresh you. Fruit and nuts are a good choice because they are nutritious and will energize you {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Try to stick to low carbon meals to keep you going. Chewing gum after your snack or small meal will also help keep you awake.

     Keep it bright. When it is dark your body thinks it is time to go to sleep. Turn on lots of lights, which will trick your body into waking up and feeling better. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You get double the benefits if it is daytime.

     Take a break. Taking a little break will help you in the long run. Turn up some energizing music to get yourself positive. Relax and talk to a friend in person or on the phone for a few minutes.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Keep it cool

B. Calm down and sleep

C. Avoid big, heavy meals as they will make you tired

D. Going outside whether it is day or night for some fresh air

E. Missing sleep regularly can make you sick and should be avoided

F. When you are tired, you may just want to sit around and do nothing

G. Having a good time for a few minutes will refresh you quicker than anything else.


    One of my first memories as a child in the 1950s was a discussion I had with my brother in our tiny bedroom in the family house in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

    We had heard in school about a planet called Pluto. It was the farthest, coldest, and darkest thing a child could imagine. We guessed how long it would take to die if we stood on the surface of such a frozen place wearing only the clothes we had on. We tried to figure out how much colder Pluto was than Antarctica, or than the coldest day we had ever experienced in Pennsylvania.

    Pluto, which famously was downgraded from a “major planet” to a “dwarf planet”(矮星) in 2006, captured our imagination because it was a mystery that could complete our picture of what it was like at the most remote corners of our solar system

    Pluto's underdog discovery story is part of what makes it so attractive. Clyde Tombaugh was a Kansas farm boy who built telescopes out of spare auto parts, old farm equipment and self-ground lenses. As an assistant at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, Tombaugh's task was to search millions of stars for a moving point of light, a planet that the observatory's founder thought existed beyond the orbit of Neptune. On February 18, 1930, Tombaugh found it. Pluto was the first planet discovered by an American, and represented a moment of light in the midst of the Great Depression's dark encroachment(入侵).

    Pluto is much more than something that is not a planet. It's a reminder that there are many worlds out there beyond our own and that the sky isn't the limit at all. We don't know what kinds of fantastic variations on a theme nature is capable of making until we get there to look.


    Everything was put neatly into my suitcase.I'm a flight attendant.I'm so organized,my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store.My husband's half of the closet?Just thinking about it made my head ache.I carried my suitcase downstairs.Bill was in the kitchen cooking.Looking at the messy kitchen,I shouted,“Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill looked hurt,“What?” I sighed and left for the airport.

    On my last flight,an elderly couple had the seats in my section.They held hands during takeoff.Later I caught them looking into each other's eyes.Something about that look was familiar.Then I realized:it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs.I couldn't resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together,”the man said, “and never take each other for granted.”

    His words circled in my head long after we landed.Bill wasn't perfect.But then,was I?I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness,his ability to see the bright side of every situation-qualities that ran so much deeper,the reasons I had married him in the first place

    I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said.“I miss you too,Kim,” he said.As soon as my flights were over,I rushed home.Bill met me at the door."I have a surprise for you."he said and led me into the kitchen.I glanced around the room.He really had worked hard.In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave floor,I could see our reflection in it:my husband and I,our smiles glowing with love for each other,just like in our wedding photos.


    “The failure to play is now a serious issue and it calls for action for change,” says Sir Ken Robinson, a leading expert in education, creativity and human development. This is the driving force behind Outdoor Classroom Day—a global teacher-led campaign, supported by Dirt is Good, a company producing daily chemical products.

    Outdoor Classroom Day, taking place on 17th May and 1st November this year, will see schools around the world swap the inside for the outside and take learning into the playground and beyond to make playtime a key part of the school day. This might involve using natural objects like stones to do sums, or going on an insect hunt to encourage curiosity. By now, Outdoor Classroom Day has grown from a grassroots movement to a global campaign that is expected to benefit five million children and over 40,000 schools from all around the world in 2018.

    This is helping to change the trend that sees many schools selling up or building on their playgrounds and cutting back on playtime to make more room for academic studies, while at home children's lives are increasingly filled with organized activities intended to help them learn. Today globally 61% of parents surveyed in the Dirt is Good Qualitative Study said that children don't know how to play without using technology.

    Outdoor Classroom Day is making playing time happen, with 22% of participating schools having increased their playtime since joining the campaign. 93% of teachers surveyed saw improvements in children's creativity after playing outside, and 97% believe that time outdoors is necessary for children to reach their full potential.

    Scientific studies show that real play—the active, physical, self-directed play—is essential for children to develop key life skills that are not taught elsewhere. Few would question the value of developing creativity, leadership, resourcefulness, and curiosity.


    When I graduated from high school, I wanted to major in comparative literature. But, once I found out my friends were going into "real" majors, like marketing, nursing, and engineering, I figured I needed to do the same to ensure a good career. So I changed my mind and chose Business Management as my major. I forced myself to believe that I would enjoy it and succeed in the future, but eventually I exhausted myself understanding the economy and trying new marketing techniques. Coming out of this experience, I realize it is ok to be different from others and to study things like art history and other majors offered in the College of Humanities(人文学科)!

    The worries most people have about a Humanities degree and finding a career afterwards are that the majors are too abstract, and one will not obtain any applicable skills. Actually ideas discussed in Humanities classes, which are occasionally different from what people commonly believe, offer a broad perspective(视角). How could one effectively be an unbiased(无偏见的)writer with only a knowledge of the popular opinion of society? How could one speak persuasively with closed minds? Only seeing the world through a single perspective leads to missed learning, missed friendships, and missed growth! With a broader perspective, we'll be freer, more open-minded, and less limited in what we can become!

    STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) graduates learn actual skills in their studies, while humanities majors learn “soft skills” like communicating effectively through writing critically and speaking persuasively, synthesizing(综合)ideas through gathering and interpreting information, and developing cultural awareness. Do those soft skills sound useless and inapplicable to you? Think of it. How often do you communicate with others? Produce ideas? Encounter people from other cultures? Every day. Every SECOND of every day. So why not master these skills?

    If you choose a major in the College of Humanities, you will be needed. The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist's grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. Your skills will be valuable to any workplace you hope to be in. Chase after your dream major with all your energy, no matter what other people think.


Destination Travels

78 Soho St,

New York, NY

Dear Ms Pierce,

    Thank you for trusting Destination Travels for your honeymoon plans. This letter includes all the information regarding the flights and accommodation arrangements we have already agreed on.


Flight No.

Place/Time Depart

Place/Time Arrive

August 6

UA 674

New York, JFK 6:30 AM

Puerto Rico Int. Airport 9:00AM

August 15

UA 673

Puerto Rico Int. Airport 1:00 PM

New York, JFK 3:30 PM

    On arriving at Puerto Rico Int, Airport, a representative of The Caribbean Hotels &Resorts will be waiting for you in order to transfer you to the hotel. The transfer to and from the airport is offered by the hotel as part of your honeymoon package. The reservation has been made for a nine-night stay under your future husband's last name. The price of the newlyweds' suite includes breakfast and one more meal at the hotel restaurant. You can also use all of the hotel facilities—pool, gym, sauna, etc. for free as part of your honeymoon package. In addition, you can take scuba diving or snorkeling classes with the hotels trained staff at a reduced price—40% off.

    Thank you for choosing Destination Travels. We guarantee your honeymoon with us will be an unforgettable experience. To aid us in improving our service, please visit our website at www. destinationtravels.com and complete the questionnaire.

    Destination Travels wish you all the best.


Rebecca Simms

Customer Service Manager

Destination Travels

